FAX Number 335-1821
Chair, David Peate, 115C TH 335-1801
Departmental Administrator, Angela Bellew, 115D TH 335-0150
Academic & Office Coordinator, Alexandra Geraets, 115 TH 335-1818
Director of Graduate Studies, Jeffrey Dorale, 35A TH 335-0822
Director of Undergraduate Studies,
Bradley Cramer, 35B TH 335-0704
Director of Undergraduate Honors, Bradley Cramer, 35B TH 335-0704
Academic Advisor, Hannah Whitcomb DeHague, 255 TH 335-1889
Environmental Sciences Program 335-1818
Program Director, Andrew Forbes, 434A BB 335-3006
Academic Coordinator, Emily Finzel, 15A TH 335-0405
Chair, John Solow 335-0845
PhD Program Director, David Frisvold, W282 PBB 335-0957
Undergraduate Program Director, Jennifer Fuhrman, S322 PBB 335-0925
General Information 335-5359
FAX Number 335-5386
Dean, Daniel L. Clay, N201U LC 335-5380
Exec Asst to the Dean, Bettina Hass, N201T LC 335-6182
Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs,
Pamela Wesely, N201N LC 335-5261
Admin Services Manager, Sarah Lobb, N201R LC 335-4787
Education Studies and Human Relations B.A.
Director, Kathy Schuh, N304 LC 335-5667
Associate Dean for Research, Saba Rasheed Ali, 361 LC 335-5495
Associate Dean for Teacher Education and Student Services
Mark McDermott, N201H LC 335-5591
Student Services Coordinator, Sue Cline, N310G LC 335-5260
Budget Financial Officer, Emily M. Campbell, N201S LC 335-5308
Senior Accountant, Kyle Marxen, N201 LC 335-6367
Office of Assessment Director, Jeremy Penn, N459 LC 335-5371
Application Developer, Michelle Yu, N438B LC 335-5391
Executive Director of Development, Cally Murray, 500 LCUA 335-3305
Associate Director of Development, Nicole Evans, 261G LCUA 335-3305
Human Resource Director, Christine Annicella, 224D LC 335-6138
Research Support Admin, Elizabeth Constantine, N302FLC 335-6434
Research Sup Manager, Teresa Garringer, N302E LC 335-6289
Research Sup Spec, Elizabeth Decker, N302 LC 335-6115
Asst Research Scientist, Duhita Mahatmya, N302D LC 384-3541
Strategic Communications Director, Lois Gray, N201 LC 335-5347
Creative Coordinator, Mei-Ling Shaw Williams, N201 LC 384-0845
Writer/Editor, Sara Nelson, N201 LC 335-5388
Academic Departments
Educational Policy & Leadership Studies, N491 LC 335-5302
FAX Number 384-0587
DEO, David Bills, N491B LC 335-2399
Admin Services Specialist, Janice Latta, N491 LC 335-5365
Educational Leadership 335-5302
Higher Education & Student Affairs 335-5302
Schools, Culture, & Society 335-5302
Psychological & Quantitative Foundations, 361 LC 335-5578
DEO, Saba Rasheed Ali, 361 LC 335-5495
Admin Services Manager, Kunjal Harwani, 361 LC 335-5579
Couple & Family Therapy 335-5578
Counseling Psychology 335-5578
Educational Measurement & Statistics 335-5578
Educational Psychology & Learning Sciences 335-5578
School Psychology 335-5578
Rehabilitation & Counselor Education, N338 LC 335-5275
DEO, Noel Estrada-Hernandez, N338B LC 335-5246
Departmental Admin, Kari Blomberg, N338 LC 335-5275
Counselor Education and Supervision 335-5275
Couple & Family Therapy (Moved to Psychological
and Quantitative Foundations, 361 LC) 335-5578
Human Relations Minor 335-5275
Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling 335-5275
Rehabilitation Counselor Education 335-5275
School Counseling 335-5275
Teaching and Learning, N259 LC 335-5324
FAX Number 335-5608
DEO, Lia Plakans, N259A LC 335-5565
Admin Serv Coordinator, Zoie Schares, N259 LC 335-5441
Elementary Education 335-5324
Secondary Education 335-5324
Special Education 335-5324
Senior Academic Advisor, Kathy Mossman, N328 LC 335-5119
Academic Advisor, Misty Brents, N326 LC 335-5612
Academic Advisor, Sarah Showalter, N331 LC 335-5119
Belin-Blank International Center for Gifted Education and
Talent Development, 600 BHC 335-6148
FAX Number 335-5151
Director, Susan Assouline, 631 BHC 335-6148
Institute for Research and Policy on Acceleration
Research, 600 BHC 335-6148
Director of Development, Cally Murray, 500 LCUA 335-3305
Admin for Prof Dev, Laurie Croft, 639 BHC 335-6195
Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement and
Assessment (CASMA), 210 LC 335-5439
Director, Won-Chan Lee, 210E LC 335-5546
Assistant Director, Ariel Aloe, N330 LC 335-5566
Finance & Research Admin, Anne Wilson, 210F LC 467-0973
Center for Evaluation and Assessment (CEA), 210 LC 335-5954
Director, Liz Hollingworth, N483 LC 384-3543
Assistant Director, Valerie Decker, N479 LC 335-5351
Finance & Research Admin, Anne Wilson, 210 LC 467-0973
Center for Research on Undergraduate Education
(CRUE), N438 LC 335-5372
FAX Number 384-0587
Director, Nicholas Bowman, N438A LC 335-5372
Iowa Reading Research Center, 320 BHC 384-2268
Director, Deborah Reed, 345 BHC 384-2884
Admin Services Coord, Trish Sodahl, 320 BHC 467-1032
Iowa Testing Programs, 340 LC 335-6010
FAX Number 335-6038
Co-Director, Stephen B. Dunbar, 334A LC 335-5561
Co-Director, Catherine Welch, 320 LC 335-6274
Director, Operations, David Henkhaus, 340A LC 384-2714
Director, Test Development, Tim Hazen, 318 LC 384-2006
Support Services and Special Programs
Baker Teacher Leader Center, N110 LC 335-5623
Director of Projects & Partnerships,
William Coghill-Behrends, N121 LC 335-5349
Director of Professional Development,
Kari Vogelgesang, 120 LC 335-5348
Admin Services Spec, Deborah Kakavas, N158B LC 335-6412
Cooperating Schools Program 335-6289
FAX Number 335-5386
Coordinator, Teresa Garringer, N302E LC 335-6289
Education Technology Center (ETC), N110 LC 335-5623
FAX Number 335-5386
IT Director, John Achrazoglou, N158F LC 335-5620
Admin Services Spec, Deborah Kakavas, N158B LC 335-6412
Administrative and Desktop Support, N186 LC
Senior IT Support Consultant, Wayne Kintz 335-5623
System Administrator, David Lippe 335-5623
IT Support Consultant, Justus Dewall 335-5623
Instructional Technology Center (ITC), N110 LC
Coordinator, Scott Popham, N124 LC 335-5037
Equipment Checkout 335-5623
Computer Classroom Reservation 335-5037
Website Administration, N158C LC
Web Editor, Jean Finley, N158C LC 335-5622
Global Initiatives
Coordinator, William Coghill-Behrends, N121 LC 335-5349
FAX Number 335-5386
Honors Program, (COE) Blank Honors Center, 600 BHC 335-6148
FAX Number 335-5151
I-SERVE, N122 LC 335-5544
Veteran's Resource Specialist, N122 LC 335-5544
Admin Services Spec, Deborah Kakavas, N158B LC 335-6412
Office of Student Services, N310 LC 335-5359
FAX Number 335-5364
Associate Dean, Nancy Langguth, N310B LC 335-5363
Student Services Coord, Sue Cline, N310G LC 335-5260
Director of Student Teaching & Field Experiences,
General Field Experiences 335-5361
Julie Heidger, N310C LC 335-6395
Coord for Field Exp, Bellinda Assemien, N310D LC 467-1895
Teacher Education Program Recruitment Coordinator,
Paul Waas, N310A LC 384-3589
Office of Graduate Teaching Excellence, N222 LC 335-6447
FAX Number 335-5386
Coordinator, Mitchell Kelly, N332 LC 335-5573
Statistics Outreach Center, 224A LC 335-5425
Statistic Biostat Mngr, Sheila Barron, 224A1 LC 335-5425
Writing Resource, N119 LC writing-resource@uiowa.edu
UI Realizing Educational & Career Hopes, 229 LC 384-2127
FAX Number 384-2167
Director, William Loyd, Jr, 229F LC 384-2097
Admin Serv Coordinator, Jim Verry, 229 LC 384-2127
N491 LC 335-5302
FAX Number 384-0587
DEO, David Bills, N491B LC 335-2399
Admin Services Spec, Janice Latta, N491 LC 335-5365
Educational Leadership 335-5302
Higher Education & Student Affairs 335-5302
Schools, Culture, & Society 335-5302
FAX Number 335-6028
Departmental Executive Officer, Er-Wei Bai, 4016A SC 335-6052
Director, Garry Buettner, 68 EMRB 335-6749
Chair and DEO, Andrew Nugent, 1008 RCP 353-7946
ED Medical Director, Michael Miller, 1008 RCP 356-2959
AirCare Medical Director, Joshua Stilley, 1008 RCP 384-6356
Emergency Department 356-2233
Student Part-time, 208 CALH 335-1460
Staff (see HUMAN RESOURCES), 102 USB 335-2656
Head, Fabricio Teixeira, W345 DSB 467-0336
Administrative Support, Maria Hennes, W341 DSB 467-0336
Grad Program Director, Fabricio Teixeira, W345 DSB 467-0336
Appointments 335-7469
FAX Number 384-0529
Director, Kelli Delfosse, 3612 SC 335-5774
Information 335-5764
Engineering Administration, 3100 SC 335-5764
FAX Number 335-6086
Dean, Alec Scranton, 3100 SC 335-5766
Administrative Assistant, Jill McNamara,3100 SC 335-5765
Administrative Assistant, Jill McNamara, 3100 SC 335-5765
Associate Dean for Academic Programs
Nicole Grosland, 3100 SC 335-6425
Administrative Assistant, Natalie Potter, 3100 SC 335-6026
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Research,
Milan Sonka, 3100 SC 335-5191
Administrative Assistant, Kristina Venzke, 3100 SC 384-2204
Executive Development Director, Elizabeth Simpson, LCUA 335-3305
Development Director, Matt Kuster, LCUA 335-3305
Director of Marketing & Communications, Jason Kosovski 384-0550
Director of Alumni Relations, Wendy Brentner, 3100 SC 335-5340
Director of Human Rources, Jan Waterhouse, 3123 SC 335-5767
Director of Finance, April Tippett, 3100 SC 335-5952
Facilities Manager, John Millsap, 1414 SC 335-5773
Biomedical Engineering, 5601 SC 335-5632
FAX Number 335-5631
Departmental Executive Officer,
Joseph Reinhardt, 5601 SC 335-5634
Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 5318SC 384-0804
FAX Number 384-0944
Director, Thomas L. Casavant, 5316 SC 335-5953
Center for Computer-Aided Design, 116 ERF 335-5722
FAX Number 384-0542
Director, Karim Abdel-Malek, 106 ERF 335-6163
Contracts Administration, Lisa Lang, 4601 SC 335-6471
Hanson Center for Technical Communication, 3307 SC 335-6097
Coordinator, Scott Coffel, 3307 SC 335-6097
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, 4133 SC 335-1400
FAX Number 335-1415
Departmental Executive Officer,
C. Allan Guymon, 4125 SC 335-5015
Civil and Environmental Engineering, 4105 SC 335-5647
FAX Number 335-5660
Departmental Executive Officer,
A. Allen Bradley, 4105 SC 335-5654
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 4016 SC 335-5197
FAX Number 335-6028
Departmental Executive Officer,
Er-Wei Bai, 4016A SC 335-6052
Engineering Electronics Shop, 2018 SC 335-5760
FAX Number 335-5777
Parts, 2018 SC 335-5759
Service, 2018 SC 335-5760
Engineering Machine Shop, G450 SC 384-0600
Michael Hillman, Manager 384-0600
Engineering Professional Development, 3612 SC 335-5763
Director, Kelli Delfosse
FAX 384-0529
Engineering Computer Services (ECS), 1256 SC 335-5751
Engineering, CTO, Danny Tang, 1256 SC 335-5751
Help Desk 335-5055
IIHR--Hydroscience & Engineering 335-5237
FAX Number (SHL Building) 335-5238
Interim Director, Gabrielle Villarini, 306 SHL 384-0596
Director of Dev. and Comm., Carmen Langel, 107B SHL 335-5841
Director of Finance, Teresa Gaffey, 107A SHL 335-6166
Director of Research Computing, Mark Wilson, 423A SHL 335-5223
Director of Engineering Services, Troy Lyons, 519 SHL 335-5223
Shop Services, Tim Houser, 4 HLMA 384-0936
FAX number, Mechanical Shops 335-5251
Lucille A. Carver Mississippi Riverside Environmental
Research Station (LACMRERS), Doug Schnoebelen
3388 Hwy 22, Muscatine, IA (563) 288-2888
FAX Number (LACMRERS) (563) 288-2889
East Annex (HLEA) 335-5219
East Annex Shop 335-6088
James Street Annex IA335-9536
2421 James Street, #3, Coralville, IA
Model Annex (HLMA) 335-5249
FAX Number (HLMA Model Annex) 335-5251
Oakdale Annex East (HOA2) 335-4183
FAX Number (HOA2 Oakdale Annex) 335-4262
Oakdale Annex West (HOA1) 335-4032
Wind Tunnel Annex (HWTA) 335-5245
FAX Number (HWTA Wind Tunnel Annex) 384-0569
Wave Basin Office 467-4572
Wave Basin Conference Room 467-4574
Industrial and Systems Engineering, 3016 SC
Departmental Executive Officer
Geb Thomas, 3016 SC 335-5936
Lichtenberger Engineering Library
Head, Kari Kozak, 2100D SC 335-6047
Mechanical Engineering, 3131 SC 335-5668
FAX Number 335-5669
Departmental Executive Officer,
Ching-Long Lin, 2406 SC 335-5934
Engineering Student Services, 3612 SC 335-5763
Office Coordinator, Laura Vasser 335-5763
FAX Number 384-0529
Registrar, 2045 SC, Megan Allen 335-5768
Academic Advising and Retention
Director, Nancy Schneider, 3612 SC 335-5014
Advisor, Joshua Atcher, 3612 SC 384-0500
Professional Development, 3612 SC 335-6280
Tutoring, 3612 SC 384-0500
Director, Joshua Atcher
Outreach, Admissions, Scholarships & Inclusion Services, 2045 SC
Admissions and First Year Experience, 2045 SC
Director, Jane Dorman 335-5769
Diversity Programs and K-12 Outreach, 3124 SC
Director, Tracy Peterson 335-5776
First Tech Challenge, 3124 SC 335-5706
FTC Affiliate, Rebecca Whitaker, 3124 SC
Project Lead the Way
Director, David Rethwisch, 4138 SC 335-1413
Coordinator, Kandace Munson, 008E KRC 335-5940
Diversity, Implementation Coach
Chelle Lehman, 1402 SC 335-5702
Student Organizations Office, 3517 SC
Women in Science & Engineering, 1402 SC 335-3351
Director, Linda Varvel, 1402 SC 335-3511
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, 1112 UCC (U. Capitol Centre) 335-5630
FAX Number 335-6037
Director, Melissa Meisterheim, 1112 UCC 335-5630
ESL Credit Program, 1112 UCC 335-5630
TAPE Program, 1112 UCC 335-5630
Iowa Intensive English Program, 1112 UC 335-5630
ENGLISH, 308 EPB 335-0454
Fax Number 335-2535
Chair, Blaine Greteman, 306 EPB 335-0454
Associate Chair for Faculty, Jon Wilcox, 450 EPB 335-0443
Director of Graduate Studies (M.A. in English, Ph.D. in
English), Jennifer Buckley, 366 EPB 335-0323
Director of Nonfiction Writing (M.F.A.)
John D'Agata, 203 NFP 335-0641
Director of Undergraduate Studies,
Harry Stecopoulos, 374 EPB 335-0461
Director of Gen Ed Lit, Bluford Adams, 458 EPB 335-0461
Director of Undergraduate Honors Program,
Lori Branch, 368 EPB 335-2466
Director of Undergraduate Creative Writing
Kaveh Akbar, 460 EPB 335-0450
Academic Advisor, Kate Torno, 308 EPB 335-0457
Academic Advisor, Christine Norquest, 425 EPB 335-0460
EPB Departments Administrator & Building Coordinator
Barb Pooley, 321 EPB 335-2684
Assistant to the Chair, Shannon Yost, 308 EPB 467-4915
Graduate Program Coordinator,
Cherie Hansen-Rieskamp, 308 EPB 335-0440
TA/RA Coordinator, Andrea Cramer, 308 EPB 467-0281
Front Desk Student Assistant 308 EPB 335-0454
Website http://ehs.research.uiowa.edu
Address 100 EHS
Phone 319-335-8501
Haley Sinn 335-8775
Assistant Director
Jim Pyrz 335-4625
FAX 384-4138
Director, Peter S. Thorne, S341A CPHB 335-4216
Coordinator, Nancy Wyland, S323 CPHB 335-4756
Pulmonary Toxicology Facility
Peter S. Thorne, Director, S341A CPHB 335-4216
Environmental Modeling and Exposure Assessment Facility
Patrick O'Shaughnessy, Director, S320 CPHB 335-4202
Integrative Health Sciences Facility
Alejandro Comellas, Director, C33-1 GH 384-6484
Pilot Grant Program
Larry W. Robertson, Director, S357 CPHB 335-4554
FAX Number 335-1821
Department Chair, David Peate, B21B, TH 335-0567
Academic Coordinator, Art Bettis, 120D, TH 335-1818
Head, James C. Torner, S441A CPHB 384-1542
Secretary, Marilyn Anderson, S441 CPHB 384-4010
FAX Number 384-4155
Graduate Program Coordinator, Kim Williams, S408 CPHB 384-1544
Administrator, Cindy Rohret, S445 CPHB 384-1543
Iowa Registry for Congenital and
Inherited Disorders, W260 BVC 335-4107
Preventive Intervention Center, E257 GH 384-5030
and 2403 Towncrest Dr. 358-1440
State Health Registry of Iowa, 2600 UCC 335-8609
Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases 335-4984
2501 Crosspark Rd, Coralville
Health Effectiveness Research Center, 2126 WL 335-9783
Nutrition Center, E257 GH 384-5070
FAX Number 384-5051
Oakdale Medical Research, MTF (UI Research Park)
2501 Crosspark Road, Suite A/B
Helga Trabert, Office Manager, A164 MTF
Epidemiology Research - College of Public Health
Christine Petersen, B166 MTF 384-1579
Director, Marina Zaloznaya, 401 NH 335-2502
Director, Annette Beck 335-0356
Room Scheduling Reservations, 159 IMU 335-3114
Cory Lockwood, Senior Associate Director
John Cory, Assistant Director
Kristi Finger, Assistant Director, Reservations & Outdoor Space
Katie Martin, Reservations Coordinator
Chris Gantt, Facility Coordinator
Johnny McElhany, Facility Coordinator