• A. CRAIG BAIRD DEBATE FORUM, W701 Seashore Hall (SSH)           
  • Director of Debate &Forensics, David Hingstman, 157 BCSB   335-2263
  • Coordinator of Debate & Forensics, Paul Bellus, W701 SSH   353-1969
  • Debate Coach, Gabe Murillo, W701 SSH
  • National Summer Institute in Forensics, W701 SSH           335-1969
  • ACADEMIC ADVISING CENTER, C210 PC                               353-5700
  • Director, Lisa Ingram                                      353-5707
  • Senior Associate Director, Programs, Brian Corkery         353-5707
  • Senior Associate Director, Programs, Paula Kerezsi         353-5707
  • OF LIBERAL ARTS and Sciences, 120 SH   335-2633
  • Controller, Rachel McGuire, 105 JH                         335-0728
  • Director, Steve Romont, 2090B UCC                         335-0104
  • ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, W252 PBB (Tippie College of Business)    335-0910
  • Chair, Daniel Collins, W252 PBB                            335-0910
  • Director, MAc Program, Thomas Carroll, S324 PBB            335-2727
  • Director, PhD Program, Paul Hribar, W346 PBB               335-1008
  • Director, Undergraduate Program, Kevin Den Adel, W372 PBB  335-1412
  • Director, Jaron Wilde, W262 PBB                            335-0849
  • ACCOUNTS PAYABLE, 202 PCO                                       335-0115
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2443
  • Accounts Payable/Travel Operations
  • Director, Dani Weber                                       353-2503
  • Audit
  • Brian Wildemuth, Supervisor                      335-0410
  • Brenda Bell, Clerk IV                            353-2580
  • Jeffrey Humpleby, Clerk IV                       335-0376
  • Freight, Erik Hoadley                                 335-0655
  • Hold Checks
  • Procurement Card and Vendor File
  • Program Admin, Tanushree Jain                        335-1598
  • P-Card Issuance, Qianying(Cindy) Li                   335-0385
  • Vendor File
  • Chris Frank                                      335-2874
  • Frank Huffer                                     335-2202
  • Invoice Processing
  • Supervisor, Brian Wildemuth                           335-2624
  • Credit Statement
  • Supervisor, Colleen Zschiegner                        467-0485
  • Vicki Stein                                      335-0332
  • Cindy Humpleby                                   335-1208
  • Pam Nixon                                        335-0655
  • Match Exceptions
  • Doralee Davis                                    335-0377
  • Vicki Stein                                      335-1261
  • APPO Analytics and Reporting, David Stenersen              335-1513
  • EPro Support, Mike Adam                               335-1861
  • Financial Reporting, Sam Etten                        353-3914
  • Financial Reporting, Jay Morgan                       335-3894
  • EPro Admin, Chris Leichty                             335-0384
  • ADMISSIONS, CALH and C110 PC                                 335-3847
  • Information                                                335-3847
  • Undergraduate Admission (General Information)              335-3847
  • FAX Number (CALH)                                          335-1535
  • FAX Number (C110 Pomerantz Center)                         335-3637
  • Associate Vice President of Enrollment Managment, Brent Gage
  • Administrative Services Specialist,  Katherine Kral   335-3839
  • Information Systems:
  • Jeff Waechter, 107 CALH                               335-1522
  • Outreach and Recruitment:
  • Admission Visitors Center, C110 Pomerantz Center      335-1566
  • Campus Visit Information/Tours, C110 PC               335-1569
  • Admission Counselors (Prospective Freshmen/Transfer)  335-1566
  • Director, Kirk Kluver, C110 PC                   335-2516
  •      Graduate and Professional College Admission,
  •           Assistant Director, Kerry Yoder, 130 CALH        335-1523
  •      High School Relations, Associate Directors
  •           Chris Traetow, C110 PC                           335-1557
  •           Sheila Schechinger, C110 PC                      335-1997
  •      International Admission and Recruitment,
  •           Associate Director, Rebecca Hanson, C110 PC      335-1529
  •      Marketing and Communications,
  •           Director, Scott Fiddelke, 116 CALH               384-1317
  •      Operations, Senior Associate Director,
  •           Jeff Waechter, 107 CALH                          335-1522
  •      Scholarships,
  •           Associate Director, Cindy Roberts, 115 CALH      335-1528
  • Transfer Relations & Outreach, Senior Associate Director,
  • Thomas Paulsen, C110 PC                          335-1559
  • Undergraduate Admission, Senior Associate Director,
  • Debra Miller, 130 CALH                           335-1549
  • Visit Programs, Senior Associate Director,
  • Thomas Paulsen, C110 PC                          335-1559
  • AEROSPACE STUDIES (Air Force ROTC), 124 SQ                      335-9205
  • FAX Number                                                 335-9316
  • Professor, Lt Col John H. Briner, 126 SQ                   335-9206
  • Asst. Professor, Capt Phillip Peters, 125 SQ               335-9221
  • Asst. Professor, Capt Shannon Laubenthal, 127 SQ           335-9210
  • NCOIC, TSgt Sonya Justus, 123 SQ                           353-5362
  • Executive Officer, Mr. Dave Bilskemper, 124 SQ             335-9205
  • AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES, 210 JB,                               335-0285
  • Fax Number                                                 335-3884
  • Chair, Deborah Whaley, 724 JB                              335-3494
  • Departmental Administrator, Lindsay Vella, 210 JB          467-0067
  • Administrative Services Coordinator, Laura Kerr, 210 JB    467-3000
  • Director, Cory Gundlach, 315F SMA                          335-0482
  • AFRO-AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER, 303 Melrose Ave                  335-8296
  • Vacant, Coordinator
  • Email: 
  • AGING STUDIES PROGRAM, 352 NH                                   335-3630
  • Director, Mercedes Bern-Klug                               335-1265
  • ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, LCUA                                    335-3294
  • FAX Number, LCUA                                           335-1079
  • Administration
  • President/CEO, Jeff Kueter, 100 LCUA                  335-3286
  • Vice President/COO, Graciela 'Tita' Coffman, 100 LCUA 335-2454
  • Accountant, Stephanie Miller, 100 LCUA                335-3287
  • Business Manager, Becky Scott, 100 LCUA               335-3413
  • Corporate Relations Manager, Advertising Sales and
  • Corporate Relations
  • Emily Cornish, 100 LCUA                          335-2214
  • Unit HR Representative, Jan Rigotti, 100 LCUA         335-3245
  • Alumni Board, Jeff Kueter, 100 LCUA                        335-3286
  • Alumni Programs
  • Director, Susan Griffith, 100 LCUA                    335-3302
  • Assistant Director, Whit France-Kelly, 100 LCUA       335-2311
  • Assistant Director, 100 LCUA                          335-3854
  • Alumni Records
  • Manager, Susan E. Sweeney, 100 LCUA                   335-3297
  • Career Services, Pomerantz Career Center                   335-3301
  • Communications
  • Art Director, LeaAnn Henry, 100 LCUA                  335-3291
  • Editor, Iowa Alumni Magazine, 100 LCUA                335-3292
  • Senior Associate Editor, Kathryn Howe, 100 LCUA       335-3275
  • Senior Associate Editor, Shelbi Thomas, 100 LCUA      335-3288
  • Electronic Communications Manager,
  • Karen McCort, 100 LCUA                           335-2500
  • Web Media Developer, Zachary Schmidt, 100 LCUA        335-2236
  • Iowa Voyagers Alumni Travel
  • Director, Diane Baker, 100 LCUA                       335-3293
  • Membership and Marketing
  • Director, Lana Tucker, 100 LCUA                       335-3981
  • Assistant Director, Karissa Wikert, 100 LCUA          335-3290
  • Assistant Director, Christin Meyer, 100 LCUA          335-2209
  • ALUMNI RECORDS, LCUA                                            335-3297
  • Manager, Susan E. Sweeney, 100 LCUA                        335-3297
  • AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE PROGRAM, 111 PH                          335-2923
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2990
  • Program Director, Jill Beckman, 111A PH                    335-2923
  • Undergraduate Director, Rebecca Clark, 667 PH              384-1533
  • AMERICAN STUDIES, 210 JB                                        335-0320
  • Chair, Thomas Oates, 728 JB                                335-0316
  • Departmental Administrator, Lindsay Vella, 24 PH           467-0067
  • Administrative Services Coordinator, Laura Kerr, 210 JB	   467-3000
  • Information                                                335-7753
  • FAX Number                                            335-7198
  • Chair, John F. Engelhardt, 1-100 BSB                       335-7744
  • Departmental Administrator, Anne Suter, 1-100C BSB         335-7756
  • Deeded Body Program, Brian Chapman, B062 ML                335-7762
  • ANESTHESIA RESEARCH                                                     
  • Anesthesia Research, 6JCP                                  356-2633
  • ANESTHESIA, 6532 JCP                                            356-2633
  • Chair and DEO, Cynthia A. Wong, 6618 JCP                 356-3868
  • Administrator, Corrie Hamers, 6616 JCP                   384-8367
  • Ambulatory Surgery Center
  • Medical Director, Melinda Seering, 41671 PFP        384-8466
  • Anesthesia House Staff Program
  • Director, Michelle Parra, 6547JCP                   356-0421
  • Coordinator, Lisa Kouba, 6546 JCP                   356-1338
  • Critical Care Medicine Service, Surgical Intensive Care Unit
  • Medical Director, Shawn Simmons, 8494  JCP          384-8022
  • Hyperbaric Medicine Services
  • Medical Director, Merete Ibsen, 6538  JCP           384-5423
  • Pain Medicine Services
  • Medical Director, Rahul Rastogi, 41581 PFP          384-9813
  • Scheduling for Operating Room and Anesthesia Services
  • Vice Chair of Clinical Operations, Anil Marian, 6408 JCP 
  •                                                356-0538
  • Emergency                                           356-2403
  • Director, Kirsten Kumpf Baele, 512 PH                      467-0207
  • ANTHROPOLOGY, 114 MH                                            335-0522
  • FAX Number                                                 335-0653
  • Chair, Katina Lillios, 127B MH                             335-3023
  • Departmental Administrator, Sarah Horgen, 113C MH          335-0523
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Margaret Beck, 239 MH        335-0268
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies, Andrew Kitchen, 129 MH  355-2891
  • Director of Curriculum, Andrew Kitchen, 129 MH             335-2891
  • ARMY ROTC, see Military Science    105 SQ                319-335-9187
  • Supply room, 17 SQ                                     319-335-9198
  • ART AND ART HISTORY, SCHOOL OF, 150 ABW; 141 N. Riverside Dr.   335-1376
  • FAX Number                                                 335-1774
  • Director, Steve McGuire, 150 ABW                           335-1376
  • Administrator, Troy Fitzpatrick, 150 ABW                   335-1770
  • Academic/Admin. Services Coord., Holly Johnson, 150 ABW    467-4418
  • Art Bldg. West Officer Manager, Betsey Kosier, 150 ABW     335-1772
  • Senior Accountant, Kevin McGlynn, 226 ABW                  335-1773
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, Laura Jorgensen, E302 VAB    335-1758
  • Undergraduate Advisor:
  • Lynne Lanning, 122 ABW                                384-1817
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Jeremy Swanston, E132 VAB    335-1638
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies
  • Andrew Casto (Studio), E249 VAB                       384-1075
  • Amy Huang (Art History), 208 ABW                      353-1782
  • Art Library, Head, Patricia Gimenez, 235 ABW               335-0120
  • Art Library, Circulation, 235 ABW                     335-3089
  • Office of Visual Materials:
  • Curator, Alice Phillips                               335-1787
  • Thesis Gallery, Office of Visual Materials, 106 ABW        335-1787
  • ARTS SHARE, W113 HH                                             335-1618
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3246
  • Administrator, Leslie Finer, W113 HH                       335-1618
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2990
  • Chair, Kendall Heitzman, 657 PH                            335-5104
  • Graduate Director, Helen Shen, 661 PH                      335-2314
  • Undergraduate Director (Chinese), Yuan Lu, 632 PH          467-0209
  • Undergraduate Director (Japanese), Yumiko Nishi, 633 PH    335-2159
  • Undergraduate Director (Korean), Sang-Seok Yoon, 669 PH    353-2204
  • Undergraduate Director (Russian), Irina Kostina, 634 PH    335-0171
  • Program Contact (Sanskrit), Aniruddha Dutta, 401 JB        335-0035
  • ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER, 223 Lucon Dr            335-2719
  • Kayla Nguyen, Coordinator
  • Email: kayla-nguyen@uiowa.edu
  • ATHLETICS COMMUNICATIONS                                        335-9411
  • Director, Steve Roe, S300 CHA                              335-9411
  • FAX Number                                                 335-9417
  • ATHLETICS, CHA                                                          
  • General Information                                        335-9320
  • Administrative Offices                                     335-9320
  • Current Event Information (message only)                   335-9330
  • General FAX Number                                         335-9333
  • Director, Gary Barta, N411 CHA                             335-9435
  • Deputy Director/SWA, Barbara Burke, N411 CHA               335-9435
  • Sr. Associate Director, Marcus Wilson, N411 CHA            335-9247
  • Sr. Associate Director, Matt Henderson, N411 CHA           335-9435
  • Associate Director, Lyla Clerry, S240 CHA                  335-9598
  • Associate Director, Suzanne J. Hilleman, N411 CHA          335-9957
  • Associate Director, Liz Tovar, 115 GALC                    335-9384
  • Athletics Communications, Director, Steve Roe, S300 CHA    335-9411
  • FAX Number                                            335-9417
  • Athletics Learning Center, GALC                            335-9384
  • Athletics Training
  • Director, Terry Noonan                                384-1748
  • Medical Insurance Coordinator, Chris Slauson, CHA     335-9393
  • Training Room, Mike Lawler, CRWC (Gymn, Rw, Sw)       335-5862
  • FAX Number                                       335-9480
  • Training Room, Doug West, RB (Base, Sc, Tn, Tr)       335-9395
  • FAX Number                                       335-8126
  • Training Room, Terry Noonan, CHA (BB, FH, GF, SB,    
  • VB, WR)                                          335-9393
  • FAX Number                                       335-9398
  • Training Room, Russ Haynes, HFPC (FB)                 335-9506
  • FAX Number                                       335-8126
  • Business Operations, Greg Davies, N411 CHA                 335-9436
  • Camps & Clinics, Director, Josh Berka, N411 CHA            335-9297
  • Cheerleaders/Dance Team, Gregg Niemiec, N411 CHA           335-9251
  • Compliance, Lyla Clerry, S240 CHA                          335-9598
  • Concessions (ARAMARK), Dave Campbell                       335-9378
  • Development Office
  • Executive Director, LCUA                              335-3305
  • Equipment Room, CHA                                        335-9407
  • Equipment Room, RB                                         335-9509
  • Equipment Room, Football, HFPC                             335-9531
  • Facilities, Damian Simcox, S120 CHA                        335-9410
  • Gerdin Athletics Learning Center, GALC                     335-9384
  • Golf Course (see FINKBINE GOLF COURSE)                     335-9556
  • Grounds, Ted Thorn, CHA                                    335-9574
  • Hall of Fame & Museum, KHF, Director, Dale Arens           384-1031
  • Human Resources-Athletics                                  335-8874
  • Information Technology                                     335-9430
  • Intramural Sports (see RECREATIONAL SERVICES)              335-9293
  • Karro Hall of Fame & Museum, KHF                           384-2000
  • Licensing Program, Director, Dale Arens, KHF               384-2000
  • Assistant, Christa Roberts                            384-2000
  • FAX Number                                            384-1032
  • Marketing, Director, S300 CHA                              335-9431
  • FAX Number                                            335-9860
  • Sport Offices:
  • Baseball, N311 CHA                                    335-9259
  • Basketball-Men, N215 CHA                              335-9444
  • Basketball-Women, N211 CHA                            335-9258
  • Field Hockey, N311 CHA                                335-9259
  • Football, HFPC                                        335-8943
  • Golf-Men, N311 CHA                                    335-9259
  • Golf-Women, N311 CHA                                  335-9259
  • Gymnastics-Men, N311 CHA                              335-9259
  • Gymnastics-Women, N311 CHA                            335-9259
  • Rowing, N311 CHA                                      335-9259
  • Soccer, N311 CHA                                      335-9259
  • Softball, N311 CHA                                    335-9259
  • Swimming & Diving, 230 CRWC                           335-9259
  • Tennis-Men, N311 CHA                                  335-9259
  • Tennis-Women, N311 CHA                                335-9259
  • Track & Field, N311 CHA                               335-9259
  • Volleyball, S210 CHA                                  335-8181
  • Wrestling, S210 CHA                                   335-9405
  • Sports Camps, Director, Josh Berka, N411 CHA               335-9297
  • FAX Number                                            335-7970
  • Sports Information (see ATHLETICS COMMUNICATIONS)          335-9411
  • Student-Athlete Academic Services, Liz Tovar, 115 GALC     335-9384
  • Swimming Pool Information (see RECREATIONAL SERVICES)      335-9293
  • Ticket Office, (Information)                               335-9327
  • Ticket Office (Purchase Tickets)                      335-9323
  • Ticket Manager, Pam Finke                             335-9309
  • Varsity Club, N411 CHA                                     335-9247
  • BAKER TEACHER LEADER CENTER, N110 LC                         335-5623
  • Director of Projects & Partnerships,
  • William Coghill-Behrends, N121 LC                     335-5349
  • Director of Professional Development,
  • Kari Vogelgesang, N120 LC                             335-5348
  • Admin Services Spec, Deborah Kakavas, N158B LC             335-6412
  • BIOCHEMISTRY, 4-403 BSB                                         335-7932
  • Information                                                335-7932
  • FAX Number                                            335-9570
  • Chair, Charles M. Brenner, 4-403 BSB                       335-7934
  • Department Administrator, Rosemary Stratton, 4-403 BSB     335-7930
  • Biochemistry Stores, 4-321 BSB                             335-7927
  • BIOENGINEERING FACILITY, B5 GH                                  356-7491
  • FAX Number                                                 384-8337
  • Maintenance, B5 GH                                         356-7491
  • BIOLOGY, 143 BB                                                 335-1050
  • FAX Number                                                 335-1069
  • Chair, Tina Tootle, 143 BB                       335-1050
  • Departmental Administrator, Rebecca Kick, 143 BB           335-3390
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, Marlys Boote                 335-2043
  • Undergraduate Lab Specialists
  • Stephanie Hasse, 133A BBE                             467-3246
  • Angie Cordle, 168 BB                                  335-0594
  • Olga Miakotina, 168 BB                                335-3503
  • Erin Edgar, 133 BBE                                   467-1721
  • Roy J. Carver Center for Genomics 
  • Manager, Christine Kondratick, 236 BB                 335-7051
  • Developmental Studies, Hybridoma Bank, 028 BBE             335-3826
  • Greenhouse, Jeannette Welder, 407A BBE                     335-3031
  • William Keck Dynamic Image Analysis Facility, 008 BBE      335-2883
  • Science Library, Head, Leo Clougherty, 104 BSL             335-3083
  • BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 5601 SC                                 335-5632
  • FAX Number                                                 335-5631
  • Departmental Executive Officer, 
  • Joseph Reinhard, 5601 SC                              335-6425
  • Director, Kevin Knudtson, 323 EMRB                         335-7251
  • Enzyme Sales
  • Research Support Coordinator, Julie Steele, 238 EMRB  335-8004
  • Media Sales
  • Research Support Coord., Susan Ross-Barta,238 EMRB    335-8005
  • Admin Services Coord., Donald Stenger,238 EMRB        335-8005
  • Director, Dana Ries                                        335-9588
  • (See Grad. & Postdoctoral Studies, Office Of)
  • BIOSTATISTICS CONSULTING CENTER,N373 CPHB                       384-1590
  • Director, M. Bridget Zimmerman, N373 CPHB                  384-1590
  • BIOSTATISTICS, N300 CPHB                                        384-1582
  • FAX Number                                                 384-1591
  • Interim Head, Joseph Cavanaugh, N332A CPHB        384-1581/384-1602
  • Administrator, Margaret Evans, N328 CPHB                   384-4374
  • Graduate Program Administrator, Terry Kirk, N334 CPHB      384-1541
  • Centers
  • Clinical Trials Data Management Center, 2400 UCC      384-2832
  •      Clinical Trials Statistical Data Management Center
  •         Christopher Coffey, Director                       384-2832
  •             William Clarke, Co-Director
  • Biostatistics Consulting Center, N373 CPHB            384-1590
  • BioVentures Center, 2500 Crosspark Road                    335-4063
  • Stephanie Dengler, Director of Operations, E152 BVC   384-2741
  • Diann Pavelka, Office Manager, E156 BVC               335-4063
  • FAX                                                   467-4550
  •      Paul Heath, SBDC., E134 BVC                     (319) 335-3742
  • Tenant Companies:
  •      360 Yield Center, Suite E241 BVC
  •           Stacey Schildroth, Manager                   319-594-0046
  • ASL Analytical, Suite E224 BVC
  • Mark Arnold, VP and Treasurer              (319) 665-2214
  • Bio::Neos, Suite E108
  • Steve Davis, President                     (319) 248-9610
  • Cellular Engineering Technologies, Suite E234 BVC
  • Alan Moy, President                        (319) 665-3000
  • Emmyon, Inc. Suite E141                         (319)   
  • Christopher Adams, President
  • Exemplar Genetics, Suite E126 BVC
  • Christopher Rogers, Director of Rsch & Dev.(319) 665-2664
  • Higher Learning Technologies, W240 BVC
  • Adam Keune, Co-Founder and CBO             (319) 929-2904
  • Integrated DNA Technologies, Suite E110
  • Jane Elliott, Lab Manager                   (800)328-2661
  • JP II MRI, Suite E234
  • Jay Kamath, CEO                            (319) 665-3000
  •      Kamath Bio Science - Cardiostrong, E112
  •           Anant Kamath, CEO                          (319) 400-9394
  • NanoMedTrix, LLC. Suite E119 BVC
  • Jose Assouline, Founder                    (319) 335-5819
  •      Pure Oleochemicals, Inc., Suite E109 BVC
  •           Andy Meyer, Chief Operating Officer        (319) 621-1544
  •      SantosHuman, Suite E1414 BVC
  •           Steve Beck, President                      (319) 333-0918
  • Terpenoid Therapeutics, Inc., Suite E132 BVC
  • Jeffery Neighbors, Senior Scientist        (319) 665-2005
  • Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Suite E200 BVC
  • Ute Muh, Associate Director                (319) 626-5380
  • VIDA Diagnostics, Suite W150 BVC              
  • Susan Wood, CEO                            (319) 626-4800
  • BURGE HALL, B                                                335-3091
  • Hall Information Desk                                      335-3091
  • Hall Coordinator, Rashad Hanna                             335-2976
  • Assistant Hall Coordinator, Adeline Barron                 335-2976
  • Office Administrator, Christine Hockensmith                335-3091
  • Marketplace Office                                         335-1959
  • Marketplace Manager, Matt Werth    
  • Marketplace Assistant Managers,                            335-1959
  • Cody Rollinger, Julie Potter, Michael Ryan,
  • Crystal Bounds (Chef)
  • Clinton Street Market                                      353-2047
  • BUSINESS -- HENRY B. TIPPIE COLLEGE OF, C120 PBB                335-0862
  • Information                                                335-0862
  • BBA - Undergraduate Program, C140 PBB                 335-1037
  • MAc Program Director, Thomas Carroll, S324 PBB        335-2727
  • MBA Programs, W160 PBB                                335-1039
  • Non-MBA Grad Programs Assoc Dir, Renea Jay, W288 PBB  335-0830
  • PhD Programs Assoc Dir, Renea Jay, W288 PBB           335-0830
  • Pappajohn Facilities Director, Rick Adrian, W208      335-0987
  • Room Reservations (PBB only)                          353-2233
  • www.biz.uiowa.edu/facilities/reservations.html
  • Dean's Office, C120 PBB                                    335-0862
  • FAX Number, Dean's Office, C120 PBB                   335-0860
  • Dean, Sarah Fisher Gardial                            335-0866
  • Assistant to Dean Gardial, Matsalyn Brown        335-0866
  • Senior Associate Dean, Amy Kristof-Brown              335-0865
  • Assistant to Dean Kristof-Brown, Carol Buettner  335-0865
  • Alumni Relations Director, S292 PBB                   335-2769
  • Chief Financial Officer, Joyce Ruplinger              335-0867
  • Collegiate Marketing Dir, Ali Yildirim, W224 PBB      335-1876
  • Communication and External Relations Director,
  • Barbara Thomas                                   335-2188
  • Development Director, Greg Lamb, LCUA                 335-3305
  • Human Resources Director, Dee Hurst                   335-0870
  • Publications Director, Lesanne Fliehler, S206 PBB     335-0859
  • Accounting Department, W252 PBB                            335-0910
  • Chair, Daniel Collins, W252 PBB                       335-0910
  • MAc Director, Thomas Carroll,  S324 PBB               335-2727
  • PhD Director, Paul Hribar, W346 PBB                   335-1008
  • Undergraduate Director, Kevin Den Adel, W372 PBB      335-1412
  • Computer Lab (Tippie College of Business), C220 PBB        335-0872
  • Document Center 3, Carolyn Stoddard, C102 PBB              335-0861
  • Economics Department, S252 PBB                             335-0829
  • Interim Chair, Jarjisu Sa-Aadu, S220 PBB              335-0930
  • PhD Director, David Frisvold, W282 PBB                335-0957
  • Undergraduate Director, Jennifer Fuhrman, W284 PBB    335-0925
  • Finance Department, S252 PBB                               335-0929
  • Chair, Thomas Rietz, S252 PBB                         335-0929
  • PhD Director, Art Durnev, S386 PBB                    335-2626
  • Undergraduate Director, Todd Houge, S288 PBB          335-3754
  • Frank, Judith R., Business Communications Center, C329 PBB 384-3333
  • Director, Pamela Bourjaily, C347 PBB                  335-3459
  • Hawkinson Institute of Business Finance, S270 PBB          335-0853
  • Director, Brian Richman, S270A PBB                    335-0853
  • International Business Institute, W308 PBB                 335-1379
  • Director, Dimy Doresca, W308 PBB                      335-1379
  • Iowa Electronic Markets Institute, W283                    335-0881
  • Director, Joyce Berg, S284 PBB                        335-0840
  • Italy Programs (CIMBA), C300 PBB                           335-0920
  • Director, Stephanie Schnicker, W392 PBB               335-0100
  • MAc Program Director, Thomas J. Carroll, S324 PBB          335-2727
  • Management and Organizations Department, W252 PBB          335-0927
  • Chair, Amy Colbert, W252 PBB                          335-0927
  • PhD Director, Greg Stewart, S388 PBB                  335-1947
  • Undergraduate Director, Erin Johnson, W250 PBB        335-3378
  • Management Sciences Department, W252 PBB                   335-0858
  • Chair, Nick Street, W252 PBB                          335-0858
  • MS Director, Samuel Burer, S346                       335-0931
  • PhD Director, Ann Campbell, S232 PBB                  335-0918
  • Undergraduate Co-Director, Michael Colbert, S338 PBB  335-0961
  • Undergraduate Co-Director, Jeffrey Ohlmann, S372 PBB  335-0837
  • Marketing Department, S252 PBB                             335-1013
  • Chair, D. J. Nayakankuppam, S252 PBB                  335-1013
  • PhD Director, William Hedgcock, W270 PBB              335-0894
  • Undergraduate Director, John Murry, S360 PBB          335-0965
  • Marketing Institute, S252 PBB                              335-3753
  • Director, Peggy Rodriguez-Stover, S259 PBB            335-3753
  • MBA Programs - Henry B. Tippie College of Business         335-1039
  • Associate Dean, David Frasier, W160 PBB               335-1040
  • Assistant to Dean Frasier, W160 PBB              335-1040
  • Assistant Dean, Executive Programs, Dawn Kluber       335-1043
  • Assistant Dean, Full-time Program, David Deyak        335-0864
  • Assistant Dean, Professional Program, Colleen Downie  335-3730
  • Accounting Operations Manager, Katie Millard, W182    335-3732
  • Executive MBA Programs, E446 PC                       335-3789
  • Assistant Dean, Dawn Kluber, E444 PC             335-1043
  • Full-time Program, C432 PC                            335-2792
  • Assistant Dean, David Deyak, E428 PC             335-0864
  • Admissions & Financial Aid                       335-2792
  • Career Academies, C432 PC                        335-2686
  • Business Anaytics Academy
  • Business Director, Kistine Arens       335-0892
  • Faculty Director, Jen Blackhurst       335-0937
  • Finance Academy                    
  • Business Director, Charles Fishkin     384-1970
  • Faculty Director, Amrita Nain          335-1017
  • Marketing Academy        
  • Business Director, Jan Fasse           384-3435
  • Faculty Director, Thomas Gruca         335-0946
  • Career Services, C432 PC                         335-2792
  • Student Services Director, Jill Tomkins, E431 PC 335-2686
  • Hong Kong Programs, W160 PBB                          335-1039
  • Iowa MBA Consulting, C432 PC                          335-3435
  • Professional Program, W160 PBB                        335-1039
  • Assistant Dean, Colleen Downie                   335-3731
  • Cedar Rapids Director, Nicole Vogt               335-0143
  • Des Moines Director, Michael Lown                335-1039
  • Quad Cities Director, Micehlle Pontarelli        335-3782
  • Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center, S160 PBB                 335-1022
  • Executive Director, David K. Hensley                  335-0992
  • Director, Lynn Allendorf                              335-3741
  • Jacobson Institute Director, Dawn Bowlus, S120 PBB    335-0985
  • Pat's Diner, Manager Jeff Ritchie, W105 PBB                
  • PhD Programs Associate Director, Renea Jay, W288 PBB       335-0830
  • Pomerantz Business Library, C320 PBB                       335-3077
  • Head, Kim Bloedel, C320 PBB                           335-3077
  • RSM McGladrey Institute of Accounting Education 
  • and Research, W262 PBB                                335-0913
  • Director,Ramji Balakakrishnan, W262A PBB              335-0958
  • Small Business Development Center, E114 BVC                335-3742
  • Regional Director, Paul Heath, E114 BVC               335-3742
  • Stead Technology Services Group
  • (Tippie Business College Only), C240 PBB              335-0873
  • Assistant Dean, Information Technology and Facilities,
  • James Chaffee, C240E PBB                         335-0797
  • Assistant Director and IT Security Director,  
  • Brian Heil, C240D                                335-0675
  • Assistant Director and Technical Operations Director,
  • Scott Fuller, C240C                              335-0876
  • Help Desk Specialist (Business only), W294 PBB        335-0873
  • Instructional Technology Director and ITC Coordinator,
  • Jeff Reuter, C240B PBB                           335-0812
  • Undergraduate Program (BBA), C140 PBB                      335-1037
  • Associate Dean, Kenneth G. Brown, C140 PBB            335-1037
  • Assistant to Dean Brown, Shari Tolander          335-1038
  • Assistant Dean, Susan Felker, C140C PBB               335-1037
  • Assistant Dean, Shari Piekarski, S172 PBB             335-1037
  • Vaughan Institute of Risk Management and Insurance, S230 PBB
  • Business Director, Dana Ramundt                       335-1015
  • Faculty Director, Thomas Berry-Stoelzle, S230A PBB    335-0854
  • Pomerantz Business Library, C336 PBB                       335-3077
  • BUSINESS MANAGER, 105 Jessup Hall                        
  • Business Manager, David Kieft, 105 JH                      335-5052
  • Real Estate and Leases, Linda Annis, 4 JH                  335-0129
  • Non Real Estate Contracts, Joyce Kral, 4 JH                335-1968
  • BUSINESS OFFICE (See Controller, Financial Mgt/Budget, Treasury Ops) 
  • Accounting & Financial Reporting:
  • General Information, B5 JH                            335-0098
  • FAX Number                                            335-0674
  • Assoc Controller, Selina Martin, 4M JH                335-0728
  • Director, Steve Romont, B5K JH                        335-0104
  • Billing Office University                                  335-0070
  • Budget Development: Director, Cathy Hagen 4Q JH            335-0130
  • Controller: Terry Johnson, 105 JH                          335-2791
  • Equipment Purchase Program (UI Depts)  Dave Beney  4D JH   335-0301
  • Facilities and Administrative Rate
  • Assistant Controller, Ted Welter, 4P JH               353-2027
  • Faculty/Staff Effort Reporting, Angie Klein,        SCST   335-0080
  • Financial Management/Budget:
  • General Information, 105 JH                           335-3552
  • Director Financial Management/Budget and
  • University Secretary, Susan Klatt, 105 JH        335-5084
  • Grants/Contracts Accounting:
  • General Information,     119 S. Clinton      SCST     335-3801
  • FAX Number                                            335-0674
  • Assoc. Controller,Director, Audra Haddy,     SCST     335-0827
  • F&O Senior Human Resource Rep., Suzanne Hilleman, 105 JH   335-0012
  • Capital Assets Management(Inventory):
  • General Information, 618 JB                           335-0118
  • FAX Number                                            353-2574
  • Assistant Director, LeAnn Meeks,    626 JB            335-0103
  • BUSINESS SERVICES                                              
  • Assistant Vice President for Finance and Operations,
  •  and Director, Debby Zumbach    105 JH                335-0060
  • Director, Strategic Sourcing, John Watkins  202 PCO        335-3815
  • Accounts Payable and Travel, Debby Zumbach  202 PCO        335-3815
  • Central Mail Services, Debby Zumbach  202 PCO              335-3815
  • General Stores, Debby Zumbach  202 PCO                     335-3815
  • Laundry, Debby Zumbach  202 PCO                            335-3815
  • Parking and Transportation, David Ricketts  100 WCTC       335-8628
  • Printing Department, Debby Zumbach 202 PCO                 335-3815
  • Purchasing Department, Debby Zumbach  202 PCO              335-3815
  • Risk Management, Insurance & Loss Prevention, 
  •    Donna Pearcy  430 PCO                                   335-3425
  • CAMBUS (Campus Bus System), WCTC Offices, Evashevski Drive      335-8633
  • Information, Dispatcher                                    335-8633
  •      E-Mail (Information)                  cambus-transit@uiowa.edu
  • Bionic Bus                                                 335-7595
  • E-Mail (Bionic Bus)                       Bionic-Bus@uiowa.edu
  • Maintenance Facility, 517 S. Madison St                    335-5205
  • Maintenance Supervisor, Pat Smith                          335-5102
  • Operations Manager, Mia Brunelli                           335-8630
  • Manager, Brian McClatchey                                  335-8632
  • FAX Number                                            335-6647
  • CAMPUS SAFETY - ORGANIZATION, 808 UCC (200 So. Capitol St.)     335-5022
  • Emergency                                                       911
  • FAX Number                                                 335-5800
  • Director of Public Safety, Mark Bullock               335-5026
  • Associate Director and Chief, Police Division
  • Lucy Wiederholt                                       335-5914
  • Associate Director, William S. Searls                      335-5028
  • Crime Prevention, Alton Poole                              335-5043
  • Fire Safety, Bruce McAvoy                                  335-5389
  • Special Events Coordinator, Loren Noska                    384-2783
  • Threat Assessment, Eli Hotchkin                            335-5011
  • Patrol and Detective Divisions                             335-5022
  • Lost and Found                                             384-2797
  • SERVICES, Video Services)                                  335-5898
  • FAX Number                                                 353-8988
  • Director, George J. Weiner, 5970Z JPP                      353-8620
  • Deputy Director for Clinical Care, Mohammed Milhem         356-2324
  • Deputy Director for Research, Michael Henry                335-7886
  • Executive Secretary, Tami Thompson                         353-8987
  • Associate Directors
  • Informatics, Thomas Casavant                          335-5953
  • Basic Research, Gail Bishop                           335-7945
  • Clinical and Translational Research, Ray Hohl         356-8110
  • Population Science, Elizabeth Chrischilles            384-5009
  • Research Infrastructure, David Lubaroff               335-8423
  • Administration, Christopher Laubenthal                356-2367
  • Research Administration, Vicki Foubert                384-5299
  • Human Resources, Mary Jo Stevens                      353-7898
  • Accountant, Deb Wrede                                 384-5592
  • Clinical Cancer Center, John and Mary Pappjohn Clinic 
  • Scheduling, Pomerantz Family Pavilion (PFP), Level 1  356-4200
  • Clinic Reception, Pomerantz Family Pavilion (PFP), 
  • Level 1                                               356-4422
  • Clinical Administrator, Denise Rettig                 353-8580
  • Cancer Information Service, Pomerantz Family 
  • Pavilion (PFP), Level 1                               356-3000
  • Toll Free                                       (800) 237-1225
  • Clinical Trials Office                                     467-6544
  • Oncology Registry                                          356-2388
  • Director of Development, Sarah Russett                     467-3787
  • General Information, 2090D UCC                             335-0103
  • FAX Number                                                 353-2574
  • Assistant Director, LeAnn Meeks, 2090D UCC                 335-0103
  • Chair and DEO, Peter J. Gruber, SE 514 GH                  356-1133
  • Administrator, Vacant, SE 500 GH                           356-1133
  • 6006 RCP                                                   356-4652
  • CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH CENTER, 616 MRC                         
  • Director, Barry London                          SE 308 GH  356-2745
  • CAREER CENTER - POMERANTZ CAREER CENTER, C310 PC                335-1023
  • FAX Number                                                 335-1029
  • Assistant Provost for Enrollment Management, David Baumgartner  
  • Corporate and Community Relations, Jane Schildroth 
  • Career Services, D. Allan Boettger
  • Academic and Leadership Programs, Kelley Ashby
  • Marketing and Operations, Angi McKie
  • Career Education, Sara Burden
  • Professional Development, Amy A'Hearn
  • Employer Relations and Internships, Crystal Stockdale
  • Community -Based Learning Program, Mary Mathew Wilson
  • Program Assessment and Research, Garry Klein
  • Events and Alumni Services, Cindy Meis
  • Career Leadership Academy, Stacy Narcotta-Welp
  • Student and Employer Relations, Sherry Rhinehart
  • Office Support Coordination, David C. Kelzenberg
  • Heidi McLaughlin
  • Finances, Cassie Potter
  • CAREER SERVICES OFFICES                                                 
  • Career Center, C310 PC                                     335-1023
  • FAX Number                                            335-1029
  • Engineering Professional Development, 3307 SC              335-5763
  • FAX Number                                            384-0529
  • Law Career Services, 299 BLB                               335-9011
  • FAX Number                                            335-9019
  • MBA Career Services, 432 PC                                335-1021
  • Fax Number                                            335-3604
  • Teacher Leader Center, N240 LC                             335-5353
  • FAX Number                                            356-6083
  • CATLETT HALL                                                335-1249
  • Hall Information Desk                                      335-1249
  • Hall Coordinator, Alejandro Rico                           467-0032
  • Assistant Hall Coordinator, Spencer Owen                   467-0032
  • Office Administrator, Lori Gerard                          335-1249
  • Marketplace Office                                         467-0019
  • Marketplace Manager, Vacant                                467-0019
  • Marketplace Assistant Managers, Brandon Aggson,            467-0019
  • Darby Seymour, David Von Holten (chef)
  • CATLETT HALL, CAT                                               335-1249
  • Hall Information Desk                                      335-1249
  • Hall Coordinator, Alejandro Rico Montiel                   467-0032
  • Hall Coordinator, Beze Uzoma                               467-0032
  • Hall Office Administrator, vacant                          467-0032
  • Staff Psychologist, Dawn Bates                             467-0032
  • Staff Psychologist, Patrick Galligan                       467-0032
  • Marketplace Office                                         467-0019
  • Market Place Manager, Kelli Haught                         467-0014
  • Market Place Assistant Managers, Brandon Aggson,           467-0017
  • Darby Seymour, Erik Isenhour, Dawn Stika (Sous Chef),
  • David Von Holton (Chef), Tim Reicks (Sous Chef)
  • CENTER FOR ADVANCED DRUG DEVELOPMENT, 1 PRL (Oakdale)           335-4096
  • FAX Number                                                 335-4374
  • 210 LC                                                     335-5439
  • FAX Number                                                 384-0505
  • Director, Won-Chan Lee, 210E LC                            335-5546
  • Assistant Director, Ariel Aloe, 368 LC                     335-5566
  • Finance & Research Admin, Anne Wilson, 210F LC             335-5439
  • Director Cynthia Chou, 114 MH                              335-0522
  • Website                             https://cbb.research.uiowa.edu/
  • Address                                                    C100 MTF
  • Phone                                                  319-335-4900
  • Director
  • Dr. Mark Arnold                                       335-1368
  • Director of Operations                                     
  • Dr. Elizabeth R. Gibson                               467-3232
  • Director of Quality Assurance
  • Mary M. Garner                                        335-4167
  • Research Facility Associate Director
  • Dr. Maria Spies                                       335-3221
  • CENTER FOR BIOCATALYSIS AND BIOPROCESSING*                              
  • C100 MTF (University of Iowa Research Park)                335-4900
  • FAX Number                                                 335-4901
  • Website                                http://www.uiowa.edu/~biocat
  • Director, Mani Subramanian                            335-4705
  • Administrator, Mitchell Rotman                        335-4903
  • Fermentation and Bioprocessing Facility, C100 MTF          335-4900
  • Technical Director, Sridhar Gopishetty                335-4910
  • cGMP Facility & QA Manager, Gwen Jarosh               335-4167
  • FAX Number                                                 384-0944
  • Director, Thomas Casavant, 5318 SC                         335-5953
  • CENTER FOR CONFERENCES, 250 CEF                                 335-4141
  • Director, Jo Dickens                                       335-4159
  • Conference Coordinator, Kelly Flinn                        335-4105
  • Accounting, Kate Kile Woods                               335-2912
  • Conference Associate, Katie Johnson                        384-3287
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2509
  • CENTER FOR DISABILITIES AND DEVELOPMENT, CDD                    356-1100
  • Information                                                384-9869
  • Main Lobby                                                 356-1100
  • Patient Appointment Scheduling                             353-6900
  • Email                                      cdd-scheduling@uiowa.edu
  • CDD Medical FAX                                            356-8284
  • cDD Pre-Service FAX                                        384-9393
  • Pre-Service Email               cddpre-service@healthcare.uiowa.edu
  • Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Division of,
  • Director, Lane Strathearn, 213-F CDD                  356-7044
  • Medical Director, Dianne McBrien, 213-D CDD                356-3062
  • Administrator, Michael Baca, 221 CDD                       356-0768
  • Financial Manager, Karin Swisher, 263 CDD                  356-1134
  • Disability Resource Library, Mitch DeFauw, 112 CDD         356-1345
  • Facility Development, Ron Lough, N174 cDD                  356-1423
  • ILEND, Pre-Service Training, Kelly Von Lehmden, S295 CDD   356-1172
  • Iowa Compass, Mike Lightbody, S295 CDD                     353-8778
  • Iowa Program for Assistive Technology,
  • Derrick Willis, 225-B                                 678-8414
  • Iowa's University Center for Excellence on Disabilities,
  • Derrick Willis, 225-B CDD                             678-8941
  • Medical Records, CDD                                       356-1346
  • Nursing Service and Clinic, Ellen Eulberg, N240 CDD        384-7012
  • Pediatric Dentistry (College of Dentistry),
  • Karin Weber-Gasperoni, N200 CDD                       467-4983
  • Human Resources Manager, Makenzie Stumpf, 225-D CDD        356-1452
  • CENTER FOR EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT (CEA), 210 LC              335-5954
  • Fax Number                                                 335-0505
  • Director, Liz Hollingworth, 142 LC                         384-3543
  • Associate Director, Julie Kearney, 135 LC                  384-3542
  • Assistant Director, Valerie Decker, 125 LC                 335-5351
  • Finance & Research Admin, Anne Wilson, 210F LC             335-5954
  • Website                                    https://cgrer.uiowa.edu/
  • Address                                                    424 IATL
  • Phone                                                  319-335-3333
  • Directors
  • Gregory R. Carmichael                                 335-1414
  • Jerald L. Schnoor                                     335-5649
  • Website                                  http://www.cheec.uiowa.edu
  • Address                                                     CB W195
  • Phone                                                  319-335-4550
  • Director
  • David Cwiertny                                        335-1401
  • Associate Director
  • Darrin Thompson                                       335-4014
  • Website                                  http://www.cheec.uiowa.edu
  • Address
  • Phone                                                  319-335-4550
  • Director
  • Gene F. Parkin                                        335-5655
  • Associate Director
  • Darrin Thompson                                       335-1470
  • 4261 WL                                                    335-4135
  • Director, Laurence Fuortes, S316 CPHB                      335-4008
  • Associate Director, Kristina Venzke, 4261 WL               335-9819
  • FAX Number                                                 335-4009
  • CENTER FOR LANGUAGE AND CULTURE LEARNING, 120 PH                335-2331
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2990
  • Director, Claire Frances, 116A PH                         
  • Instructional Services Specialist, Andy Lewis, 116C PH
  • Instructional Services Coordinator, Jack Doden, 116B PH   
  • CLCL & Instructional Technology Center, 120 PH             335-2331
  • One Button Video Recording Studio, 120D PH
  • Digital Audio Language Laboratory Classroom, 17 PH         353-2228
  • Multimedia Development Studio, 651 PH                      353-2330
  • FAX Number                                                 384-0587
  • Director, Nicholas Bowman, N438A LC                        335-5372
  • CENTER FOR TEACHING, 310 CALH                                  335-6048
  • FAX Number                                                 335-1423
  • E-Mail                                           teaching@uiowa.edu
  • Director, Jean Florman                                     335-6085
  • CENTER FOR THE BOOK, 216 NH                                     335-0447
  • Director, Tim Barrett,                                     335-0447
  • Paper Facility Director, Tim Barrett, Bldg 243 Oakdale Cam 335-4410
  • Bookbinding Classroom (Kolarik Book Studio), 16 NH         335-1282
  • Papermaking Classroom, 29 NH                               
  • Letterpress Classroom (Type Kitchen), 9 NH                 
  • UICB Seminar Room, 15 NH
  • CENTER ON AGING, 2159 WL                                        335-6576
  • FAX Number                                            353-4614
  • Director, Robert Wallace, S422 CPHB                        384-1551
  • Administrator, TBD, 124 CMAB                               384-4678
  • Associate Directors
  • Public Policy, Brian Kaskie, N214 CPHB                384-4382
  • Clinical Research, Susan Schultz, 2-207 MEB           335-6956
  • Lifetime Enrichment Adult Program (LEAP), 2159 WL     384-4566
  • Program Coordinator, Laura Scheetz, 2159 WL                384-4221
  • STAR Volunteer Registry, 2159 WL                           384-4221
  • Secretary III, TBD, 2159 WL                           335-6576
  • Website                             https://cmrf.research.uiowa.edu
  • Address                                                     85 EMRB
  • Phone                                                  319-335-8142
  • Director
  • Randy Nessler                                         335-8143
  • CHAMPS (CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH, ASSESSMENT,                              
  • 6006 RCP                                              356-4652
  • UI Hospitals and Clinics--Iowa River Landing          467-2039
  • Program Director, Christine Clair, 6006 RCP                356-8899
  • Medical Director, Ramzi El Accaoui, E314 GH                356-0494
  • Coordinator, James Johnson, 6006 RCP                       356-4652
  • CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 4133 SC                   335-1400
  • FAX Number                                                 335-1415
  • Departmental Executive Officer,
  • C. Allan Guymon, 4125 SC                              335-1228
  • CHEMISTRY, E331 CB                                              335-1350
  • FAX Number                                                 335-1270
  • General Information, Rachel Franke, E331 CB                335-1350
  • DEO, Renee Cole, E331B CB                                  384-1883
  • Departmental Administrator, Shonda Monette, E331A CB       335-1344
  • Accountant, Sandy Mast, 202 SH                             335-9304
  • Graduate Coordinator, Lindsay Elliott, E331 CB             335-0200
  • Undergraduate Chemistry Center (Student Inquiries,
  • Registration Drop/Add, SDS)
  • Manager, Trent Tappan, E227 CB                   335-1341
  • Coordinator TBD, 225B CB              
  • Undergraduate Instruction, Admin
  • Dominic Frisbie, W439 CB                              335-1170
  • NMR Facility, W84 CB                                       335-1332
  • Director, Santhana Velupillai, W184 CB                335-1336
  • Asst Director, George Crull, W275 CB                       384-1315
  • Chemistry Stores and Shops
  • Chemistry Stores, W93 CB                              335-1378
  • Coordinator TBD, W93G CB                         335-1378
  • Computer Services Shop, E127 CB                       335-0149
  • Michael Ciha, E127A CB                           334-4204
  • Bryan Ringen, E127 CB                            335-0149
  • Peter Franke, E127 CB                            335-1471
  • Electronics Shop, Mike Estenson, W138 CB              335-2113
  • Glass Shop, Benjamin Revis, W152 CB                   335-1337
  • MATFab Machine Shop, Tori Forbes, W39 CB              384-1320
  • CHILD CARE                                                             
  • Family Services Manager, Diana Kremzar, 121 USB            335-3558
  • A Two Z Child Care Center (formerly UPCC), 300 Myrtle Ave  338-1330
  • Alice's Rainbow Childcare Centers
  • Office, 421 Melrose Avenue                            354-1466
  • The Sprout House, 421 Melrose Avenue                  354-8379
  • Apple Tree Children's Center
  • 325 South Dubuque Street                              621-7349
  • Community Action of Eastern Iowa, Childcare Resource and Referral
  • 500 East 59th Street, Davenport, IA 52807         866-324-3236
  • Early Learners Enrichment and Child Care
  • 735 Westgate Street                                   339-0800
  • Good Shepherd Center, 603 Greenwood Drive                  338-0763
  • Handicare, Inc., 2220 9th Street, Coralville               354-7641
  • HACAP Head Start, 318 East Bloomington Street              339-0632
  • Home Ties Child Care Center, 405 Myrtle Avenue             341-0050
  • Little Angels Learning Center                              
  • First United Methodist, 214 East Jefferson Street     341-9757
  • Melrose Day Care, 701 Melrose Avenue                       338-1805
  • The Mary Jo Small Child Care Center at Brookland Woods,
  • 309 Melrose Avenue                                    337-8980
  • University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Child Care Center
  • 109 Westlawn                                          335-9666
  • University Preschool, 212 Myrtle Avenue                    337-7046
  • CHILD HEALTH SPECIALTY CLINICS, 247 CDD                         356-1184
  • FAX Number                                                 356-3715
  • Director, Debra Waldron, 247 CDD                           467-5009
  • Clinical Director, Mary Larew, 246 CDD                     353-6139
  • Director of Operations, Vickie Miene, 247 CDD              353-6294
  • Public Health Division, Barb Khal, 247 CDD                 353-6917
  • Human Resources, Judy Stephenson, 221 CDD                  356-1452
  • CHILDREN'S MIRACLE NETWORK HOSPITALS                            335-8484
  • FAX Number                                                 335-8869
  • Director, Michelle Altmaier, 5144 WL                       335-9003
  • CINEMATIC ARTS                                                  335-0330
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3446
  • DEO, Michael Cowan E210 AJB                                467-1685
  • Department Administrator, Elizabeth Cecil, 105B BCSB       335-2357
  • Educational Advisor, Molly Rechkemmer, W241 AJB            467-0047
  • Administrative Coordinator, Sarah Moeller, 105 BCSB        335-0207
  • Grad. Studies Director, Chris Harris, W221 AJB 335-0639
  • Undergraduate Studies Director & Honors Director
  • Anna Morrison, W2227 AJB                              335-0416
  • Film Studies, Director, Chris Goetz, W229 AJB         335-0325
  • Film and Video Production  
  • Director, Michael Cowan, W210 AJB                467-1685
  • Teaching Assistant Offices
  • W231 AJB
  • W233 AJB
  • W239 AJB
  • 321 BCSB
  • 323 BCSB
  • 325 BCSB
  • CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 4105 SC                    335-5647
  • FAX Number                                                 335-5660
  • Departmental Executive Officer, A. Allen Bradley, 4105A SC 335-5654
  • CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLIANCE, OFFICE OF,                             335-0705
  • EEO, Affirmative Action and Compliance, 202 JH             335-0705
  • Jennifer Modestou, Director of Equal Employment Opportunity,
  • Affirmative Action, & Compliance
  • Jill Robinson, Program Coordinator
  • Tobey Kelly, Administrative Services Coordinator
  • Discrimination Investigations & ADA Compliance, 202 JH     335-0705
  • Tiffini Stevenson Earl, Senior Director of OCRC and
  •           ADA Coordinator
  • Lauren Camp, Investigator
  •      Breno Silvestrini Rodrigues, Investigator
  •      Julian West, Investigator
  • Title IX, 455 VAN                                          335-6200
  • Monique DiCarlo, Title IX Coordinator and Director
  • Sara Feldmann, Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Asst Director
  • Kristal M. Gibson, Senior Investigator
  • Krista Kronstein, Investigator
  •      Waldemar Rodriguez, Response Coordinator and Investigator
  •      Steve Wehling, Investigator
  • Melisa Wallace Rusk, Administrative Services Specialist
  • Bianca Esquivel, Administrative Services Coordinator
  • CLASSICS, 210 JB                                                335-2323
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3884
  • Chair, Craig Gibson, 210 JB                                335-2324
  • Departmental Administrator, Lindsay Vella, 24 PH           467-0067
  • Administrative Services Coordinator, Norah Wolf, 210 JB    467-7067
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Paul Dilley, 205 JB          353-2274
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies, Robert Cargill, 209 JB  335-1996
  • Honors Coordinator, Debra Trusty, 224 JB                   335-0624
  • Director of the Latin Program, Marcia Lindgren, 210G JB    335-2322
  • Teaching Assistant Offices
  • 211 JB                                                
  • 213 JB                                              
  • 215 JB                                            
  • CLINICAL DOCUMENTATION IMPROVEMENT, C515 GH                     384-8206
  • Director, Mary Kay Brooks, C515 GH                    384-8206
  • CLINICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES PROGRAM, C450 GH                   384-9617
  • Site Coordinator, Judy Kittleson C664 GH                   384-9617
  • Chief Quality Officer, Michael Edmond, C512-A GH           353-8352
  • Quality & Operational Improvement Manager/Director, 
  • Beth Hanna, C515 GH                                   353-7463
  • CLINICAL STAFF OFFICE                                           384-9294
  • Director, Cynthia Geyer, C123 GH                           384-9294
  • FAX                                                   384-9293
  • Christopher Coffey, Director
  • William Clarke, Co-Director
  • COMMUNICATION SCIENCES AND DISORDERS, 119 SHC                   335-8718
  • Department FAX Number                                      335-8851
  • Chair, Eric Hunter, 119C SHC                               335-8684
  • Director, Undergraduate Studies, Stewart McCauley,121A SHC 463-1933
  • Director, Graduate Studies, Shawn Goodman, 127B SHC        335-8700
  • Departmental Administrator, Julie Jones, 119A SHC          335-8720
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, Tiffany Hill, 119 SHC        335-1384
  • Admin Services Coordinator, Ana Silva, 119 SHC             335-1274
  • Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Clinic, 116 SHC         335-8736
  • Clinic FAX Number                                     335-8851
  • Director Clinical Programs, SLP
  • Anu Subramanian, 120B SHC                        335-8694
  • Director Clinical Programs, AuD
  • Stephanie Fleckenstein, 122D SCH                 335-8755
  • Clinic front desk/appointments,
  • Bobby Rodriguez, 116 SHC                         335-8736
  • Clinic Billing, Cleo McConnell, 116C SHC              335-8703
  • COMMUNICATION STUDIES, 105 BCSB                                 335-0575
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2930
  • Department Chair, Kembrew McLeod, 131 BCSB                 353-2259
  • Department Administrator, Elizabeth Cecil, 105B BCSB       335-2357
  • Educational Advisor, Andrea Krekel, 111 BCSB               335-3849
  • Administrative Coordinator, Sarah Moeller, 105 BCSB        335-0207
  • Director, Graduate Studies, Joy Hayes, 135 BCSB            353-2263
  • Director, Undergraduate Studies, Rachel McLaren, 153 BCSB  384-3382
  • TA Offices
  • 112 BCSB
  • 114 BCSB
  • 116 BCSB
  • 118 BCSB
  • 120 BCSB
  • 122 BCSB
  • 130 BCSB
  • 132 BCSB
  • 134 BCSB
  •      255 BCSB
  • Other Building Services           
  • CLAS Production Unit, Angela Looney 230 BCSB          335-0583
  • Film and Video Equipment Checkout, 138 BCSB           335-0586
  • COMMUNITY AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, N400 CPHB                      384-1474
  • Head, Edith Parker, N432A CPHB                        384-1472
  • Assistant, Brenda Schropp, N432 CPHB                  384-1470
  • Secretary, Donna Dorothy, N433 CPHB                   384-1474
  • Administrator, Rob Svetly, N434 CPHB                  384-1473
  • Graduate Program Coordinator,
  • Torrie Malichky, N477 CPHB                       384-1490
  • FAX Number                                            384-4106
  • Centers
  • National American Indian and Alaska Native Addiction   
  •   Technology Transfer Center, 1207 WL                        
  • Project Director, Anne Helene Skinstad, 1197 WL  353-2957
  • Program Manager, Jacki Bock, 1199 WL             335-5564
  • Research Coordinator, Kate Thrams, 1209 WL       335-5362
  • Research Associate, Jenny Richards, 2193 WL      384-4154
  • Behavioral Health Consultant, Sean Bear, 1211 WL 384-4164
  • Faculty Consultant, Peter E. Nathan, 1211 WL     
  • Fax Number                                       335-6068
  • University of Iowa Prevention Research Center 
  • for Rural Health, N440 CPHB                      384-1472
  • Director, Edith Parker, N432A CPHB               384-1472
  • Co-Director, Barbara Baquero, N418               384-1480
  • Center Coordinator, Heidi Haines,  N440 CPHB     335-8350
  • Assistant Research Scientist, 
  • Jason Daniel-Ulloa, N436 CPHB               384-4025
  • COMMUNITY BASED LEARNING PROGRAM, 100 PCC, Suite C310                 
  • Director, Mary Mathew Wilson                               335-7589
  • FAX Number                                                 353-2772
  • COMPARATIVE LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH CENTER, 328 SH                 335-2361
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3211
  • E-Mail                                                lsq@uiowa.edu
  • Managing Editor, LSQ, Michelle L. Wiegand                  335-2361
  • COMPUTER HELP (ITS HELP DESK)                          (4-HELP) 384-4357
  • Email                                        its-helpdesk@uiowa.edu
  • for a list of public ITC Locations]
  • College of Business, C220 PBB                              335-0872
  • Engineering Labs
  • Hering (East), 1220 SC                                335-5762
  • Elder (West), 1231 SC                                 335-5748
  • Exercise Science, 402 FH                                   384-4752
  • January Learning Center, 627 MRC                           335-9905
  • MacLean Hall Labs
  • Computer Science Class/Lab, 301 MLH                   No phone
  • *Math Department Class/Lab, B5 MLH                    No phone
  • *=Restricted to persons with DIVMS
  • (www.divms.uiowa.edu) accounts only
  • Pathology Learning Center, 149 MRC                         335-8192
  • Physics and Astronomy General Office, 201 VAN              335-1686
  • *Statistics Class/Lab, 346 SH                         335-0597
  • *=Restricted to persons with DIVMS
  • (www.divms.uiowa.edu) accounts only
  • COMPUTER SCIENCE, 14 MLH                                        335-0713
  • Chair, Alberto M. Segre, 14G MLH                           335-1713
  • Director of Graduate Studies, 
  • Steve Goddard, 201B MLH                               335-2611
  • Director of Computer Science Undergraduate Studies, 
  • Elizabeth Kleiman, 201F MLH                           467-1906
  • Director of Informatics 
  • Juan Pablo Hourcade, 101L MLH                         353-2543
  • Undergraduate Program Director for Computer Science
  • & Engineering, Gary Christensen, 4324 SC              335-6055
  • Honors Program Director,
  • Garret Morris, 1412 SC                                467-4601
  • Department Administrator, Allison Rockwell, 14F MLH        384-3621
  • Academic Services Coordinator, Sheryl Semler, 14E MLH      335-0707
  • Administrative Svcs. Specialist, Matthieu Biger, 14 MLH   335-0713
  • COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, CENTER FOR, 116 ERF                      335-5722
  • FAX Number                                                 384-0542
  • Director, Karim Abdel-Malek, 106 ERF                       335-6163
  • Contracts Administration, Lisa Lang, 116 ERF               335-6471
  • Website                               http://coi.research.uiowa.edu
  • Address                                                    105 HLHS
  • Phone                                                  319-384-4256
  • Senior Assistant Vice President for Research
  • Jennifer Lassner                                      335-3710
  • Conflict of Interest Program Manager
  • Martha E. Hedberg                                     384-4256
  • CONTINUING EDUCATION, DIVISION OF, 250 CEF                      335-2575
  • E-Mail                                                dce@uiowa.edu
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2740
  • Toll-Free Number (Nationwide)                          800-272-6430
  • Dean, Chet Rzonca, 246 CEF                                 335-2527
  • Bachelor of Applied Studies Program (BAS)                  335-2575
  • Bachelor of Liberal Studies Program (BLS)                  335-2575
  • Budget/Financial Officer, Deanna Green, 237 CEF            335-3746
  • Conferences, Center for (see also CONFERENCES)
  • Director, Jo Ellen Dickens, 219 CEF                   335-4159
  • Distance Education/Off-Campus Courses and Programs
  • Associate Dean and Director, 
  • Anne Zalenski, 247 CEF                           335-2048
  • Educational Advising                                       335-2575
  • Guided Independent Study                                   335-2575
  • Iowa Lakeside Laboratory                               712-337-3669
  • Executive Director, Chet Rzonca     
  • Iowa Summer Writing Festival, Amy Margolis, C215 SSH       335-4160
  • Iowa Young Writers Studio, Stephen Lovely, C215 SSH        335-4209
  • John & Mary Pappajohn Education Center, Des Moines
  • Facilities Manager, Richard Gardner               515-235-4621
  • Labor Center, Director, Jennifer Sherer, W130 BVC          335-4145
  • On Campus Courses and Registrar Services, 
  • Director, Marlys Boote, 251 CEF                       335-2043
  • Strategic Communications, 
  • Director, Maureen McCormick, 240 CEF                  335-3800
  • Summer Session, Director, Marlys Boote, 251 CEF            335-3800
  • Winter Session, Director, Marlys Boote, 251 CEF            335-2043
  • CONTROLLER, Rachel McGuire                               335-2728
  • Director, Acct. & Financial Management
  • Steve Romont                                     335-0127
  • Manger, Accounting & Financial Analysis  
  •          Ted Welter,                                       335-2027
  • Tax Manager, Tom Peifer, III,                         384-1497
  • COOPERATING SCHOOLS PROGRAM, 117 LC                            335-6289
  • FAX Number                                                 335-6004
  • Research Support Manager, Teresa Garringer, 117 LC         335-6289
  • COUNSELING SERVICE, University                                335-7294
  • West Side Location: 3223 WL
  • East Side Location: UCC Suite 1950
  • Michael A. Feltcher, Psy.D, Director
  • Patrick Galligan, Associate Director/Director of Training
  • Holly A. Davis, Associate Director/Director of Clinical Services
  • Cari Anderson, Assistant Director/Director of Dental Counseling
  • & Wellness Support Services College of Dentistry
  • Kelly Clougher, Associate Director for Outreach
  • Organizational Effectiveness), 121 USB                     335-2085
  • West Side Location: 3223 WL
  • East Side Location: UCC Suite 1950
  • CREDIT PROGRAMS, CENTER FOR, 250 CEF                            335-2575
  • CRYSTALLOGRAPHY FACILITY, 4-611 BSB                          
  • Director, Lokesh Gakhar, 4-680 BSB                         335-7671
  • CURRIER HALL, C                                                 335-2982
  • Hall Information Desk                                      335-2982
  • Office Administrator, Teresa Schmidt                       335-2982
  • Hall Coordinator, Oto Pereira
  • DAILY IOWAN, E131 AJB                                          
  • Advertising Department, Classified, Juli Krause            335-5784
  • E-Mail                        daily-iowan-classified@uiowa.edu
  • Advertising Department, Display, Juli Krause               335-5784
  • E-Mail                               daily-iowan-ads@uiowa.edu
  • Business Manager, Debbie Plath, E131 AJB                   335-5786
  • E-mail                                   debra-plath@uiowa.edu
  • Circulation, Juli Krause, E131 AJB                         335-5784
  • E-Mail                              daily-iowan-circ@uiowa.edu
  • Publisher, Jason Brummond, E131 AJB                        335-5788
  • E-Mail                                jason-brummond@uiowa.edu
  • Production Department                                      335-5789
  • E-Mail                        daily-iowan-production@uiowa.edu
  • News/Editorial Department, E131 AJB                        335-6030
  • E-Mail                                   daily-iowan@uiowa.edu
  • Editor                                                335-6030
  • DANCE (see also PERFORMING ARTS), E114 HH                       335-2228
  • Chair, Rebekah Kowal, E114C HH                             335-2180
  • Director of Dance Production, Eloy Barragan, W106 HH       335-2189
  • Academic Coordinator and Asst. to the Chair,
  • Molly Dahlberg, E114B HH                              335-2621
  • Main Office, E114 HH                                       335-2228
  • Administrator, Rosie Ver Steegh, 1400N VOX                 335-2482
  • Graduate Adviser, Jennifer Kayle, E111 HH                  384-1414
  • Graduate Program Director, Jennifer Kayle, E111 HH         384-1414
  • Undergraduate Director, Kristin Marrs, W109 HH             335-2184
  • UI Dancer Co.
  • Artistic Director:
  • Director, Melinda Jean Myers, W107 HH                 335-2187
  • Space/Place Theater, Backstage 101 NH                      335-1511
  • University of Iowa Youth Ballet and Community Dance School
  • Administrator: Jason Schadt, W113 HH                  335-2193
  • DAUM HALL, D                                                 353-2950 
  • Hall Information Desk                                      353-2950
  • Hall Coordinator, Jillian Boudreau                         353-2950
  • Office Administrator, Justy Bernardy                       353-2950
  • DEAN OF STUDENTS (Office of the Dean of Students), 135 IMU 335-1162
  • Angie Reams, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students 
  • Eric Rossow, Senior Advisor to the VP &                    335-3557
  • AVP/Dean of Students, 249 IMU
  • William Nelson, Associate Dean & Executive Director        
  • Iowa Memorial Union
  • Angela Ibrahim-Olin, Associate Dean and Director,          335-1527
  • Office of Student Accountability
  • Anna Holbrook, Associate Director, Student Care & Assistance
  • Elley Mohling, Program Coordinator, Student Care & Assistance
  • Cody Howell, Program Coordinator, Student Care & Assistance
  • Vacant, Assistant Dean and Director,                       335-3059
  • Leadership and Engagement
  • Tanya Villhauer, Assistant Dean, Well-Being and Basic Needs
  • Steph Beecher, Basic Needs and Care Coordinator
  • Pam Krogmeier, Administrative Services Manager    
  • Jocelyn Mueller, Administrative Services Specialist        335-1162
  • Genea Bean, Administrative Services Coordinator            335-1527
  • DENTISTRY, COLLEGE OF, DSB                                              
  • Information (Patient)                                      335-7499
  • Information (Non-patient)                                  335-9651
  • FAX Number                                                 335-7155
  • Dean, Clark Stanford, N308 DSB                            
  • Executive Associate Dean, Galen B. Schneider, N306 DSB     335-7146
  • Continuing Education
  • See:  https://dentistry.uiowa.edu/ce          
  • Development Officer, Kelly Garvin, LCUA           335-3305/467-3503
  • Faculty, Office for                                        335-9650
  • Finance and Facilities,
  • Associate Dean, Scott K. Arneson, N301 DSB            335-9650
  • Budget Manager, Greg Mahaffa, N347 DSB                335-9650
  • Director of Facilities and Procurement Services
  • Justin Bringman, S112 DSB    335-7505
  • SR Human Resources Director, Angie Bell,  N300 DSB    335-9650
  • Patient Services  (See also Clinics and Clinic Services)
  • Associate Dean, Kecia Leary, W449 DSB                 335-8147
  • Research  (See also Iowa Institute for Oral Health Research)
  • Associate Dean, Dr. Xian Jin Xie                      335-7214
  • Director, Dr. Jeff Banas                              335-9911
  • Academic and Student Affairs, Office for
  • Associate Dean, Sherry Timmons, N311 DSB              335-7164
  • Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs, 
  • Dharini van der Hoeven                           335-0084
  • Assistant Dean, Student Affairs, Tony Smothers   467-4395
  • General Student Information, N311 DSB                 335-7151
  • Admissions Director, Jodi Graff, N311 DSB             335-7163
  • Financial Aid, N311 DSB                               335-7164
  • Registrar, Kayla Balik, N315 DSB                      467-4557
  • Endodontics, 
  • Head, Fabricio Teixeira, W345 DSB                     335-7471
  • Grad Program Director,Fabricio Teixeira          335-7471
  • Family Dentistry, 
  • Head, Christopher Barwacz, S342A DSB                  384-3002
  • Dental Auxiliary Utilization, 
  • John Syrbu, S403 DSB                        384-4918
  • Senior Lab Office, S105 DSB                      335-7336
  • Operative Dentistry,
  • Head, Erica Teixeira, S229A DSB                       335-7207
  • Grad Prog. Director, Sandra Guzman-Armstrong     335-7216
  • Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine,
  • Head, Trishul Allareddy, S351 DSB                     384-1738
  • Grad Program Director - Pathology
  • Nidhi Handoo                                335-7360
  • Grad Program Director - Radiology
  • Trishul Allareddy                           384-1738
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
  • Head, Kirk L. Fridrich, S458 DSB                      335-7456
  • 51365 PFP                                             356-2318
  • Grad Program Director, Doug Kendrick             356-7339
  • Orthodontics, 
  • Head, Lina Moreno Uribe, S226 DSB                     335-8912
  • Grad Program Director, Kyungsup Shin             335-6411
  • Pediatric Dentistry,
  • Head, Karin Weber-Gasparoni, S211 DSB                 335-7486
  • Grad Program Director, Heidi Steinkamp           467-0617
  • Periodontics, 
  • Head, Sivaraman Prakasam, S446A DSB                   335-0359
  • Grad Program Director, Sukirth Ganesan           467-1475
  • Preventive and Community Dentistry,
  • Head, Leonardo Marchini, N339 DSB                     467-1698
  • Grad Program Director, John J. Warren            335-7205
  • Prosthodontics,
  • Head, Aaron Cho                                       467-0221
  • Grad Program Director, Tarek Kerdani             335-2812
  • New Patient Information                                    335-7499
  • Existing Patient Information                               335-7499
  • Dental Emergency (Children)
  • (After 5 p.m. daily, Sat., Sun., and Holidays)        335-7485
  • Dental Emergency (Adults)
  • (After 5 p.m. daily, Sat., Sun., and Holidays)        356-1616
  • Admissions, Appointments, S326 DSB                         335-7447
  • Center for Clinical Studies                                335-9557
  • Children's (see Pediatric Dentistry)
  • Endodontics,                                               335-7469
  • Faculty General Practice                                   335-8232
  • Family Dentistry, S304 DSB                                 335-7316
  • General Dentistry  (formerly Hospital General Dentistry)   335-6659
  • Geriatric Mobile Dental Program, Information, W329 DSB     335-6961
  • Hawkeye Oral Surgery Clinic, Coralville                    335-4517
  • Hospital Dentistry Institute--UIHC, 51300 PFP              356-2743
  • Implant Clinic                                             335-7169
  • Operative Dentistry                                        335-7217
  • Oral Diagnosis Clinic                                      335-7346
  • Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine
  • Consultation Appointments                             335-9656
  • Mucosal Disease Clinic                                335-7346
  • Pain Clinic                                           335-7346
  • Sterilizer Monitoring Program                         335-6520
  • Oral Surgery--DSB                                          335-7457
  • Oral Surgery--UIHC, 51300 PFP                              356-2205
  • Oral Surgery--Hawkeye Oral Surgery Clinic,
  • 2401 Coral Court, Coralville                          335-4517
  • Orthodontics,                                              335-7287
  • Pediatric Dentistry (Up to 16 years),                      335-7485
  • Center for Disabilities and Development               353-6711
  • Periodontics                                               335-7233
  • Prosthodontics                                             335-7274
  • Radiology Appointments                                     335-7345
  • Special Care Clinic, W310 DSB                              335-6961
  • VA Dental Clinic, VA Medical Center             338-0581, Ext. 6650
  • Dental Clinic Business Office
  • Manager, Lynn Conway, N101 DSB                        335-8093
  • General Billing Information                      335-7440
  • Orthodontic Billing Information, S219 DSB        335-7308
  • Cashier's Office                                 335-7440
  • Insurance Information                            335-7440
  • Dental Pharmacy, S340B DSB
  • Director, Karen A. Baker                              335-7435
  • Manager, Amy Dunleavy                                 467-3150
  • Patient Records                                            335-7429
  • Patient Representative,
  • Ann Synan, S323 DSB                                   335-6579
  • Sara Stone, S345 DSB                                  467-1845
  • Social Worker, Nicole McGlynn, S361 DSB                    467-0244
  • Sterilization Services, 
  • Manager, Curtis Iburg, W413 DSB                    335-8965
  • Student Patient Management Program,
  • Becky Todd, W447 DSB                                  335-7471
  • Maria Meller, W442 DSB                                335-8919
  • Bre Fettkether, W444 DSB                              467-0143
  • Iowa Institute for Oral Health Research
  • Information, N418 DSB                                 335-7385
  • FAX Number                                            335-8895
  • Administrative Support, Ann Lawler, N418A DSB         467-1987
  • Director, Oral Sciences Training Program,
  • Jeff Banas, N413 DSB                                  335-9911
  • Research Programs
  • Cariology/Microbiology, Jeff Banas, N436 DSB          335-9911
  • Oral Soft Tissue/Cancer Research,
  • Jeff Banas, N436 DSB                             335-9911
  • Clinical Studies                                      335-7414
  • Dental Bio-Materials/Bone Tissue and Engineering      384-1674
  • Epidemiology/Health Policy,
  • Daniel J. Caplan, N339 DSB                       335-7206
  • Student Research, Teresa Marshall, N335 DSB           335-7190
  • Research Services
  • Biostatistics and Computational Biology,
  • Director, Xian Jin Xie, N101-9 DSB               335-7214
  • Research and Grants Information,
  • Ann Lawler, N418A DSB                            467-1987
  • Media Services (See SERVICE UNITS/Technology & Media Services)
  • IT (See SERVICE UNITS/Technology & Media Services)
  • Dental Facilities and Procurement Services,
  • Director, Justin Bringman, S112-1 DSB                 335-7505
  • Dental Human Resources,
  • SR HR Director, Angie Bell, N300 DSB                  335-9650
  • Technology & Media Services,
  • Director, Jerry Gehling                               335-7559
  • Webmaster - dentistry-webmaster@uiowa.edu             335-7370
  • Media Services
  • Manager, Sean Kelley, N317 DSB                   335-7177
  • Filling Station Cafe, Melanie Forbes                       335-7510
  • Senior Lab Office, S132 DSB  (See also Family Dentistry)   335-7223
  • Supply and Instrument Rental, 
  • Director, Justin Bringman, S112-1 DSB                 335-7505
  • Dental Health Education, State Bureau of, E3E OH      335-4285
  • Clinic                                          (356-SKIN) 356-7546
  • Appointment Scheduling, General & Cosmetic                 356-7546
  • Appointment Scheduling, Surgery                            356-7684
  • Cosmetic Procedure Inquiries                               384-6831
  • Prescription Refills                                       353-6500
  • Billing                                                    384-2418
  • FAX Number                                                 356-8317
  • Administration
  • Chair and DEO, Janet Fairley, 40040 PFP               356-3609
  • Department Administrator, Adam Santi, 40042 PFP       356-1685
  • Nurse Manager, Trudy Laffoon, 30000 PFP               384-6441
  • Service Excellence Coordinator, 
  • Mark Burkert, 30000 PFP                          384-5577
  • Research Coordinator, Julie McKillip, 30011 PFP       353-6439
  • Residency Coordinator, Cheryl Moores, 40027 PFP       356-1694
  • DISABILITIES                                                            
  • DISPATCH SERVICES                                               335-5089
  • (see CREDIT PROGRAMS, CENTER FOR), 250 CEF                 335-2575
  • Toll-Free Number (Nationwide)                        (800) 272-6430
  • DIVISION OF DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION, 3719 UCC            335-3555
  • Division Email: ddei-contact@uiowa.edu
  • Center for Inclusive Academic Excellence: ddei-ciae@uiowa.edu
  • Inclusive Education & Strategic Initiatives:   ddei-iesi@uiowa.edu
  • Office of Institutional Equity (OIE): 335 0705
  • Title IX & Gender Equity: oie-tixge@uiowa.edu 
  • Equity Investigations ADA Compliance: oie-equity@uiowa.edu
  • Equity Compliance: oie-ui@uiowa.edu
  • Associate Vice President for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 
  • Dr. Liz Tovar, 335 9384, elizabeth-tovar@uiowa.edu
  • Senior Advisor, Director of Communications                     
  • Charlie Taylor, 405 650 3216, charlie-taylor@uiowa.edu
  • Director, Cultural Engagement and Analytics
  • Isandra Martinez-Marrero, 335 2107, isandra-martinez-marrero@u
  • Director, Inclusive Education and Strategic Initiatives (IESI)
  • Brianna Marcelo, 353 3555, brianna-marcelo@uiowa.edu
  • Director, OIE Center for Inclusive Academic Excellence (CIAE)
  • Tabitha Wiggins, 335 3555, tabitha-wiggins@uiowa.edu
  • Director, OIE Title IX and Gender Equity, Title IX Coordinator
  • Monique DiCarlo, 335 0705, monique-dicarlo@uiowa.edu
  • Director, OIE Equity Investigations and ADA Compliance, ADA Coor.
  • Tiffini Stevenson-Earl, 335 0705, tiffini-stevenson-earl@uiowa
  • Director, OIE Equal Employment Opportunity
  • Jennifer Modestou, 335 0705, jennifer-modestou@uiowa.edu
  • Website                               http://dsp.research.uiowa.edu
  • Address                                                        2 GH
  • Phone                                                  319-335-2123
  • Executive Director
  • Wendy Beaver                                          335-2122
  • Associate Director
  • Jessica Boyle                                         335-3203
  • Associate Director
  • Lynn Hudachek                                         335-3540
  • EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 115 TH                        335-1818
  • FAX Number                                                 335-1821
  • Chair, David Peate, 115C TH                                335-1801
  • Departmental Administrator, Angela Bellew, 115D TH         335-0150
  • Academic & Office Coordinator, Alexandra Geraets, 115 TH   335-1818
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Jeffrey Dorale, 35A TH       335-0822
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies,
  • Bradley Cramer, 35B TH                                335-0704
  • Director of Undergraduate Honors, Bradley Cramer, 35B TH   335-0704
  • Academic Advisor, Hannah Whitcomb DeHague, 255 TH          335-1889
  • Environmental Sciences Program                             335-1818
  • Program Director, Andrew Forbes, 434A BB              335-3006
  • Academic Coordinator, Emily Finzel, 15A TH            335-0405
  • ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT, S252 PBB                                  335-0829
  • Chair, John Solow                                          335-0845
  • PhD Program Director, David Frisvold, W282 PBB             335-0957
  • Undergraduate Program Director, Jennifer Fuhrman, S322 PBB 335-0925
  • EDUCATION, COLLEGE OF                                           
  • General Information                                        335-5359
  • FAX Number                                                 335-5386
  • null
  • Dean, Daniel L. Clay, N201U LC                             335-5380
  • Exec Asst to the Dean, Bettina Hass, N201T LC         335-6182
  • Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs,
  • Pamela Wesely, N201N LC                               335-5261
  • Admin Services Manager, Sarah Lobb, N201R LC          335-4787
  • Education Studies and Human Relations B.A.
  • Director, Kathy Schuh, N304 LC                   335-5667
  • Associate Dean for Research, Saba Rasheed Ali, 361 LC      335-5495
  • Associate Dean for Teacher Education and Student Services 
  • Mark McDermott, N201H LC                              335-5591
  • Student Services Coordinator, Sue Cline, N310G LC     335-5260
  • Budget Financial Officer, Emily M. Campbell, N201S LC      335-5308
  • Senior Accountant, Kyle Marxen, N201 LC               335-6367
  • Office of Assessment Director, Jeremy Penn, N459 LC        335-5371
  • Application Developer, Michelle Yu, N438B LC          335-5391
  • Executive Director of Development, Cally Murray, 500 LCUA  335-3305
  • Associate Director of Development, Nicole Evans, 261G LCUA 335-3305
  • Human Resource Director, Christine Annicella, 224D LC      335-6138
  • Research Support Admin, Elizabeth Constantine, N302FLC     335-6434
  • Research Sup Manager, Teresa Garringer, N302E LC      335-6289
  • Research Sup Spec, Elizabeth Decker, N302 LC          335-6115
  • Asst Research Scientist, Duhita Mahatmya, N302D LC    384-3541
  • Strategic Communications Director, Lois Gray, N201 LC      335-5347
  • Creative Coordinator, Mei-Ling Shaw Williams, N201 LC 384-0845
  • Writer/Editor, Sara Nelson, N201 LC                   335-5388
  • Academic Departments 
  • Educational Policy & Leadership Studies, N491 LC      335-5302
  • FAX Number                                       384-0587
  • DEO, David Bills, N491B LC                       335-2399
  • Admin Services Specialist, Janice Latta, N491 LC 335-5365
  • Educational Leadership                           335-5302
  • Higher Education & Student Affairs               335-5302
  • Schools, Culture, & Society                      335-5302
  • Psychological & Quantitative Foundations, 361 LC      335-5578
  • DEO, Saba Rasheed Ali, 361 LC                    335-5495
  • Admin Services Manager, Kunjal Harwani, 361 LC   335-5579
  • Couple & Family Therapy                          335-5578
  • Counseling Psychology                            335-5578
  • Educational Measurement & Statistics             335-5578
  • Educational Psychology & Learning Sciences       335-5578
  • School Psychology                                335-5578
  • Rehabilitation & Counselor Education, N338 LC         335-5275
  • DEO, Noel Estrada-Hernandez, N338B LC            335-5246
  • Departmental Admin, Kari Blomberg, N338 LC       335-5275
  • Counselor Education and Supervision              335-5275
  • Couple & Family Therapy (Moved to Psychological
  • and Quantitative Foundations, 361 LC)       335-5578
  • Human Relations Minor                            335-5275
  • Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling        335-5275
  • Rehabilitation Counselor Education               335-5275
  • School Counseling                                335-5275
  • Teaching and Learning, N259 LC                        335-5324
  • FAX Number                                       335-5608
  • DEO, Lia Plakans, N259A LC                       335-5565
  • Admin Serv Coordinator, Zoie Schares, N259 LC    335-5441
  • Elementary Education                             335-5324
  • Secondary Education                              335-5324
  • Special Education                                335-5324
  • Senior Academic Advisor, Kathy Mossman, N328 LC  335-5119
  • Academic Advisor, Misty Brents, N326 LC          335-5612
  • Academic Advisor, Sarah Showalter, N331 LC       335-5119
  • Centers
  • Belin-Blank International Center for Gifted Education and
  • Talent Development, 600 BHC                      335-6148
  • FAX Number                                       335-5151
  • Director, Susan Assouline, 631 BHC               335-6148
  • Institute for Research and Policy on Acceleration
  • Research, 600 BHC                           335-6148
  • Director of Development, Cally Murray, 500 LCUA  335-3305
  • Admin for Prof Dev, Laurie Croft, 639 BHC        335-6195
  • Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement and 
  • Assessment (CASMA), 210 LC                       335-5439
  • Director, Won-Chan Lee, 210E LC                  335-5546
  • Assistant Director, Ariel Aloe, N330 LC          335-5566
  • Finance & Research Admin, Anne Wilson, 210F LC   467-0973
  • Center for Evaluation and Assessment (CEA), 210 LC    335-5954
  • Director, Liz Hollingworth, N483 LC              384-3543
  • Assistant Director, Valerie Decker, N479 LC      335-5351
  • Finance & Research Admin, Anne Wilson, 210 LC    467-0973
  • Center for Research on Undergraduate Education
  • (CRUE), N438 LC                                  335-5372
  • FAX Number                                       384-0587
  • Director, Nicholas Bowman, N438A LC              335-5372
  • Iowa Reading Research Center, 320 BHC                 384-2268
  • Director, Deborah Reed, 345 BHC                  384-2884
  • Admin Services Coord, Trish Sodahl, 320 BHC      467-1032
  • Iowa Testing Programs, 340 LC                         335-6010
  • FAX Number                                       335-6038
  • Co-Director, Stephen B. Dunbar, 334A LC          335-5561
  • Co-Director, Catherine Welch, 320 LC             335-6274
  • Director, Operations, David Henkhaus, 340A LC    384-2714
  • Director, Test Development, Tim Hazen, 318 LC    384-2006
  • Support Services and Special Programs
  • Baker Teacher Leader Center, N110 LC                  335-5623
  • Director of Projects & Partnerships,
  • William Coghill-Behrends, N121 LC           335-5349
  • Director of Professional Development,
  • Kari Vogelgesang, 120 LC                    335-5348
  • Admin Services Spec, Deborah Kakavas, N158B LC   335-6412
  • Cooperating Schools Program                           335-6289
  • FAX Number                                       335-5386
  • Coordinator, Teresa Garringer, N302E LC          335-6289
  • Education Technology Center (ETC), N110 LC            335-5623
  • FAX Number                                       335-5386
  • IT Director, John Achrazoglou, N158F LC          335-5620
  • Admin Services Spec, Deborah Kakavas, N158B LC   335-6412
  • Administrative and Desktop Support, N186 LC
  • Senior IT Support Consultant, Wayne Kintz   335-5623
  • System Administrator, David Lippe           335-5623
  • IT Support Consultant, Justus Dewall        335-5623
  • Instructional Technology Center (ITC), N110 LC
  • Coordinator, Scott Popham, N124 LC          335-5037
  • Equipment Checkout                          335-5623
  • Computer Classroom Reservation              335-5037
  • Website Administration, N158C LC
  • Web Editor, Jean Finley, N158C LC           335-5622
  • Global Initiatives
  • Coordinator, William Coghill-Behrends, N121 LC   335-5349
  • FAX Number                                       335-5386
  • Honors Program, (COE) Blank Honors Center, 600 BHC    335-6148
  • FAX Number                                       335-5151
  • I-SERVE, N122 LC                                      335-5544
  • Veteran's Resource Specialist, N122 LC           335-5544
  • Admin Services Spec, Deborah Kakavas, N158B LC   335-6412
  • Office of Student Services, N310 LC                   335-5359
  • FAX Number                                       335-5364
  • Associate Dean, Nancy Langguth, N310B LC         335-5363
  • Student Services Coord, Sue Cline, N310G LC      335-5260
  • Director of Student Teaching & Field Experiences,
  • General Field Experiences                   335-5361
  • Julie Heidger, N310C LC                     335-6395
  • Coord for Field Exp, Bellinda Assemien, N310D LC 467-1895
  • Teacher Education Program Recruitment Coordinator,
  • Paul Waas, N310A LC                         384-3589
  • Office of Graduate Teaching Excellence, N222 LC       335-6447
  • FAX Number                                       335-5386
  • Coordinator, Mitchell Kelly, N332 LC             335-5573
  • Statistics Outreach Center, 224A LC                   335-5425
  • Statistic Biostat Mngr, Sheila Barron, 224A1 LC  335-5425
  • Writing Resource, N119 LC           writing-resource@uiowa.edu
  • UI Realizing Educational & Career Hopes, 229 LC       384-2127
  • FAX Number                                       384-2167
  • Director, William Loyd, Jr, 229F LC              384-2097
  • Admin Serv Coordinator, Jim Verry, 229 LC        384-2127
  • N491 LC                                                    335-5302
  • FAX Number                                                 384-0587
  • DEO, David Bills, N491B LC                               335-2399
  • Admin Services Spec, Janice Latta, N491 LC                 335-5365
  • Educational Leadership                                     335-5302
  • Higher Education & Student Affairs                         335-5302
  • Schools, Culture, & Society                                335-5302
  • ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING, 4016 SC                    335-5197
  • FAX Number                                                 335-6028
  • Departmental Executive Officer, Er-Wei Bai, 4016A SC       335-6052
  • ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE FACILITY                                       
  • Director, Garry Buettner, 68 EMRB                          335-6749
  • EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 1008 RCP                                    353-6360
  • Chair and DEO, Andrew Nugent, 1008 RCP                     353-7946
  • ED Medical Director, Michael Miller, 1008 RCP         356-2959
  • AirCare Medical Director, Joshua Stilley, 1008 RCP    384-6356
  • Emergency Department                                  356-2233
  • EMPLOYMENT                                                              
  • Student Part-time, 208 CALH                                335-1460
  • Staff (see HUMAN RESOURCES), 102 USB                       335-2656
  • ENDODONTICS, S435A DSB                                          335-7471
  • Head, Fabricio Teixeira, W345 DSB                          467-0336
  • Administrative Support, Maria Hennes, W341 DSB        467-0336
  • Grad Program Director, Fabricio Teixeira, W345 DSB    467-0336
  • Appointments                                               335-7469
  • ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 3612 SC                   335-5763
  • FAX Number                                            384-0529
  • Director, Kelli Delfosse, 3612 SC                          335-5774
  • ENGINEERING, COLLEGE OF, 3100 SC                                335-5764
  • Information                                                335-5764
  • Engineering Administration, 3100 SC                   335-5764
  • FAX Number                                            335-6086
  • Dean, Alec Scranton, 3100 SC                               335-5766
  • Administrative Assistant, Jill McNamara,3100 SC       335-5765
  • Administrative Assistant, Jill McNamara, 3100 SC      335-5765
  • Associate Dean for Academic Programs
  • Nicole Grosland, 3100 SC                              335-6425
  • Administrative Assistant, Natalie Potter, 3100 SC     335-6026
  • Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Research,
  • Milan Sonka, 3100 SC                                  335-5191
  • Administrative Assistant, Kristina Venzke, 3100 SC    384-2204
  • Executive Development Director, Elizabeth Simpson, LCUA    335-3305
  • Development Director, Matt Kuster, LCUA                    335-3305
  • Director of Marketing & Communications, Jason Kosovski     384-0550
  • Director of Alumni Relations, Wendy Brentner, 3100 SC      335-5340
  • Director of Human Rources, Jan Waterhouse, 3123 SC         335-5767
  • Director of Finance, April Tippett, 3100 SC                335-5952
  • Facilities Manager, John Millsap, 1414 SC                  335-5773
  • Biomedical Engineering, 5601 SC                            335-5632
  • FAX Number                                            335-5631
  • Departmental Executive Officer,
  • Joseph Reinhardt, 5601 SC                        335-5634
  • Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 5318SC 384-0804
  • FAX Number                                            384-0944
  • Director, Thomas L. Casavant, 5316 SC                 335-5953
  • Center for Computer-Aided Design, 116 ERF                  335-5722
  • FAX Number                                            384-0542
  • Director, Karim Abdel-Malek, 106 ERF                  335-6163
  • Contracts Administration, Lisa Lang, 4601 SC          335-6471
  • Hanson Center for Technical Communication, 3307 SC         335-6097
  • Coordinator, Scott Coffel, 3307 SC                    335-6097
  • Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, 4133 SC              335-1400
  • FAX Number                                            335-1415
  • Departmental Executive Officer, 
  • C. Allan Guymon, 4125 SC                         335-5015
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering, 4105 SC               335-5647
  • FAX Number                                            335-5660
  • Departmental Executive Officer,
  • A. Allen Bradley, 4105 SC                        335-5654
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering, 4016 SC               335-5197
  • FAX Number                                            335-6028
  • Departmental Executive Officer,
  • Er-Wei Bai, 4016A SC                             335-6052
  • Engineering Electronics Shop, 2018 SC                      335-5760
  • FAX Number                                            335-5777
  • Parts, 2018 SC                                        335-5759
  • Service, 2018 SC                                      335-5760
  • Engineering Machine Shop, G450 SC                          384-0600
  • Michael Hillman, Manager                              384-0600
  • Engineering Professional Development, 3612 SC              335-5763
  • Director, Kelli Delfosse
  • FAX                                                   384-0529
  • Engineering Computer Services (ECS), 1256 SC               335-5751
  • Engineering, CTO, Danny Tang, 1256 SC                 335-5751
  • Help Desk                                             335-5055
  • IIHR--Hydroscience & Engineering                           335-5237
  • FAX Number (SHL Building)                             335-5238
  • Interim Director, Gabrielle Villarini, 306 SHL        384-0596
  • Director of Dev. and Comm., Carmen Langel, 107B SHL   335-5841
  • Director of Finance, Teresa Gaffey, 107A SHL          335-6166
  • Director of Research Computing, Mark Wilson, 423A SHL 335-5223
  • Director of Engineering Services, Troy Lyons, 519 SHL 335-5223
  • Shop Services, Tim Houser, 4 HLMA                     384-0936
  • FAX number, Mechanical Shops                          335-5251
  • Lucille A. Carver Mississippi Riverside Environmental
  • Research Station (LACMRERS), Doug Schnoebelen
  • 3388 Hwy 22, Muscatine, IA                 (563) 288-2888
  • FAX Number (LACMRERS)                      (563) 288-2889
  • East Annex (HLEA)                                     335-5219
  • East Annex Shop                                       335-6088
  • James Street Annex                                  IA335-9536
  • 2421 James Street, #3, Coralville, IA
  • Model Annex (HLMA)                                    335-5249
  • FAX Number (HLMA Model Annex)                    335-5251
  • Oakdale Annex East (HOA2)                             335-4183
  • FAX Number (HOA2 Oakdale Annex)                  335-4262
  • Oakdale Annex West (HOA1)                             335-4032
  • Wind Tunnel Annex (HWTA)                              335-5245
  • FAX Number (HWTA Wind Tunnel Annex)              384-0569
  • Wave Basin Office                                     467-4572
  • Wave Basin Conference Room                            467-4574
  • Industrial and Systems Engineering, 3016 SC
  • Departmental Executive Officer
  • Geb Thomas, 3016 SC                                   335-5936
  • Lichtenberger Engineering Library
  • Head, Kari Kozak, 2100D SC                            335-6047
  • Mechanical Engineering, 3131 SC                            335-5668
  • FAX Number                                            335-5669
  • Departmental Executive Officer, 
  • Ching-Long Lin, 2406 SC                               335-5934
  • Engineering Student Services, 3612 SC                      335-5763
  • Office Coordinator, Laura Vasser                      335-5763
  • FAX Number                                            384-0529
  • Registrar, 2045 SC, Megan Allen                       335-5768
  • Academic Advising and Retention
  • Director, Nancy Schneider, 3612 SC               335-5014
  • Advisor, Joshua Atcher, 3612 SC                  384-0500
  • Professional Development, 3612 SC                     335-6280
  • Director, 
  • Tutoring, 3612 SC                                     384-0500
  • Director, Joshua Atcher
  • Outreach, Admissions, Scholarships & Inclusion Services,    2045 SC
  • Admissions and First Year Experience, 2045 SC
  • Director, Jane Dorman                            335-5769
  • Diversity Programs and K-12 Outreach, 3124 SC
  • Director, Tracy Peterson                         335-5776
  • First Tech Challenge, 3124 SC                         335-5706
  • FTC Affiliate, Rebecca Whitaker, 3124 SC
  • Project Lead the Way
  • Director, David Rethwisch, 4138 SC               335-1413
  • Coordinator, Kandace Munson, 008E KRC            335-5940
  • Diversity, Implementation Coach
  • Chelle Lehman, 1402 SC                      335-5702
  • Student Organizations Office, 3517 SC
  • Women in Science & Engineering, 1402 SC                    335-3351
  • Director, Linda Varvel, 1402 SC                       335-3511
  • ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, 1112 UCC (U. Capitol Centre)      335-5630
  • FAX Number                                                 335-6037
  • Director, Melissa Meisterheim, 1112 UCC                    335-5630
  • ESL Credit Program, 1112 UCC                               335-5630
  • TAPE Program, 1112 UCC                                     335-5630
  • Iowa Intensive English Program, 1112 UC                    335-5630
  • ENGLISH, 308 EPB                                                335-0454
  • Fax Number                                                 335-2535
  • Chair, Blaine Greteman, 306 EPB                            335-0454
  • Associate Chair for Faculty, Jon Wilcox, 450 EPB           335-0443
  • Director of Graduate Studies (M.A. in English, Ph.D. in
  • English), Jennifer Buckley, 366 EPB                   335-0323
  • Director of Nonfiction Writing (M.F.A.)
  • John D'Agata, 203 NFP                                 335-0641
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies,
  • Harry Stecopoulos, 374 EPB                            335-0461
  • Director of Gen Ed Lit, Bluford Adams, 458 EPB             335-0461
  • Director of Undergraduate Honors Program, 
  • Lori Branch, 368 EPB                                  335-2466
  • Director of Undergraduate Creative Writing
  • Kaveh Akbar, 460 EPB                                  335-0450
  • Academic Advisor, Kate Torno, 308 EPB                      335-0457
  • Academic Advisor, Christine Norquest, 425 EPB              335-0460
  • EPB Departments Administrator & Building Coordinator
  • Barb Pooley, 321 EPB                                  335-2684
  • Assistant to the Chair, Shannon Yost, 308 EPB              467-4915
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, 
  • Cherie Hansen-Rieskamp, 308 EPB                       335-0440
  • TA/RA Coordinator, Andrea Cramer, 308 EPB                  467-0281
  • Front Desk Student Assistant 308 EPB                       335-0454
  • Website                               http://ehs.research.uiowa.edu
  • Address                                                     100 EHS
  • Phone                                                  319-335-8501
  • Director
  • Haley Sinn                                            335-8775
  • Assistant Director 
  • Jim Pyrz                                              335-4625
  • FAX                                                        384-4138
  • Director, Peter S. Thorne, S341A CPHB                      335-4216
  • Coordinator, Nancy Wyland, S323 CPHB                  335-4756
  • Pulmonary Toxicology Facility
  • Peter S. Thorne, Director, S341A CPHB            335-4216
  • Environmental Modeling and Exposure Assessment Facility
  • Patrick O'Shaughnessy, Director, S320 CPHB       335-4202
  • Integrative Health Sciences Facility
  • Alejandro Comellas, Director, C33-1 GH           384-6484
  • Pilot Grant Program
  • Larry W. Robertson, Director, S357 CPHB          335-4554
  • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 121 TH                                  335-1818
  • FAX Number                                                 335-1821
  • Department Chair, David Peate, B21B, TH                    335-0567
  • Academic Coordinator, Art Bettis, 120D, TH                 335-1818
  • EPIDEMIOLOGY, S400 CPHB                                         384-1540
  • Head, James C. Torner, S441A CPHB                          384-1542
  • Secretary, Marilyn Anderson, S441 CPHB                     384-4010
  • FAX Number                                                 384-4155
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, Kim Williams, S408 CPHB      384-1544
  • Administrator, Cindy Rohret, S445 CPHB                     384-1543
  • Centers
  • Iowa Registry for Congenital and                  
  • Inherited Disorders, W260 BVC                    335-4107
  • Preventive Intervention Center, E257 GH               384-5030
  • and 2403 Towncrest Dr.                           358-1440
  • State Health Registry of Iowa, 2600 UCC               335-8609
  • Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases               335-4984
  • 2501 Crosspark Rd, Coralville
  • Health Effectiveness Research Center, 2126 WL         335-9783
  • Nutrition Center, E257 GH                             384-5070
  • FAX Number                                       384-5051
  • Oakdale Medical Research, MTF (UI Research Park)
  • 2501 Crosspark Road, Suite A/B
  • Helga Trabert, Office Manager, A164 MTF
  • Epidemiology Research - College of Public Health
  • Christine Petersen, B166 MTF                384-1579
  • Director, Marina Zaloznaya, 401 NH                         335-2502
  • EVALUATION AND EXAMINATION SERVICE, 300 JB                      335-0356
  • Director, Annette Beck                                     335-0356
  • EVENT SERVICES & FACILITY OPERATIONS, IMU, 159 IMU              335-3114
  • Room Scheduling Reservations, 159 IMU                      335-3114
  • Cory Lockwood, Senior Associate Director
  • John Cory, Assistant Director
  • Kristi Finger, Assistant Director, Reservations & Outdoor Space
  • Katie Martin, Reservations Coordinator
  • Chris Gantt, Facility Coordinator
  • Johnny McElhany, Facility Coordinator
  • FACILITIES MANAGEMENT                                              
  • General Information, 200 USB                               335-5500
  • FAX Number                                            384-0814
  • WORK CONTROL CENTER (24hrs-7days/wk)                       335-5071
  • E-Mail:  facilities-wcc@uiowa.edu               FAX:  335-6498
  • Trouble Calls/Service Requests                        335-5071
  • ADMINISTRATION                                      
  • Admin. Svcs. Specialist, Shawn Albaugh Kleppe    335-1205
  • Assistant to the AVP, Jeri Ripley King                335-1247
  • Strategic Communications, Wendy Moorehead        335-1246
  • Assistant to the AVP, Dave Jackson                    335-5062
  • BUILDING & LANDSCAPE SERVICES                        FAX:  335-6498
  • DIRECTOR                                                   335-5038
  • Building Operations & Maintenance, Julie Sychra       335-5040
  • Data Analytics & Commissioning, Katie Rossmann   384-2170
  • Controls Engineering, Dan Oppelt            335-5809
  • Area Operations & Maintenance, Tom Moore         335-9415
  • Area 1, Dustin Ripley                       330-7929
  • Area 3, Colby Dye                           384-0652
  • Area 4, Jeff Goodwin                        335-6904
  • Area 5, Monte Schooley                      353-5496
  • Custodial Services, Andy Bruckner                     335-1705
  • Manager, Jeff Rajtora                            384-0759
  • Manager, Duane Lown                              384-0763
  • Landscape Services, Scott Gritsch                     384-0748
  • Asst Manager, Shawn Fitzpatrick                  335-5107
  • Groundskeeping, Nate Strabala                    353-4505
  • Landscape Construction, Mike Rhinehart           353-4504
  • Central Maintenance Services, Lou Galante             335-3671
  • Fire & Life Safety, Dustin Lane                  335-5125
  • Key & Access Services, Jan Bringman              335-5283
  • Bldg Repair & Fabrication  
  • Oakdale Operations, Ann Rosenthal                     335-5823
  • Oakdale Maintenance, Rich Krebs                  548-1884
  • Oakdale Renewable Energy, Brad Swearingen        384-2923
  • Work Control Center                                   335-5071
  • Customer Services, Steph Rourke                  335-5074
  • BUSINESS & FINANCIAL SERVICES                         FAX: 335-5172
  • DIRECTOR, LYNNE FINN                                       335-5098
  • Human Resources, Cathy Koebrick                       335-5078
  • Information Technology, Steve Sawyer                  335-6178
  • Associate Budget Officer, Jim Hackman                 335-5082
  • Maintenance Stores                               335-5164
  • Safety, Brent Anderson                                335-5444
  • Space Information, Kirk Banks                         335-5502
  • DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION                                 FAX: 335-2722
  • DIRECTOR, SADIE GREINER                                    335-3309
  • Design Management, Chet Wieland                       384-0996
  • Construction Management, Steve Otto                   384-2091
  • UTILITIES                                             FAX: 335-6082
  • DIRECTOR, GLEN MOWERY                                      335-1884
  • Utilities Operations, Ben Fish                        384-0528
  • Chilled Water Plant, Andy Van Etten              621-6338
  • Power Plant, Ben Anderson                        335-5843
  • Water Utilities, Dave McClain                    335-5990
  • Water Treatment Plant, Scott Slee                335-6245
  • Utilities Distribution, Rick Ney                      384-2184
  • Energy Control Center, George Paterson           335-5139
  • Electrical Distribution, John Weyer              560-4133
  • Mechanical Distribution, Chuck Weno              631-6019
  • Utilities Finance, Marla Johnson                      384-2093
  • Renewable Energy, Erin Hazen                          384-3414
  • FACULTY AND STAFF DISABILITY SERVICES, 121 USB                  335-2660
  • TTY                                                        335-3495
  • FAX Number                                                 353-2384
  • Damien Blair, 121 USB                                      335-2660
  • Information, 120 USB                                       335-1167
  • FAX Number                                                 353-2384
  • Director                                                   335-2263
  • Senior Immigration Specialist                              335-5316
  • FACULTY AND STAFF SERVICES, 121 USB                             335-2085
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2056
  • Information/Appointments                                   335-2085
  • FACULTY SENATE/COUNCIL, 604 JB                              335-0617
  • FAX                                                        353-2273
  • E-mail                                     faculty-senate@uiowa.edu
  • Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant,
  • Laura Zaper                                           335-0617
  • President: Russell Ganim, 111A PH                     335-2911
  • Vice President: Sandra Daack-Hirsch,364 CNB           335-7061
  • Secretary: Joseph YOckey, 464 BLB                     335-9883
  • Past President: Peter Snyder, 300B EMRB               353-5943
  • College of Business:
  • Artem Durnev, S386 PBB                          335-2626
  • College of Dentistry:
  • Teresa Marsha, N335 DSB                         335-7190
  • College of Education:
  • Megan Foley Nicpon, N361 LC                      335-5575
  • College of Engineering:
  • Sarah Vigmostad, 5615 SC                         384-2008
  • College of Law:
  • Caroline Sheerin, 406 BLB                        335-9131
  • College of Liberal Arts:
  • Frank Durham, E330 AJB                           335-3362
  • Erica Prussing, 114 MH                           335-0528
  • Katherine Tachau, 171 SH                         335-2210
  • Edward Wasserman, 224 SLP                        335-2445
  • College of Medicine:
  • Alicia Gerke, C33-E GH                           356-1869
  • Kevin Glenn, 3180 ML                             356-4241
  • Resmiye Oral, BT                                 384-5652
  • Peter Snyder, 300B EMRB                          353-5943
  • Joseph Szot, SE310 GH                            467-5337
  • Christie Thomas, SE419 GH                        356-4216
  • College of Nursing:
  • Melissa Lehan Mackin 454 CNB                     335-3045
  • College of Pharmacy:
  • Dale Wurster, 308 PHar                           335-2137
  • College of Public Health:
  • Anjali Deshpande, S141 CPHB                      384-1506
  • FAMILY DENTISTRY, S313 DSB                                      335-7322
  • Head, Christopher Barwacz, S342A DSB                       384-3002
  • Administrative Support, Jean Redlinger, S342 DSB      335-7322
  • Appointments                                               335-7316
  • FAMILY MEDICINE, 01105 PFP                                      384-7000
  • FAX Number                                                 384-7822
  • Chair and DEO, Paul James, 01286-D PFP                     384-7500
  • Administrator, John A. Williams, 01290-B PFP               384-7800
  • Family Medicine Clinic (Patient Appointments), 01153 PFP   384-7222
  • Organizational Effectiveness
  • Director, Mani Subramanian                                 335-4705
  • Technical Director,  Sridhar Gopishetty                    335-4910
  • FINANCE AND OPERATIONS, 105 JH                                  335-3552
  • FAX Number                                                 353-2069
  • Senior Vice President, Rod Lehnertz, 105 JH                335-3552
  • Admin. Services Coord., Kathy McDonald, 105 JH             335-0187
  • Assistant to the Senior VP, Ted Yanecek, 105 JH            335-0004
  • Associate VP, Facilities Management, Lynne Finn, 220 USB   335-5098
  •  Assistant VP and Director, Public Safety, Mark Bullock
  •   824 UCC                                                  384-2781
  • Assistant VP & Univ.Secretary, Director of Treasury Operations
  •   & Financial Mgmt, Susan Klatt,  105 JH                   335-5084
  • University Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
  • Terry Johnson, 105 JH                                 335-2791
  • Director of Budget Planning and Analysis,   
  •      Audra Haddy, 105 JH                                   467-1813
  • Associate VP and Director, Purchasing & Business Svcs.
  •      Deborah Zumbach  436 PCO                            335-3815
  • Business Manager, David Kieft, 105 Jessup Hall             335-5052
  • Tax Manager, Tom Peifer, III, 4 JH                         384-1497
  • Senior HR Director, Lew Montgomery, 121 USB                467-4382
  • FINANCE DEPARTMENT, S252 PBB                                    335-0929
  • Chair, Thomas Rietz                                        335-0856
  • PhD Program Director, Art Durnev, S386 PBB                 335-2626
  • Undergraudate Program Director, Todd Houge, S288 PBB       335-3754
  • General Information, 105 JH                                335-3552
  • Director of Budget Planning and Analysis, Audra Haddy      335-0827
  •   Audra Haddy          335-0130
  • FINKBINE GOLF COURSE                                            335-9556
  • General Information                                        335-9556
  • Hawk's Nest/Snack Shop                                     335-9156
  • Maintenance Shop                                           335-9574
  • FLEET SERVICES, 155 W. Harrison                                 384-0564
  • Information                                                384-0564
  • FAX Number                                                 335-5865
  • E-Mail                                     fleet-services@uiowa.edu
  • Motor Vehicle Dispatcher, Blake Winder                     384-0564
  • Administrative Services Coordinator, Joe Cerrone           335-5508
  • Maintenance Supervisor, Pat Smith                          335-5102
  • Service Scheduling/Parts, Allison Castro Aragon            335-5105
  • Manager, Mike Wilson (Fleet Services Office)               335-5088
  • Asst Mgr, Chris Carlile (Fleet Services Office)            384-0501
  • Director, Zuhair K. Ballas, 48 EMRB                        335-8103
  • Technical Director, Justin Fishbaugh, 48 EMRB              335-8103
  • see University Catering or University Housing & Dining
  • Director, Pamela Bourjaily, C347 PBB                       335-3459
  • Director, Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center
  • Department of Internal Medicine & Biochemistry
  • E. Dale Abel, MD, PhD, Professor 4312 PBDB            353-3050
  • Assoc. Director, Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Cntr
  • Department of Biochemistry and Pediatrics Endocrinology & Diabetes
  • Andrew Norris, MD, PhD, Assoc. Professor 1270B CBRB   335-7383
  • Emeritus, Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Cntr
  • Department of Internal Medicine & Physiology
  • Daryl Granner, MD  6318 PBDB                          335-7405
  • FOEDRC Director of Administrative Services
  • Kathleen Barbee, 4318 PBDB                            384-4678
  • FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE PROGRAMS, 154 IMU                    335-3059
  • Chad Warrick, Director, IMU
  • McKenzie Pendry, Assistant Director, IFC
  • Alicia Hein, Coordinator, MGC
  • Vacant, Coordinator, PHC & NPHC
  • FAX Number                                                 335-8039
  • Director, Douglas R. Spitz, B180 ML                        335-8001
  • Graduate Program                                           335-8019
  • FRENCH AND ITALIAN, 111 PH                                      335-2923
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2990
  • Chair, Roxanna Curto, 551 PH                               335-2274
  • Graduate Director, Anny Curtius, 555 PH                    335-2274
  • Undergraduate Director (Arabic), Yasmine Ramadan, 518 PH   335-2247
  • Undergraduate Director (French),Downing Thomas, 123D PH    467-1896
  • Undergraduate Director (Italian), Irene Lottini, 510 PH    335-2257
  • GENDER,WOMEN'S & SEXUALITY STUDIES, 210 JB                      335-0322
  • Chair, Hyaewoel Choi, 420 JB                               335-2164
  • Departmental Administrator, Lindsay Vella, 24 PH           467-0067
  • Administrative Services Coordinator, Laura Kerr, 210 JB	   467-3000
  • GENERAL COUNSEL, 120 JH                                         335-3696
  • James Jorgensen, Vice President for Legal Affairs and
  • General Counsel, 120 JH                               335-0054
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2830
  • GENERAL EDUCATION IN LITERATURE, 308B EPB                       335-0456
  • Director, Brooks Landon, 308B EPB                          335-0456
  • GENERAL HOSPITAL (see UNIVERSITY OF IOWA                    
  • HOSPITALS AND CLINICS), GH                                 356-1616
  • GENERAL STORES, MBSB                                            384-3906
  • FAX Number                                                 384-3918
  • Office Max Rep                                             384-3908
  • Office Manager, Steve Stane                                384-4045
  • Receiving/Services/Delivery, Joel Tresslar                 384-3905
  • Director, Dan Eberl, 259 BB                                335-1323
  • Director, William Paradee, B160 MTF                        335-4495
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2725
  • Chair, David Bennett, 306 JH                               335-0158
  • Departmental Administrator, Angela Bellew, 316 JH          335-0150
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Heather Sander, 316 JH  335-0151
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies, Silvia Secchi, 310 JH   335-1927
  • Undergraduate Coordinator, Adrian Sandersfeld, 316 JH      335-0151
  • Data Systems Coordinator, Adam Skibbe, 328 JH              335-0157
  • GERMAN, 111 PH                                                  335-2923
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2990
  • Interim Chair, Jill Beckman, 111 PH                        335-0214
  • Area Coordinator and Undergraduate Director
  • Glenn Chrstine, 575 PH                                335-2276
  • GIFTED EDUCATION & TALENT DEVELOPMENT                               
  • Belin-Blank International Center for Gifted Education and 
  • Talent Development, 600 BHC                                335-6148
  • FAX Number                                            335-5151
  • Director, Susan Assouline, 600 BHC                    335-6130
  • Institute for Research and Policy on Acceleration     335-6148
  • Director of Development, Cally Murray, 500 LCUA       467-3360
  • GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS, OFFICE OF, 224 JH                       335-3714
  • Mailing address, 101 JH
  • FAX Number                                            353-2587
  • Interim Chief of Staff and Vice President for External Relations
  • Peter MAtthes                                         335-3714
  • Director of Project Management, Ann Frances Vargas-Goff    353-2801
  • Federal Relations Director, Peter Matthes                  335-3714
  • Public Relations Specialist, Gail Beech                    334-1954
  • Director of State Relations, Keith Saunders            319-240-0007
  • Constituent Relations Manager, Liz McIntire                384-1279
  • Program Coordinator, Aubree Johnson                        335-3551
  • Administrative Support, Tracy Sondgeroth                   335-3672
  • GRADUATE COLLEGE, 201 GILH/205 GILH                      
  • Information
  • Dean's Office, 201 GILH             Tele 335-3492/Fax 335-2806
  • Academic Affairs, 205 GILH          Tele 335-2144/Fax 335-2522
  • (Drop/Add forms, Thesis or Dissertations, Plan of Study)
  • Callen Conference Room Reservations, 5 GILH           335-2144
  • Graduate College Commencement Ceremony Info, 201 GILH 335-3492
  • Office of Graduate Inclusion, 422 GILH                353-2584
  • Tuition Scholarships, 201 GILH                        335-3493
  • Dean, John C. Keller, 201 GILH                             335-2142
  • Secretary, Kathy Klein Gerling, 201F GILH             335-2142
  • Program Coordinator, Liz Crooks, 201H GILH            384-1310
  • Senior Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, 
  • Dale Eric Wurster, 205C GILH                          335-2137
  • Secretary, Paul Meintel,  205 GILH                    335-2147
  • Director, Academic Affairs, Heidi Arbisi-Kelm, 205G GILH   335-2135
  • Academic Affairs Coord, Eunice Prosser, 205H GILH     335-2146
  • Secretary, Cindy Fetters, 205 GILH                    335-2144
  • Thesis/Dissertation, Kris Grinstead, 205D-1 GILH      335-3599
  • Thesis/Dissertation, Matthew Pollard, 205D-3 GILH     335-3432
  • Associate Dean, Student and Administrative Affairs,
  • Dan Berkowitz, 201D GILH                              335-2136
  • Secretary, Kathy Klein Gerling, 201F GILH             335-3492
  • Associate Dean, Recruitment and Professional Development,
  • Minnetta Gardinier, 205E GILH                         353-2361
  • Secretary, Paul Meintel, 205 GILH                     335-2147
  • Graduate Inclusion, Office of              
  • Admin Service Coord, Ann Dudler, 422 GILH             353-2584
  • Diversity & Inclusion Coord, Diana Bryant, 411 GILH   335-2148
  • Adm & Enroll Svcs Spec/Coord, Joseph Henry, 410 GILH  335-2138
  • External Relations
  • Strategic Comm Manager, Jennifer Masada, 201K-1 GILH   35-2815
  • Writer/Editor, John Riehl, 201K GILH                  384-1309
  • Human Resources and Finance,
  • Director of Finance and HR, Donna Welter, 201B GILH   335-2145
  • Clerk IV, Jennifer Crawford, 201 GILH                 335-3493
  • Administrator, HR and Finance, Sandy Gay, 201C GILH   335-1287
  • Information Technology Group
  • Director of Info Tech, Andrew Jenkins, 201J GILH      353-2321
  • Application Developer, Matthew Arant, 201 GILH        541-0691
  • IT Support Consult, Derrick Johnson, 205B GILH        335-1983
  • Postdoctoral Scholars, Office of, 205 GILH                 335-2731
  • Assoc. Dean, Minnetta Gardinier 
  • Program Coordinator, Kim Chickering, 205F GILH
  • Scholarly Integrity, 205 GILH                              335-2731
  • Assoc. Dean, Minnetta Gardinier
  • Program Coordinator, Kim Chickering, 205F GILH
  • University of Iowa Press, 100 KH                           335-2000
  • Director, Jim McCoy                                 
  • Graduate Student Senate, 205 GILH                          335-3260
  • President, Kimberly Hoppe
  • Academic Programs
  • Center for the Book, 216 NH                           335-0447
  • Director, Tim Barrett                          
  • International Writing Program, 100 SHSE               335-0128
  • Director, Christopher Merrill                    
  • Library and Information Science, School of, 3087 LIB  335-5707
  • Director, David Eichmann                          
  • Urban and Regional Planning, School of, 347 JH        335-0032
  • Director, Charles Connerly                       
  • Interdisciplinary Graduate Ph.D. Programs
  • Genetics, 314 BB/356 MRC                              335-9968
  • Director, Daniel Eberl                  
  • Human Toxicology, Director, Larry Robertson, 219 IREH 335-4554
  • Immunology, Director, Steve Varga, 357 MRC            335-7748
  • Informatics, Program Coord, Carol Ives, 3087 LIB      335-5710
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology, 357 MRC               335-7748
  • Director, Frederick Domann
  • Neuroscience, 314 BB/356 MRC                          335-9968
  • Director, Daniel Tranel                             
  • Second Language Acquisition, 1111 UCC                 335-2825
  • Co-Directors, Judith Liskin-Gasparro, 
  • Roumyana Slabakova
  • GRANTS/CONTRACTS ACCOUNTING, 118 S. Clinton St.    SCST      335-3801
  • FAX Number                                                 335-0674
  • Associate Controller, Director, Audra Haddy,               335-0827
  • Associate Director, Angela Klein                      335-0080
  • Assistant Director, Sue Holtkamp                 335-1859
  • Assistant Director, Rosemary Sullivan            335-0050
  • Assistant Director, Jodi Kennedy                 335-0249
  •           Interim Assistant Director, Melissa Allen        335-0152
  •           Interim Assistant Director, Scott Kallaus        335-0076
  • Faculty/Staff Effort Reporting,  Angela Klein         335-0080
  • General Information, Amanda Gingerich                 335-3801
  • Director, Fredric Gerr, S322 CPHB                          335-4212
  • Program Coordinator, Patricia Gillette, S313 CPHB     335-4405
  • (see ROY G. KARRO HALL OF FAME)                            384-1031
  • HANCHER, 2400 HA                                   
  • http://www.hancher.uiowa.edu
  • Hancher Box Office
  • Box Office Manager, Amanda Citrowske                  335-1160
  • Ticket Orders                                         335-1160
  • FAX Number                                            353-2284
  • Accessibility Services                        335-1158
  • Administration
  • Executive Director, Chuck Swanson                   335-1133
  • Operations Director, Mark North                       335-1131
  • Administrative Accountant, Janis Hauenstein           335-1134
  • Senior Accountant, Stephanie Miller                   335-1073
  • Secretary, Tim Meier                                  335-1130
  • FAX Number                                            335-1180
  • Public Engagement
  • Programming Director, Paul Brohan                    335-1136
  • Director of Marketing and Communications, Rob Cline   335-3827
  • Graphic Design Director, Zoe Woodworth                335-1135
  • Education Manager, Micah Ariel James                  335-0009
  • Public Engagement Coordinator, Jesus Chuy Renteria         335-1128
  • Patron Services
  • Director of Patron Services, Connie Tipsword          335-1140
  • Production
  • Production Manager, Brian Anstedt                     335-1151
  • Stage Manager, Danielle Wilbanks                      335-1148
  • Lighting & Rigging Supervisor, Derek Shonrock         335-1149
  • Audio Engineer, Gary Sanborn                          335-1156
  • A/V Lighting Specialist, Kristen Geisler              335-2069
  • HARDIN LIBRARY FOR THE HEALTH SCIENCES, HLHS                    335-9151
  • Information and Reference                                  335-9151
  • Administration                                             335-9871
  • Administration Fax                                         353-3752
  • Circulation and Renewals                                   335-9150
  • Education                                                  335-9151
  • Information Commons                                        335-6943
  • Interlibrary Loan/Article Delivery Service                 335-9874
  • John Martin Rare Book Room                                 335-9154
  • Reserves                                                   335-6686
  • Director, Brian Richman, S270A PBB                         335-0853
  • HEALTH AND HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, E102 FH                            384-4664
  • FAX Number                                                 335-6669
  • Chair, Gary Pierce, E102A FH 	                           335-9487
  • Administration:
  • Administrator, Justin Kahler, E109 FH                 467-0725
  • Operations Specialist, Abby Van Anden, E115 FH	      384-4664
  • Academic Success Administrator, Joe Cilek, E115 FH    335-9181
  • Facilities, Genette Campbell, E115 FH		      467-0448
  • Undergraduate Coordinator, Mikey Waller, E102 FH      335-1137
  • Director, Graduate Studies, Kara Whitaker, E120 FH         335-7907
  • Director, Undergraduate Studies,
  • Jennifer Rogers, 430 FH                               353-5430
  • Lucas Carr, 115 IBIF				      353-5432
  • Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Joe Cilek, E115 FH         335-9181
  • Undergraduate Academic Advisor, 
  • Justin Hagedorn, E130 FH                              467-0337
  • Tiffany Phillips, E106 FH                             353-2206
  • Sport and Recreation Management, E102 FH                   384-4664
  • Program Director, Dan Matheson, 312 FH                335-9485
  • Undergraduate Program Director, Kara Kehe, 	      384-4621
  • Director Graduate Studies, Packy Moran		      335-9340
  • Undergraduate Academic Advisor, 
  • Ian Ely-Cate, 	E130 FH                          335-9186
  • Therapeutic Recreation/ Child Life, E102 FH                384-4664
  • Program Director, Emily Mozena, E202 FH               335-3822
  • HEALTH AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SKILLS, E-213 FH                   335-9302
  • Coordinator, Amy Fletcher, E-213A/E-114 FH        335-9302/335-8637
  • Administrative Services Coord., Jerri Wolfe, E-101 FH      335-9302
  • (see HEALTH MANAGEMENT AND POLICY), N200 CPHB              384-3828
  • HEALTH MANAGEMENT AND POLICY, N200 CPHB                         384-3830
  • Head, Keith Mueller, N232A CPHB                            384-3832
  • Assistant, Kristi Reed Yeggy, N232 CPHB                    384-3831
  • FAX Number                                                 384-4371
  • Student Services,
  • Director, Jean Sheeley, N218 CPHB                     384-3827
  • Assistant Director, Betsy Winter, N220 CPHB           384-3817
  • HEALTH POLICY AND RESEARCH, N200 CPHB                      384-3830
  • Director, Marcia Ward, N250 CPHB                      384-3815
  • Secretary, Megan Watson, N233 CPHB                    384-3836
  • null
  • HEALTH POLICY AND RESEARCH, CENTER FOR, N200 CPHB               384-3830
  • Director, Marcia Ward, N250 CPHB                           384-3815
  • Secretary, Megan Watson, N233 CPHB                         384-3836
  • See Environmental Health & Safety Office
  • Fax Number                                                 335-4225
  • Director, Diane Rohlman, S324 CPHB                         384-4007
  • Deputy Director, Nate Fethke, S347 CPHB                    467-4563
  • Evaluation Program Director, Edith Parker, N432A CPHB      384-1472
  • Outreach Director, Jenny Hall, 102 IREH                    335-4200
  • Director, Patrick O'Shaughnessy, S320 CPHB                 335-4202
  • Deputy Director, Kimberly Gordon, S310 CPHB           335-4423
  • FAX Number                                                 384-4138
  • HENRY B. TIPPIE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS                                     
  • Website                             http://hrmsf.research.uiowa.edu
  • Address                                           W76 Chem Building
  • Phone                                                  319-335-1381
  • Facility Director
  • Lynn Teesch                                           335-1216
  • Director, Wu Meng                                          335-8828
  • HILLCREST, H                                                   335-9170
  • Hall Information Desk                                      335-9170
  • Hall Coordinator, Camryn Stinson                           335-9170
  • Office Administrator, Vacant                               335-9170
  • Marketplace Office                                         335-9368
  • Market Place Manager, Kyle Davis                           335-9368
  • Market Place Assistant Managers, Jenny Leach,              335-9368
  • Lisa Soskin, Austin LaCarte, Ben Hines (chef)
  • Grand Avenue Market                                        353-8885
  • HISTORY, 280 SH                                                 335-2299
  • Chair, Colin Gordon, 280 SH                                335-2292
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Mariola Espinosa, 274 SH     335-3841
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies, Nick Yablon, 107 SH     335-2306
  • Director of Honors Program, Alyssa Park, 174 SH            335-2329
  • Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Colleen Kelley, 172 SH     335-2065
  • Departmental Administrator, Pat Goodwin, 280 SH            335-2309
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, Kathleen C. O'Neill, 280 SH  335-2308
  • Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Katherine Weiner,280 SH 335-2222
  • Graduate Assistants
  • History Writing Center, 303 SH                        335-2584
  • Graduate Offices
  • 10 SH                                            335-2289
  • 156 SH                                           335-1815
  • 157 SH                                           335-2297
  • 166 SH                                           335-2503
  • 167 SH                                           353-2053
  • 380 SH                                           335-2585
  • HONORS PROGRAM, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, 420 BHC                     335-1681
  • Director, Art L. Spisak, 447 BHC                           335-1685
  • Assistant Director, Emily D. Hill, 443 BHC                 335-1684
  • Program Coordinator, Heidi Schmitt, 431 BHC                467-0911
  • Advising Director, Holly Blosser Yoder, 417 BHC            335-1932
  • Experiential Learning Director, Andrew Willard, 413 BHC    335-8333
  • Scholarship Coordinator, Camille Socarras, 435 BHC,        335-1682
  • Scholar Development Director , Kelly Thornburg, 431 BHC    335-1874
  • Records/Enrollment Director, Emily Johnson, 409 BHC,       335-1933
  • 750 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City 52245         800-227-2345 or 248-5400
  • Hope Lodge Manager, Kelly Lamb
  • AND CLINICS)                                               356-1616
  • HOSPITAL DENTISTRY INSTITUTE, 51300 PFP                         356-7340
  • Head, Kirk L. Fridrich, 51365 PFP                          356-2318
  • Administrative Support, Ann Huss, 51361 PFP           356-2449
  • Appointments                                               356-2743
  • Maxillofacial Prosthodontics                               384-8655
  • Oral Surgery, Director, Kirk L. Fridrich, 51365 PFP        356-2318
  • Grad Program Director, Steven L. Fletcher, 51374 PFP  356-7339
  • HOSPITAL PARKING RAMP CASHIERS                                          
  • Ramp 1 Cashier                                             335-8315
  • Ramp 2 Cashier                                             335-8300
  • Ramp 3 (Stadium Ramp) Cashier                              335-9703
  • Ramp 4 Cashier                                             353-4273
  • Family Care Center Parking Cashier                         335-8746
  • HOUSING & DINING (see University Housing & Dining)
  • Residence Halls (see University Housing & Dining, Contracts
  • & Assignments)                                        335-3000
  • HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Chicago Office of                      
  • Administrative Services                               (773)702-1909
  • FAX Number                                            (773)702-0271
  • Manager of Administrative Services, Janice Nolan,
  • Chicago Office of Administrative Services        (773)702-1070
  • Investigator, Kevin P. Campbell, 4269-B CBRB               335-7867
  • Investigator, Val Sheffield, 4181-B MERF                   335-6898
  • Investigator, Ed Stone, 4111-B MERF                        335-8270
  • Investigator, Michael J. Welsh, 332 PBDB                   335-7619
  • HUMAN RESOURCES                                                         
  • General Information                                        335-3558
  • Administrative Services                                    335-3558
  • Chief Human Resourcs Officer & Associate VP
  • Cheryl Reardon                                  
  • Senior Assistant Vice President & Deputy CHRO
  • Joni Troester
  • Benefits Office                                            335-2676
  • FAX Number                                            335-2776
  • Email                                       benefits@uiowa.edu
  • Workers' Compensation and UI Ergonomics                    335-2676
  • Compensation and Classification                            335-5298
  • Email                                     comp-class@uiowa.edu
  • Employee and Labor Relations                               335-3558
  • Email                                       elr-help@uiowa.edu
  • Faculty and Staff Disability Services                      335-2660
  • FAX Number                                            353-2384
  • Email                                           fsds@uiowa.edu
  • Faculty & Staff Immigration Services                       467-0498
  • Email                                    immigration@uiowa.edu
  • Talent Acquisition                                         335-2656
  • Payroll                                                    335-2381
  • Email                                    payroll-web@uiowa.edu
  • University Billing/Accounts Receivable                335-0071
  • University Workforce Operations                            335-2381
  • Employee Assistance Program                                335-2085
  • Family Services                                            335-3558
  • liveWELL                                                   335-2973
  • Organizational Effectiveness                               335-3558
  • Website                               http://hso.research.uiowa.edu
  • Address                                                    105 HLHS
  • Phone                                                  319-335-6564
  • Director
  • Michele Countryman                                    353-4452
  • Assistant Director, IRB Review
  • Tony Quinlan                                          335-9848
  • Assistant Director, Education and Outreach
  • Kelly O'Berry                                         384-8477
  • HUMANITIES IOWA, LIB Rm 4039                                    335-4153
  • Executive Director, Christopher R. Rossi                   335-4151
  • Grants Director, Timothy Johnson                           335-4150
  • Fiscal/Administrative Officer, Heather Plucar              335-4149
  • IACUC Veterinarian/Director
  • Nancy Marks, L350 PBDB                                335-7392
  • IACUC Chair
  • John Freeman, L350 PBDB                               335-7985
  • Clinical Veterinarian 
  • Brianne Ball L350 PBDB                                335-8611
  • IACUC Coordinator
  • Gwen Waddingham, L350 PBDB                            335-7985
  • IACUC Training & Compliance Coordinator
  • Mike Andrews, L350 PBDB                               335-9687
  • IACUC Application Assistant
  • Mary Thomson, L350 PBDB                               335-5881
  • FAX Number                                                 335-7993
  • Web Site                           http://animal.research.uiowa.edu
  • Director, Robert F. Kirby, 443 BHC                    335-1684
  • Graduate Assistant, Katie Wildman, 401 BHC            335-8336
  • ID CARD PROGRAMS  2700 UCC                                      335-2716
  • Director, Tammy Smith                                      384-3461
  • Iowa One Card Center, 2700 UCC                             335-2716
  • Director, Laurie Lentz                                335-1398
  • FAX Number                                            356-0704
  • UI Health Care Badge Center, C110 GH                       335-2716
  • Program Coordinator, Brittany Benda                   467-0341
  • FAX Number                                            356-0704
  • Director, Kevin L. Knudtson, 323 EMRB                     335-7251
  • DNA Sequencing, Cory Hammitt, 300H EMRB                   335-6736
  • DNA Microarrays/qPCR, Gary Hauser, 329 EMRB               335-7928
  • Genome Sequencing, Einat Snir, 329 EMRB                   335-6736
  • Oligonucleotide Ordering, Jan Fuller, 329 EMRB            335-7923
  • IIHR--HYDROSCIENCE & ENGINEERING                                335-5237
  • FAX Number (SHL Building)                                  335-5238
  • Director, Gabriele Villarini, 107C SHL                     335-5597
  • Director of Dev. and Com., Carmen Langel, 107B SHL         335-5841
  • Director of Finance, Teresa Gaffey, 107A SHL               335-6166
  • Director of Research Computing, Mark Wilson, 423A SHL      335-5223
  • Director of Engineering Services, Troy Lyons, 519 SHL      335-5319
  • Shop Services, Tim Houser, 4 HLMA                          384-0936
  • FAX Number (SHL Mechanical Shops)                     335-5251
  • Lucille A. Carver Mississippi Riverside Environmental
  • Research Station (LACMRERS), Doug Schnoebelen
  • 3388 Hwy 22, Muscatine, IA                      (563) 288-2888
  • FAX Number (LACMRERS)                           (563) 288-2889
  • East Annex (HLEA)                                          335-5219
  • East Annex Shop                                            335-6088
  • James Street Annex                                         351-9536
  • Model Annex (HLMA)                                         335-5249
  • FAX Number (HLMA Model Annex)                         335-5251
  • Oakdale Annex East (HOA2)                                  335-4183
  • FAX Number (HOA2 Oakdale Annex)                       335-4262
  • Oakdale Annex West (HOA1)                                  335-4032
  • Wind Tunnel Annex (HWTA)                                   335-5245
  • FAX Number (HWTA Wind Tunnel Annex)                   384-0569
  • Wave Basin Office                                          467-4572
  • Wave Basin Conference Room                                 467-4574
  • Director, Steven Varga                                     335-7784
  • Acad. Clin. Prog. Mngmt. Spc., Paulette Villhauer, 354MRC  335-7748
  • IMU WELCOME CENTER, FIRST FLOOR IMU                            353-4468
  • imu@uiowa.edu
  • INDEPENDENT STUDY, GUIDED (see CREDIT                                
  • PROGRAMS, CENTER FOR), 250 CEF                        335-2575
  • Toll-Free Number (Nationwide)                   (800) 272-6430
  • INDUSTRIAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, 4601 SC                     467-0346
  • FAX                                                        335-6086
  • Departmental Executive Officer, Geb Thomas                 335-5936
  • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES                                         
  • https://its.uiowa.edu
  • ITS Help Desk    
  • Computer/Software/HawkID Questions      (4-HELP) 384-4357
  • Walk-in Service at 2800 UCC
  • Email                              its-helpdesk@uiowa.edu
  • ICON Instructor Helpline                              384-4357
  • Email                              its-helpdesk@uiowa.edu
  • Telephone/Voice Mail Repair and Help                  335-2949
  • Cable TV Subscription/Repair                          335-2949
  • E-Mail and Computer Account Administration            384-4357
  • Invoice/Billing Inquiries
  • Computing Services                               335-6322
  • Telephone, Network, Voice Mail                   335-5811
  • Telephone or Network Service Requests
  • New Services or Changes to Existing Services     335-2945
  • FAX Number                                       335-2951
  • IT Security
  • Computing/Network Security                       335-6332
  • Email                          it-security@uiowa.edu
  • Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls
  • and Voice Mail (Public Safety)              335-5022
  • CIO - Administration, 2800 UCC
  • Steve Fleagle, Associate Vice President
  • and University Chief Information Officer    384-0750
  • Tim Evans, Director                              467-0024
  • David Ambrisco, Human Resources                  384-2410
  • FAX for Administration                           335-6385
  • Administrative Information Systems, 2800 UCC
  • Ed Hill, Interim Director                        335-3443
  • FAX for Administrative Information Systems       335-6385
  • Enterprise Infrastructure, 2800 UCC
  • Ben Rogers, Director                             335-6140
  • FAX for Enterprise Infrastructure                384-2769
  • Cable TV Subscription/Repair                     335-5898
  • DNS and IP Address Administration 
  • Hostmaster                      hostmaster@uiowa.edu
  • Enterprise Services, 2800 UCC                         384-0800
  • Tracy Scott, Director                            384-0771
  • ITS Help Desk                           (4-HELP) 384-4357
  • Email                              its-helpdesk@uiowa.edu
  • Campus Software Licensing                        335-6069
  • Telephone or Network Service Requests
  • New Services/Changes to Existing Service    335-2945
  • FAX                                              335-2951
  • Repairs and Help                                 335-2949
  • Information Security and Policy Office, 2800 UCC
  • Zach Furst, Chief Information Security Officer   384-3496
  • Office of Teaching, Learning, & Technology, 2800 UCC
  • Maggie Jesse, Director                           335-6335
  • ICON Instructor Help Line                        384-4357
  • http://icon.uiowa.edu
  • AND COMPUTER LABS                  (4-HELP) 384-4357
  • Research Services, 2800 UCC
  • Joe Hetrick, Director                            335-5548
  • INHALATION TOXICOLOGY FACILITY, IREH                            335-4216
  • FAX Number                                                 335-4006
  • Director, Peter S. Thorne, 176 IREH                        335-4216
  • INJURY PREVENTION RESEARCH CENTER, 2190 WL                      335-4458
  • Director, Corinne Peek-Asa, S143 CPHB                      335-4895
  • Deputy Director, John A. Lundell, 2190 WL                  335-4458
  • Fax                                                        356-8108
  • Co-Director, Pat Winokur, 212 CMAB                         384-4590
  • co-Director, Marlan Hansen, 21163 PFP                      353-7151
  • Biomedical Informatics Director,  
  • Associate Director, DeAnna O'Quinn, SW 44-J GH             384-5278
  • Finance Administrator, Nick Francisco, SW 44-F GH          384-5172
  • Institute Coordinator, Dori Hinson, SW 44-G GH             384-5282
  • (See Human Subjects Office) 105 HLHS                       335-6564
  • NOTE:  For ITC hours and information:  http://its.uiowa.edu/labs/
  • ITC Support Staff, 2800 UCC                       (4-HELP) 384-4357
  • E-Mail                                  its-helpdesk@uiowa.edu
  • Adler Journalism ITC, W240 AJB
  • Blank Honors Center ITC, 318 BHC                           
  • Burge Residence Hall ITC, B7 B                            
  • Business ITC, C220 PBB
  • Clinton Street Music ITC, 101-CSM5
  • Currier Residence Hall ITC, E5 C                           
  • Education ITC, N172 LC                                    
  • English-Philosophy ITC, 210 EPB                          
  • Hardin Library for Health Sciences ITC, 214 HLHS          
  • Hillcrest Residence Hall ITC, 340 H                        
  • Iowa Memorial Union ITC, 3rd Floor IMU
  • Jessup ITC, 327 JH                                         
  • Language Media Center ITC, 120 PH                               
  • Main Library ITCs
  • ITC, 1st Floor E, LIB
  • ITC, 2nd Floor E, LIB                              
  • Mayflower Residence Hall ITC, 116 M                        
  • Nursing ITC, 40 NB                                       
  • Pharmacy ITC, 129 PHAR                                     
  • Quadrangle Residence Hall ITC, 1100D Q                     
  • Schaeffer Hall ITCs
  • Political Science, 21 SH                             
  • Statistics, 41 SH                                     
  • Seashore Hall ITC, W13 SSH                                 
  • Weeg ITC (Lindquist Center), 102 LC S                      
  • INSURANCE                                                               
  • Risk Management, Insurance, and Loss Prevention, 305 PCO   335-0010
  • Student Insurance Office, 120-40 USB                       335-2676
  • University Benefits, 120-40 USB                            335-2676
  • INTEGRATED CALL CENTER 3075 SRF                                 353-8403
  • FAX Number                                                 384-8138
  • Director, Peggy O'Neill, C427 GH                           356-3786
  • UI Health Access (for consumer calls)                      384-8442
  • UI Consult (for physician calls)                           384-8008
  • Associate Vice President for Finance and CFO, UI Health Care
  • Kenneth L. Fisher, 318 CMAB                           384-2844
  • Financial Operations, Revenue and Decision Support
  • Asst Vice President and Asst CFO, Mark Henrichs, 
  • 1309-J JCP                                            384-6383
  • Financial Planning and Decision Support
  • Asst Vice President and Asst CFO, Mark Hingtgen, 220 CMAB  335-6632
  • Health Information Management
  • Director, Tammi Craft, 2040 SRF                       356-3200
  • INTERDEPARTMENTAL STUDIES                                       384-1328
  • Academic Specialist, Andrew Tinkham, 342 SH           335-0013
  • INTERDISCIPLINARY GRADUATE PROGRAM                                      
  • Biosciences Program, 353 MRC
  • Director, Andrew Russo                                335-7872
  • Program Associate, Jodi Graff                         335-8305
  • Genetics Program, 314 BB
  • Director, Dan Eberl                                   335-1323
  • Program Administrator, Isabelle Hardy                 335-9968
  • Graduate Program in Translational Biomedicine, SW 44 GH
  • Director, Gary Rosenthal                              356-7973
  • Program Administrator, Peter Forkenbrock              356-4640
  • Immunology Program, 357 MRC
  • Director, Gail Bishop                                 335-7748
  • Acad Clin Prog Mgt Spec, Paulette Villhauer           335-7748
  • Iowa Scholars in Clinical Investigation, SW 44A GH         356-4640
  • Director, Gary Rosenthal                              356-7973
  • Co Director, David Katz                               356-4241
  • Co Director, James Torner                             384-5001
  • Program Administrator, Peter Forkenbrock              356-4640
  • Medical Scientist Training Program, 2206 MERF
  • Director, Steven Lentz                                335-8303
  • Co-Director, Pamela Geyer                             335-8303
  • Acad Clin Prog Mgt Specialist, Leslie Harrington      335-8304
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology Program, 357 MRC
  • Director, Frederick Domann                            335-7748
  • Acad Clin Prog Mgt Spec, Paulette Villhauer           335-7748
  • Neuroscience Program, 356 MRC
  • Director, Dan Tranel                                  384-6050
  • Acad Clin Prog Mgt Spec, Isabelle Hardy               335-9968
  • Interim Director, Cornelia Lang                            
  • Departmental Administrator, Lindsay Vella                  467-0067
  • Administrative Services Coordinator, Tracy Meginnis        467-3912
  • Co-Director, David Hensley                       355-0992
  • Co-Director, Cornelia Lang
  • GLOBAL HEALTH STUDIES PROGRAM (GHS), 24 PH            384-1328
  • Director, Kristine Munoz                         335-0633
  • INTERDEPARTMENTAL STUDIES                             384-1328
  • Academic Advisor and Coordinator,
  • Andrew Tinkham, 342 SH                      335-0013
  • Director, Cornelia Lang
  • LATINA/O/X STUDIES PROGRAM (LATS), 24 PH              384-1328
  • Director, Rene Rocha                             335-2528
  • Director, Daniel Khalastchi                      467-3912
  • Director, Mallory Hellman                        467-4694
  • Associate Director, Camille Socarras             335-1682
  • Director, Steven Lovely                          335-4209
  • Director, Amy Margolis
  • Program Manager, Becca Klaver
  • Program Coordinator, Alisa Weinstein 
  • INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT, W513 SSH                             335-2871
  • Internal Audit, E613 GH                                    356-3785
  • FAX Number, SSH                                            335-2103
  • FAX Number, GH                                             353-8423
  • Chief Audit Executive, Todd Stewart, W512 SSH              335-0677
  • Administrative Services Coordinator,
  • Nathan Robinson, W513 SSH                             335-2871
  • Assistant Director, Internal Audit, Debra Johnston, E613GH 356-3785
  • Internal Audit Manager, Chad Sharp, W515 SSH               335-2726
  • IT Auditor, Kip Druecker, E613 GH                          356-4755
  • Staff Auditor, Jaclyn Kolosik, E613 GH                     353-6768
  • Staff Auditor, Adam Santi, E613 GH                         356-4312
  • Staff Auditor, James Pitcher, E613                         384-7272
  • Staff Auditor, Staci Meade, W510 SSH                       335-2865
  • Staff Auditor, Rachel Vrchoticky, W509 SSH                 335-2857
  • Staff Auditor, Della Rhodes, W511 SSH                      353-2615
  • IT Auditor, Terry Gromacki, W514 SSH                       335-2872
  • Interim Chair and DEO, Gary E. Rosenthal, SE 303 GH        356-2745
  • Clinical Department Administrator, Chris Laubenthal, 
  • SE 318 GH                                             467-5155
  • Special Assistant to Chair, Randy Jordison, E400 GH        356-2325
  • Research Administration, Lori Bassler, SE 321 GH           335-6947
  • Human Resources, Carol Wehby, E400 GH                      353-7784
  • UI Health Access (for clinic information and appointments) 384-8442
  • INTERNATIONAL ADMISSIONS                                                
  • Graduate and Professional College Admission, 115 CALH      335-1534
  • Undergraduate Admissions, 108 CALH                         335-1549
  • Director, Dimy Doresca, W310 PBB                           335-1379
  • Director, Sang-Seok Yoon 669 PH                       353-2204
  • Instructor, Joung-A Park, 631 PH                      335-3555
  • INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS, 1111 UCC                                353-2700
  • General Information, Amy Brandt                            353-2700
  • Associate Provost and Dean, Russell Ganim                  335-0373
  • Assistant, Lauren Powers                              335-2825
  • Assistant Provost, Doug Lee                                335-0444
  • Assistant, Lauren Powers                              335-2825
  • Business Manager, Mary Paterson                            335-1441
  • Accounts and Budgets
  • Sr. Accountant, Candice Stevens                       467-0825
  • Grants Administrator, Ann Knudson                          335-0374
  • HR Manager, Tracey Pritchard                               384-3386
  • HR Recruitment & Retention Coordinator, Monica Frank       467-1032
  • International Fellowships 
  • Associate Director, Karen Wachsmuth                   335-1436
  • Communications & Relations
  • Director, Amy Brewster                                335-2825
  • Associate Director, Katie Ron                         384-2235
  • Secretary, Amy Green                                  335-1433
  • Senior Designer, Ben Partridge                        384-2221
  • Global External Relations Officer, Suyun Channon      384-2261
  • Asst. Director, Events & Stewardship, Daniel Vorwerk  467-1619
  • International Recruitment Advisor, Dimy Doresca            335-1379
  • International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)          335-0335
  • Associate Director, Michael Bortscheller
  • Assistant Director, Brandon Paulson
  • Sr. Advisors
  • Kevin Roiseland
  • Pauline Beazer James
  • International Student Support & Engagement Coordinator
  • Shuhui Lin
  • International Services Associate, Shari Sorensen      351-0651
  • Incoming Student Support Associate, Dongwang Liu
  • Passport Acceptance Office                                 467-0153
  • Study Abroad                                               335-0353
  • Sr.Associate Director, Intl Health, Safety, & Security
  • Autumn Tallman
  • Sr. Associate Director, Liz Wildenberg de Hernandez
  • Advisors & Program Coordinators
  • Emily Brown
  • Monica Ernberger
  • Ana Jimenez
  • Phoebe Nishimoto
  • Cory Petersen
  • Advisor, International Health and Safety, Krista Larson 
  • Faculty-led Programs Coordinator, Lindsay Budde
  • Participant Services Coordinator, Teresa Kout
  • Enrollment Coordinator, Megan Logan
  • African Studies Program (ASP)
  • Director, Cory Gundlach, 315F SMA                     335-0482
  • Anne Frank Initiative (AFI)
  • Director, Kirsten Kumpf Baele                         467-0207
  • Center for Asian and Pacific Studies (CAPS)   
  • Director, Cynthia Chou, 114 MH                        335-0522
  • Associate Director, Dongwang Liu                      335-1305
  • European Studies Group (ESG)
  • Director, Marina Zaloznaya, 401 NH                    335-2502
  • Iowa Global Health Network (IGHN)
  • Director, Claudia Corwin, C33 GH                      356-3335
  • Jewish Studies Network (JSN)
  • Co-Director, Ari Ariel, 24 PH                         353-2199
  • Co-Director, Elizabeth Heineman, 115 SH               353-2330
  • Korean Studies Research Network (KoRN)
  • Director, Hyaeweol Choi, 105 GILH                     335-2164
  • Latin American Studies Program (LASP)  
  • Director, Brian Gollnick, 683 PH                      467-0212
  • South Asian Studies Program (SASP)
  • Director, Aniruddha Dutta, 401 JB                     335-0035
  • Associate Director, Michael Bortscheller
  • Assistant Director, Brandon Paulson
  • Sr. Advisors
  • Pauline Beazer James
  • Kevin Roiseland
  • International Student Support & Engagement Coordinator
  • Shuhui Lin
  • International Services Associate, Shari Sorensen
  • Incoming Student Support Associate, Dongwang Liu
  • Shuhui Lin, Coordinator
  • Email: shuhui-lin@uiowa.edu
  • Phone: (319) 335-0335
  • INTERNATIONAL STUDIES PROGRAM, 21 SH                            384-1328
  • Advisor, Karmen Berger                                     384-1328
  • Director, Helena Dettmer                                   335-2633
  • INTERNATIONAL WRITING PROGRAM, 100 SHSE                         335-0128
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3843
  • Director, Christopher Merrill, 100 SHSE                    335-2609
  • Associate Director, Hugh Ferrer, 100 SHSE                  335-3856
  • Program Coordinator, Kelly Bedeian, 100 SHSE               335-0776
  • Admin Services Coordinator, Maria Bertorello               335-2570
  • Editor, Natasa Durovicova, 100 SHSE                        335-2089
  • Admin Services Coordinator, Lisa Dupree, 100 SHSE          335-0128
  • INVESTIGATING OFFICER, Randall Ney, 608 JB                      335-0636
  • FAX Number                                                 335-0649
  • Secretary, Lisa Lowenberg, 610 JB                          335-0635
  • Assistant Vice President for Research
  • Cheryl Hoogerwerf Reardon, 2660 UCC                   335-2141
  • Editor, 100 LCUA                                           335-3292
  • Advertising & Corporate Relations Manager, 
  • Emily Cornish, 100 LCUA                               335-2214
  • N121 LC                                                    335-5280
  • FAX Number                                                 335-5386
  • Director, Patricia Bahr, N121 LC                           335-5280
  • Admin Services Spec, Deborah Kakavas, N158B LC             335-6412
  • Support Services, N125 LC                                  335-6417
  • IOWA CENTERS FOR ENTERPRISE, 2660 UCC                           
  • Fax                                                        335-4486
  • BioVentures Center                                         335-4063
  • Assistant,Stephanie Dengler                           384-2741
  • Univ of Iowa Research Park                                 335-4063
  • John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center, S160 PBB            335-1022
  • Small Business Development Center, 2660 UCC                
  • Paul Health, Director, 2673 UCC                       335-3742
  • University of Iowa Research Foundation, 2660 UCC           335-4546
  • Assistant,Deborah Parker                              335-4975
  • Universit Business Manager's Office                        335-1968
  • George Hollins, Business Manager                      335-1968
  • IOWA COMPASS, S295 CDD                                          353-8777
  • Director, Jennifer Britton, S295 CDD                       353-8502
  • E-Mail                                       iowa-compass@uiowa.edu
  • Main Office 100 MTP4                                       335-4488
  • Fax Number                                                 335-4484
  • Website                    http://iconsortium.subst-abuse.uiowa.edu
  • Research Support Mgr, Molly Guard, 100 MTP4 Rm 114         335-4108
  • http://www.uiowa.edu/icove
  • Michael Hall, Director
  • michael-hall@uiowa.edu                   
  • Donald Rhoades, Veterans Employment Specialist     
  • donald-rhoades@uiowa.edu    
  • Rachel Winkler, Veterans Employment Specialist
  • rachel-winkler@uiowa.edu
  • Christine Skow
  • christine-skow@uiowa.edu
  • IOWA ELECTRONIC MARKETS INSTITUTE, W283 PBB                     335-0881
  • Director, Joyce Berg, S284 PBB                             335-0840
  • IOWA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, TH                                      335-1575
  • Department of Natural Resources, TH                        335-1575
  • State Geologist                                       335-1585
  • Administrative Support                                335-1575
  • Geographic Information                                335-1594
  • Ground Water and Stratigraphic Studies                335-1491
  • Water Monitoring, Mary Skopec                         335-1579
  • IOWA GERIATRIC EDUCATION CENTER, 2153 WL                        353-5756
  • FAX Number                                                 335-6785
  • Administrator, Prog.in Geriatric Ed, Linda Seydel,2153 WL  353-5756
  • Associate Editor I, Kristin Johnson, 2153 WL               335-8016
  • Program Coordinator, Pamela Rockafellow, 2153 WL           335-8016
  • Director, Claudia Corwin, C33 GH                           356-3335
  • IOWA HAWK SHOP, G412 IMU                                     335-3179
  • Danita Kirkegaard, Regional Manager
  • Tracy Brodrick, Store Director                             
  • Christyn Lamar, General Merchandise Manager
  • Matt Lundstrom, Campus Store Manager
  • Sabin Hicks, Department Manager
  • Helen Hansen, Course Materials Manager                   
  • Meladie Balades, Team Lead - Web Orders
  • Jim Midcalf, Fulfillment Manager
  • IOWA HOUSE HOTEL, 121 IMU                                       335-3513
  • Reservations                                               335-3513
  • Amber McNeal, General Manager
  • Website:  www.iowahousehotel.com
  • 1838 Hwy 86, Milford, IA 51351                      
  • PHONE                                                (712) 337-3669
  • FAX                                                  (712) 337-0361
  • Resident Manager, Matthew Fairchild 
  • Email                              matthew-fairchild@uiowa.edu
  • Executive Director, Peter J. van der Linden 
  • Email                             peter-vanderlinden@uiowa.edu
  • Academic Resource Center, G010 IMU (Ground Floor)          335-5506
  • Book Store/Iowa Hawk Shop, G412 IMU (Ground Floor)         335-3179
  • Business Office, 157 IMU                                   335-3138
  • Dean of Students, Office of, 135 IMU                       335-1162
  • Dining Options
  • River Room Cafe, IMU First Floor
  • Union Station, IMU Ground Floor
  • Human Resources, Student Life, 253 IMU                     335-0121
  • IMU Event Services & Facility Operations, 159 IMU          335-3114
  • IMU Welcome Center, First Floor IMU                        353-4468
  • Iowa House Hotel, 121 IMU                                  335-3513
  • Leadership and Engagement, 135 IMU                         335-3059
  • Fraternity & Sorority Life Programs
  • Leadership, Service & Civic Engagement
  • Student Engagement & Campus Programs
  • The Community Space, 145 IMU                          467-1341
  • Multicultural & International Student Support &      
  • Engagement (MISSE), 152 IMU
  • Nurse Care, G103 IMU (Ground Floor)                        335-1395
  • Student Accountability, Office of, 203 IH                  335-1527
  • Student Legal Services, G115 IMU (Ground Floor)            335-3276
  • Student Life Communications (SLC), 286 IMU                 335-3117
  • Student Organization Business Office, 157 IMU              335-3065
  • University Catering, 236 IMU                               335-3116
  • Vice President for Student Life, 249 IMU                   335-3557
  • Iowa City Office, 710 So. Clinton St.                      335-5730
  • Website: www.iowapublicradio.org
  • Fax                                                   335-6116
  • Ames office                                            515-294-2025
  • Cedar Falls office                                     319-273-6400
  • Des Moines office                                      515-725-1700
  • Membership Services                                    800-861-8000
  • IOWA READING RESEARCH CENTER                                 
  • 103 LC                                                   384-2268
  • Director, Deborah Reed, N148 LC                          384-2884
  • Admin Services Coord, Ryan Lynch, 103 LC                 384-2268
  • University of Iowa Research Park
  • FAX Number                                                 335-4030
  • IOWA REVIEW 308 EPB                                      335-0462    
  • Editor, Harilaos Stecopoulos, 308 EPB                   335-0462
  • Managing Editor, Lynne Nugent, 308 EPB                  335-0462
  • Deputy Managing Editor, Jenna Hammerich, 308 EPB        335-0462
  • Subscriptions/Mailing, Jenna Hammerich, 308 EPB         335-0462
  • 105 East 9th Street, Coralville, Iowa                      467-2000
  • Executive Medical Director Off-Site Ambulatory Care
  • Programs, Rami Boutros, 1349 JCP                           356-1375
  • Director, James Torner, S441A CPHB                         384-1542
  • Program Administrator, Kim Williams, S408 CPHB             384-1544
  • Website                                   http://ppc.uiowa.edu/isrc
  • Address                                                JB 8th floor
  • Phone                                                  319-335-6800
  • Director
  • Frederick Boehmke                                     335-2342
  • Grant Development Manager
  • Kristopher Ackerson                                   467-0098
  • Finance Manager
  • Ryan Baumert                                          335-6805
  • Field Manager
  • Dawn Bower                                            384-3810
  • Data Manager
  • Mike Oie                                              467-4629
  • IOWA SUMMER WRITING FESTIVAL, C215 SSH                          335-4160
  • Director, Amy Margolis                                     335-4160
  • IOWA TESTING PROGRAMS, 340 LC                                   335-6010
  • FAX Number                                                 335-6038
  • Director, Stephen B. Dunbar, 334A LC                       335-5561
  • Program Manager, David Henkhaus, 340A LC                   384-2714
  • Blommers Measurement Resources Library, 304 LC             335-5416
  • Statistics Outreach Center, 224A LC                        335-5425
  • Statistician/Biostat Manager, Sheila Barron, 224A1 LC 335-5425
  • IOWA VOYAGERS ALUMNI TRAVEL                                             
  • Director, Diane Baker, 100 LCUA                            335-3293
  • IOWA WOMEN'S ARCHIVES, 3094 LIB                                 335-5068
  • Curator, Karen Mason                                       335-5068
  • Director, Steven Lovely, C215 SSH                          335-4209
  • Director, Brandi Janssen, S329 CPHB                        335-4190
  • Admin. Services Coordinator, Ralph Altmaier, 220 IREH 335-4229
  • Fax Number                                                 335-4290
  • Director, Larry R. Robertson, 219 IREH	                   335-4346
  • Research Translation Core, David Osterberg, S337 CPHB      335-4424
  • Synthesis Core, Hans-Joachim Lehmler, 221 IREH             335-4310
  • Inhalation Core, Peter Thorne, S341A CPHB                  335-4216
  • Training Core, Gabriele Ludewig, 214 IREH                  335-4353
  • Project 1: PCB Metabolites, Larry Robertson, 219 IREH      335-4346
  • Project 6: Airborne PCBs, Peter Thorne, S341A CPHB         335-4216
  • Co-Director, Ari Ariel, 24 PH                              353-2199
  • Co-Director, Elizabeth Heineman, 115 SH                    353-2330
  • (see Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center) 
  • Director, Herbert A. Berger, C506 GH                       356-8318
  • Clinical Outreach Services, Liberty Square, 
  • 119 2nd St., Suite 400, Coralville, IA  
  • 52241-2689                                       356-1533
  • Administrator, Jill Kordick, Liberty Square,
  • 119 2nd St., Suite 400, Coralville, IA 
  • 52241-2689                                       356-4385
  • Nurse Manager, Julie Williams, Liberty Square,
  • 119 2nd St., Suite 400, Coralville, IA
  • 52241-2689                                       353-7191
  • JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION, SCHOOL OF                    335-3486
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3502
  • Director, Melissa Tully, E305B AJB                 335-3556
  • School Administrator, Elizabeth Cecil. 105 BCSB            335-2357
  • Administrative Coordinator, Michele Ketchum, E3505D AJB    335-3401
  • Administrative Services Specialist, 
  • Brittany Ogden, E305A AJB                             335-1977
  • Associate Director for Graduate Studies 
  • Brian Ekdale, E324 AJB                                384-3605
  • Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, 
  • Rachel Young, W333 AJB                                335-3352
  • Undergraduate Honors Director, Travis Vogan, E342 AJB,     335-1370
  • Teaching Assistant Offices 
  • Teaching Assistant Offices: E327 AJB, E329 AJB, E331 AJB, E333 AJB,
  • E335 AJAB, E337 AJB, E339 AJB, E341 AJB
  • Internship and Assessment Coordinator, 
  • Michelle Sillman, E350E AJB                           335-3427
  • Educational Advisor, Anna Newnum, E350D AJB                335-3845
  • Student Success & Engagement                                   
  • Coordinator, Jacob Mayer, E350 AJB 335-3416
  • Graduate Coordinator, Cassie Moeller 105 BCSB 335-0409
  • Allied Organizations, Programs, and Publications:
  • Iowa High School Press Association (IHSPA),
  • E350E AJB                                        335-3455
  • Journal of Communication Inquiry
  • Editorial, E327 AJB                              335-0663
  • Subscriptions (Sage Publications)          (805) 499-9774
  • Summer Journalism Workshops, E350E AJB                335-3427
  • KECK, W.M. DYNAMIC IMAGE ANALYSIS FACILITY, 008 BBE             335-2883
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2772
  • Director, Hyaeweol Choi, 105 GILH                          335-2164
  • KRUI, Office, 379 IMU                                           335-9525
  • Request Line                                               335-8970
  • KSUI-IOWA PUBLIC RADIO, INC. (www.iowapublicradio.org)
  • Iowa City office: 710 CLSB                                 335-5730
  • LABOR CENTER, W130 BVC                                          335-4144
  • FAX Number                                                 335-4464
  • Director, Jennifer Sherer                                  335-4145
  • Labor Educator, Matt Glasson                               335-4080
  • Labor Educator, Robin Clark-Bennett                        335-4891
  • Labor Educator, Paul Iversen                               335-4041
  • Secretary, Sarah Clark                                     335-4144
  • Director, Arthur L. Smirl, 138 IATL                        335-3460
  • Admin Services Coordinator, Barb Alton 144 IATL            335-3461
  • 130 Grand Ave Ct. - FAX Number                             335-9019
  • Director, Brian Gollnick, 683 PH                          467-0212
  • LATINO NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER, 308 Melrose Ave         335-8298
  • Vacant, Coordinator
  • Email:
  • LAUNDRY, 441 L                                                  335-4940
  • Information                                                335-4940
  • FAX Number                                                 335-4945
  • Linen Service Supervisor, Mike Reynolds                    335-4953
  • Linen Service Manager, Terri Grecian                       335-4940
  • LAW, COLLEGE OF, BLB                                            335-9034
  • Information                                                335-9034
  • FAX Number                                                 335-9019
  • Dean, Kevin Washburn, 290 BLB                              335-9034
  • Administrative Assistant, Julie Kramer, 288 BLB       384-4658
  • Academic Achievement Programs, 189 BLB                     335-8273
  • Director, Brian Farrell
  • Admissions, 216 BLB                                        335-9095
  • Asst Dean of Admissions, Collins Byrd, 280 BLB        335-9095
  • Director, Amy Best, 297 BLB                           335-9753
  • Admissions Specialist, Jan Barnes, 216 BLB            335-9313
  • FAX Number                                            335-9646
  • Alumni Relations and External Affairs, 276 BLB             335-9158
  • Assistant Dean, Jill De Young, 291 BLB                335-9028
  • Constituent Relations Mgr,, 187 BLB     335-9156
  • Associate Dean for Research, Thomas Gallanis, 454 BLB      335-9018
  • Associate Dean of Students, Carin Crain, 292 BLB           335-9034
  • Associate Dean of Faculty, Emily Hughes, 474 BLB           335-9886
  • Associate Dean, ICLP, Adrien Wing, 410 BLB                 335-9129
  • Asst Dean for Finance & Admin., Gordon Tribbey, 284 BLB    335-9137
  •       Accounting Manager, Angela McMullin, 286 BLB         335-9184
  • Bookstore, 218 BLB                                         335-9053
  • Cafeteria - Court Cafe, 165 BLB                            335-9149
  • Career Services, 276 BLB                                   335-9011
  • Center for Human Rights, UI,                               335-0483
  • Citizen Lawyer Program, 182 BLB                            335-9755
  • Continuing Legal Education, Jill De Young, 291 BLB         335-9028
  • Copy Center #10, 180 BLB                                   335-9138
  • Financial Aid, Manager, Susan Palmer, 276 BLB              335-9142
  • Human Resources, Director Brenda Dodge, 429 BLB            335-9081
  • Information Technology Department, 320 Melrose             353-5512
  • Director, Kirk Corey, 320 Melrose                     353-5512
  • Help Line                                             384-4357
  • Institute of Public Affairs, 124 Grand Avenue Court        335-4523
  • Iowa Law School Foundation, 500 LCUA                       335-3305
  • Iowa Student Bar Association                               335-9063
  • Journals and Publications
  • Iowa Law Review, 190 BLB                              335-9101
  • Journal of Corporation Law, 188 BLB                   335-9061
  • Journal of Gender, Race & Justice, 186 BLB            335-9093
  • Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, 187 BLB    335-9736
  • The Larned A. Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center
  • 130 Grand Avenue Court, 100 INRC                      335-9765
  • FAX Number                                            335-4401
  • Law, Health Policy, and Disability Center,315 Melrose Ave. 335-6748
  • Director of Technology, David Klein                   335-6748
  • Law Library, 200 BLB
  • Information                                           335-9002
  • Associate Dean for Research, Thomas Gallanis, 326 BLB 335-9018
  • Executive Librarian, Katherine Hall, 234 BLB          335-9016
  • A/V, Special Services Nancy Mashuda-Pohnl, 130 BLB    335-9037
  • Cataloging, Karen Nobbs, 226 BLB                      335-9029
  • Circulation Desk                                      335-9002
  • Continuations Receiving, Phil Beck, 220 BLB           335-9111
  • Int'l and Foreign Comparative Law, Don Ford, 322 BLB  335-9068
  • Public Services, Head, Ted Potter, 238 BLB            335-9017
  • Reference Desk, 240 BLB                               335-9005
  • Legal Clinic, 388 BLB                                      335-9023
  • Moot Court Board, 105 BLB                                  335-9075
  • National Health Law & Policy Resource Center, 321 Melrose  335-9067
  • Registrar L Seedorff 282 BLB                               335-9080
  • Student Organizations
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Society, 280 BLB       335-9034
  • American Constitution Society, 280 BLB                335-9034
  • Asian American Law Student Assoc., 280 BLB            335-9034
  • Black Law Students Assoc., 280 BLB                    335-9034
  • Christian Legal Society, 280 BLB                      335-9034
  • Environmental Law Society, 280 BLB                    335-9034
  • Equal Justice Foundation, 280 BLB                     335-9034
  • The Federalist Society, 280 BLB                       335-9034
  • Intellectual Property Law Society, 280 BLB            335-9034
  • International Law Society, 280 BLB                    335-9034
  • Iowa Campaign for Human Rights, 280 BLB               335-9034
  • Iowa Sudent Bar Assoc., 216 BLB                       335-9063
  • J. Reuben Clark Law Society, 280 BLB                  335-9034
  • Jewish Law Students Assoc., 280 BLB                   335-9034
  • Latino Law Student Assoc., 280 BLB                    335-9034
  • Law Students for Reproductive Justice, 280 BLB        335-9034
  • Middle Eastern Law Students Assoc., 280 BLB           335-9034
  • Native American Law Students Assoc., 280 BLB          335-9034
  • Org. of Women Law Students and Staff, 280 BLB         335-9034
  • The Outlaws, 280 BLB                                  335-9034
  • Phi Alpha Delta, 280 BLB                              335-9034
  • Phi Delta Phi, 280 BLB                                335-9034
  • Soc. for International Human Rights at Iowa, 280 BLB  335-9034
  • Sports Law Society, 280 BLB                           335-9034
  • Trial Advocacy, 280 BLB                               335-9063
  • University Relations, Hayley Bruce, 300 PC                 384-0072
  • Video Systems, 110 BLB                                     335-9136
  • Writing Resource Center, 480 BLB                           335-9083
  • Director, Dr. Nancy Jones, 480 BLB                    335-9083
  • LEADERSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT, 135 IMU                             335-3059
  • Vacant, Assistant Dean & Director, 135 IMU                 
  • Fraternity & Sorority Life Programs           
  • Chad Warrick, Director
  • Leadership, Service & Civic Engagement        
  • Ian Van Anden, Associate Director
  • Student Engagement & Campus Programs             
  • Chris Hawkins, Associate Director
  • Administrative Services Coordinator                      
  • Genea Bean
  • Ian Van Anden, Associate Director
  • Drea Tinoco, Assistant Director
  • Sam Jacobs, Coordinator, Student Organization Development
  • LEGISLATIVE STUDIES QUARTERLY, 328 SH                           335-2361
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3211
  • Managing Editor, Michelle L. Wiegand                       335-2361
  • LEISURE STUDIES, E102 FH                                               
  • Fax Number                                                 335-6669
  • Academic Coordinators:     
  • Kenneth Mobily, Therapeutic Recreation                335-0172
  • Michael Teague, Recreation Sport Business             335-9180
  • Academic Advisor, Kristina Sosa, E117FH                    353-5423
  • LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES, COLLEGE OF, 240 SH                   
  • Student Inquiries (CLAS Undergraduate Programs)            335-2633
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3755
  • Dean, Sara Sanders, 240 SH                                 335-2610
  • Senior Director of Administration 
  • Rebecca Tritten, 240 SH                          335-2235
  • Associate Dean for Research and Infrastructure,
  • Joshua Weiner, 240 SH                                 467-4250
  • CLAS Facilities Manager, Maggie Vogel, 224 SH         335-5727
  • Operations Manager, Kelly Kauffman, 240 SH            335-0723
  • Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education,
  • Cornelia Lang, 120 SH                                 335-2633
  • Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Outreach and Engagement,
  • Christine Getz, 240 SH                                335-3994
  • Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities,
  • Roland Racevskis, 240 SH                              335-2615
  • Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences
  • Chris Cheatum, 240 SH,                                335-2615
  • Faculty Affairs Director
  • Tiffany Schier, 240 SH                           384-1172
  • Faculty Affairs Specialist
  • Rachel Spengler, 240 SH                          335-1937
  • Administrative Services Coordinator
  • Catherine Moore, 240 SH                          335-1796
  • Administrative Services Coordinator
  • Lisa Gray, 218 SH                                353-2970
  • CLAS Undergraduate Programs, 120 SH                        335-2633
  • Director, Jennifer Bertrand                           335-2633
  • Director, Monica Madura                               335-2633
  • Senior Associate Director, Amy Korthank               335-2633
  • Senior Associate Director, Jennifer Eimers            335-2633
  • Admissions Manager, Kyle McEvilly                     467-4220
  • Admissions Counselor, Kaitlin Franzen            467-4295
  • Admissions Counselor, Connor Olson               467-4266
  • Director, Academic Advising, Diane Hauser             335-2633
  • Administrative Services Specialist
  • Maureen O'Neill                                  335-2633
  • Administrative Service Coordinator,
  • Adam Jaschen                                     335-2633
  • CLAS Undergraduate Advising,
  • Director, Academic Advising, Diane Hauser             335-2633
  • Joe Cilek, E115 FH                                    335-9181
  • (Health and Human Physiology, Therapeutic Recreation)
  • Joe Davis, W149 SSH                                   335-2487
  • (Anthropology; Criminology, Law, and Justice; Sociology)
  • Ian Ely-Cate, 121 FH                                  335-9186
  • (Health and Human Physiology)
  • Anna Gaw, 144 BB                                      353-2484
  • (Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Neuroscience)
  • Dale Hauser, 318 FH                                   353-5423
  • (Sport and Recreation Management)
  • Diane Hauser, 120 SH                                  335-2633
  • (African American Studies; American Studies; Ancient
  • Civilization; Classics; Ethics and Public Policy; Gender,
  • Women's and Sexuality Studies; Social Justice; Sports
  • Studies; Interim Advisor for History; Philosophy;
  • Religious Studies)
  • Debra Johnson, G42 PBSB                               335-0135
  • (Psychology, Neuroscience)
  • Martha Kirby, 344 SH                                  335-2347
  • (International Relations, Political Science)
  • Emma Kirk, B20H MLH                                   335-0793
  • (Computer Science, Data Science, Informatics,
  • Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science)
  • Andrea Krekel, W243 AJB                               335-3849
  • (Communication Studies)
  • Lynne Lanning, 122 ABW                                384-1817
  • (Art, Art History)
  • Megan Lyons, 120 ABW                                  384-0940
  • (Art, Art History)
  • Irene Maundu, W223 CB                                 335-4904
  • (Chemistry, Computer Science, Data Science, Informatics,
  • Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science)
  • Anna Newnum, E350D AJB                                335-3845
  • (Journalism and Mass Communication)
  • Janeil Page-Jamison, G44 PBSB                         384-3657
  • (Psychology, Neuroscience)
  • Tiffany Phillips, 111B PH                             353-2206
  • (Linguistics; Social Work; Speech and Hearing Science; 
  • World Languages)
  • Molly Rechkemmer, W241 AJB                            467-0047
  • (Cinema, Dance, Music, Screenwriting Arts, Theatre Arts)
  • Elizabeth Rook, E117 FH                               335-1390
  • (Health and Human Physiology)
  • Andy Tinkham, W516 SSH                                335-0013
  • (Criminology, Law, and Justice; Political Science;
  • Sociology; Interdepartmental Studies Individualized Plan
  • of Study)
  • Kate Torno, 308 EPB                                   335-0454
  • (English; English and Creative Writing)
  • Allison Wanger, 310A EPB                              335-0460
  • (Communication Studies; English; English and Creative
  • Writing)
  • Hannah Whitcomb, 255 TH                               335-1889
  • (Environmental Policy and Planning; Environmental
  • Studies; Geography; Geoscience; Physics and Astronomy; 
  • Sustainability Science)
  • Vacant, 168 SH                                        335-2065
  • (History; Ethics and Public Policy; Philosophy; Religious
  • Studies)
  • Budget/Financial Officer
  • Tom Koeppel, Interim Director, 202 SH                      384-0559
  • Assistant Director, Jeff Donoghue, 202C SH            335-2605
  • Mgr, Accounting and Financial Analysis  
  • Ryan Kirkey, W310 SSH                            384-3489
  • Sr. Financial Analyst, Sandy Mast, 202 SH             335-9304
  • Sr. Accountant, Ronna Mayberry, 105 BCSB              335-0577
  • Sr. Accountant, Kevin McGlynn, 226 ABW                335-1773
  • Sr. Accountant, Beth Mellinger, 123A PH               353-2190
  • Mgr, Accounting and Financial Analysis  
  • Kristina Swanson, 202 SH                         335-0459
  • Sr. Accountant, Michelle Worrell, 1400L VOX           335-1975
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Senior Director of Marketing and Communications
  • Ben Hill, 1120C UCC                              384-3800
  • Associate Director Collegiate Communications
  • Katie Linder, 1120A UCC
  • Marketing and Communications Manager
  • Jen Knights, 1120R UCC                           335-3750
  • Marketing Specialist/ Web Content Editor 
  • Mike Cranston, 1120T UCC                         467-4779
  • Creative Media Manager, Jill Tobin, 1120N UCC         335-2002
  • Graphic Designer, Austin Montelius, Remote            335-2581
  • Human Resources
  • HR Senior Director, Julie Rothbardt, 240 SH           467-4380
  • HR Director, Melia Pieper, 240 SH                     335-6479
  • HR Manager, Kellie Kucera, 240 SH                     335-1606
  • HR Manager, Sylvia Gomez, 240 SH                      467-0932
  • HR Manager, Chris Crawford, 240 SH                    467-4822
  • HR Generalist, Ali Romano McClain, 240 SH             467-4107
  • HR Generalist, Vance Morris, 240 SH                   335-1690
  • HR Coordinator, Anna Kelly, 240 SH                    335-0796
  • HR Associate, Isabel Martinez, 240 SH
  • Technology Services, Jonna Higgins-Freese, 38 MH           467-3947
  • Business Intelligence, Alex Junk, 38 MH               467-1577
  • Research Technology, JJ Urich, 303 MLH                335-0750
  • Application Development, Mark Fullenkamp, 21 SH       353-2341
  • African American Studies, 210 JB                           335-0285
  • Chair, Deborah Whaley, 724 JB                         335-3494
  • American Sign Language Program, 111 PH                     335-2923
  • Program Director, Jill Beckman, 111A PH               335-2923
  • American Studies, 210 JB                                   335-0320
  • Chair, Thomas Oates, 728 JB                           335-0316
  • Anthropology, 114 MH                                       335-0522
  • Chair, Katina Lillios, 127B MH                        335-3023
  • Art and Art History, School of, 150 ABW                    335-1376
  • Director, Steve McGuire, 150 ABW                      335-1376
  • Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures, 111 PH         335-2923
  • Chair, Yumiko Nishi, 663 PH                           335-2159
  • Biology, 143 BB                                            335-1050
  • Acting Chair, Jodie Plumert, 143 BB                   335-1050
  • Center for Language and Culture Learning, 120 PH           335-2331
  •      Director, Claire Frances, 116A PH                     335-2331
  • Chemistry, E331 CB                                         335-1350
  • Chair, Len MacGillivray, E331 CB                      335-3504
  • Cinematic Arts, 105 BSCB                                   335-0330
  • Chair, Michael Cowan, E210 AJB                        335-0329
  • Classics, 210 JB                                           335-2323
  • Chair, Craig Gibson, 210 JB                           335-2324
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders, SHC                  335-3884
  • Chair, Carolyn Brown, 119C SHC                        335-8734
  • Communication Studies, 105 BCSB                            335-0575
  • Chair, Kembrew McLeod, 105C BCSB                      335-0580
  • Computer Science, 14 MLH                                   335-0713
  • Chair, Alberto M. Segre, 14G MLH                      335-1713
  • Creative Writing (Writers' Workshop), 102 DH               335-0416
  • Director, Lan Samantha Chang, 106 DH                  335-0416
  • Dance, E114 HH                                             335-2228
  • Chair, Rebekah Kowal, E114C HH                        335-2180
  • Earth and Environmental Sciences, 115 TH                   335-1818
  • Chair, David Peate, 115C TH                           335-1801
  • English, 308 EPB                                           335-0454
  • Chair, Loren Glass, 306 EPB                           335-0454
  • English as a Second Language, 1112 UCC (U. Capitol Centre) 335-5630
  • Director, Melissa Meisterheim, 1112 UCC               335-5630
  • Environmental Sciences, 115 TH                             335-1818
  • Department Chair, David Peate, B21B, TH               335-0567
  • Program Director, Emily Finzel, 15A TH                335-0405
  • Academic Coordinator, Andrew Forbes, 434A BB          335-3006
  • French and Italian, 111 PH                                 335-2923
  • Chair, Roxanna Curto, 551 PH                          335-2274
  • Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies, 210 JB                335-0322
  • Chair, Rachel Williams, 401 JB                        335-3022
  • Geographical and Sustainability Sciences, 316 JH           335-0151
  • Chair, David Bennett, 306 JH                          335-0158
  • German, 111 PH                                             335-2923
  • Interim-Chair, Jill Beckman, 111 PH                   335-0214
  • Health and Human Physiology, E102 FH                       384-4664
  • Chair, Gary Pierce, E102A FH 	                      335-9487
  • History, 280 SH                                            335-2299
  • Chair, Landon Storrs, 276 SH                          335-2303
  • Interdepartmental Studies, 342 SH                          335-0013
  • Academic Coordinator/Advisor
  • Andrew Tinkham, 342 SH                           335-0013
  • Director, Cornelia Lang
  • Interdisciplinary Programs, Division of, 24 PH             384-1328
  • Interim Director, Cornelia Lang           
  • Departmental Administrator, Lindsay Vella             467-0067
  • Administrative Services Coordinator, Tracy Meginnis   467-3912
  • Co-Director, David Hensley                       335-0992
  •           Co-Director, Cornelia Lang                  
  • GLOBAL HEALTH STUDIES PROGRAM (GHS), 24 PH            384-1328
  • Director, Kristine Munoz                         335-0633
  • LATINA/O STUDIES PROGRAM (LATS), 24 PH                384-1328
  • Director, Rene Rocha                             335-2528
  • Journalism and Mass Communication, School of, 100 AJB,     335-3486
  • Director, David Ryfe, E305B AJB                       335-3486
  • MAGID CENTER FOR WRITING, 24 PH                            467-3912
  • Director, Daniel Khalastchi                           467-3912
  • Director, Mallory Hellman                   467-4694
  • Director, Steven Lovely                     335-4209
  • Director, Amy Margolis                      335-2271
  • Latin American Studies Program (LASP) (see International Programs)
  • Director, Brian Gollnick, 638 PH                      467-0212
  • Linguistics, 111 PH                                        335-2923
  • Chair, Sarah Fagan,526 PH                             335-2284
  • Graduate Director, Christine Shea, 412 PH             335-2795
  • Undergraduate Director, Emilie Destruel, 514 PH       335-2265
  • Mathematics, 14 MLH                                        335-0714
  • Chair, Weimin Han, 14 MLH                             335-0714
  • Music, School of, 1400D VOX                                335-1603
  • Director, Tammie Walker, 1400D VOX                    335-1601
  • Native American and Indigenous Studies, 210 JB             335-0320
  •      Chair, Stephen Warren                                 335-2064
  • Performing Arts, Division of
  • Philosophy, 170 EPB                                        335-0495
  • Chair, David Cunning, 250 EPB                         335-0027
  • Physics and Astronomy, 203 VAN                             335-1686
  • Chair, Philip Kaaret, 203 VAN                         335-1689
  • Political Science, 341 SH                                  335-2358
  • Chair, Brian Lai, 343 SH                              335-2358
  • Psychological and Brain Sciences, 378 PBSB                 335-2406
  • Chair, Mark Blumberg, 378 PBSB                        335-2405
  • Religious Studies, 314 GILH                                335-2164
  • Interim Chair, David Cunning, 314 GILH                335-0027
  • Rhetoric, 170 EPB                                          335-0178
  • Chair, Kristy Nabhan-Warren, 153 EPB                  335-2167
  • Social Work, School of, 308 NH                             335-1250
  • Director, Mercedes Bern-Klug                          335-1251
  • Sociology and Criminology, W140 SSH                        335-2502
  • Chair, Jennifer Glanville, W125 SSH                   335-2498
  • Spanish and Portuguese, 111 PH                             335-2923
  • Chair, Amber Brian, 457 PH                            335-2231
  • Graduate Director, Christine Shea, 412 PH             335-2795
  • Undergraduate Director, Ana Merino, 123F PH           335-2232
  • General Education Core Program in Spanish Coordinator 
  • Giovanni Zimotti, 303 PH                         467-0137
  • Statistics and Actuarial Science, 241 SH                   335-0712
  • Chair, Kung-Sik Chan, 241 SH                          335-0712
  • Theatre Arts, 107 TB                                       335-2700
  • Chair, Mary Beth Easley, 107 TB                       335-2406
  • LIBRARIES, UNIVERSITY, LIB                                   335-5299
  • Information                                                335-5299
  • Fine/Fee & Billing Questions                               335-5912
  • FAX Number                                                 335-5900
  • University Librarian, John Culshaw, LIB                    335-5867
  • Associate University Librarian, Paul Soderdahl, LIB        335-5867
  • Associate University Librarian, Linda J. Walton            335-5867
  • Director, Human Resources and Diversity Programs,
  • Leo Agnew, LIB                                        335-5867
  • Access Services, LIB                                       335-5916
  • Acquisitions, LIB                                          335-5877
  • Art Library, 235 ABW                                       335-3089
  • Book Repair, LIB                                           335-5897
  • Bookstacks, LIB                                            335-5928
  • Circulation, Reserve and Media, LIB                        335-5912
  • Conservator, LIB                                           335-5908
  • Cataloging-Metadata, LIB                                   335-6204
  • Digital Scholarship & Publishing Studio                    335-9275
  • Engineering Library, 2001D SC                              335-6047
  • Facilities, Coordinator, LIB                               335-5899
  • Finance, Director, Mark Erlandson, LIB                     335-5882
  • Government Information, LIB                                335-5299
  • Hardin Library for the Health Sciences (see HARDIN
  • Janna Lawrence, HLHS                             335-9870
  • Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery, LIB               335-5917
  • Iowa Women's Archives, LIB                                 335-5068
  • Law Library, (see LAW, COLLEGE OF), BLB                    335-9002
  • Pomerantz Business Library, C320 PBB                       335-3077
  • Preservation and Conservation, Head, Nancy E. Kraft, LIB   335-5908
  • Services                                          lib-ref@uiowa.edu
  • Rita Benton Music Library, LIB                             335-3086
  • Sciences Library, SL                                       335-3083
  • Strategic Communications Manager, Jennifer Masada          335-5960
  • Thesis Binding                                             335-5816
  • Special Collections, LIB                                   335-5921
  • University Archives, University Archivist, LIB             335-5924
  • Interim Director, Dan Berkowitz, 3086 LIB                  335-5707
  • Program Coordinator, Carol Ives, 3088 LIB                  335-5709
  • LICENSING PROGRAM (University Trademark Licensing)                     
  • Director, Dale Arens, 310 KHF                              384-2000
  • Assistant, Christa Roberts                                 384-2000
  • FAX Number                                                 384-1032
  • LINGUISTICS, 111 PH                                         335-0209
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2990
  • Chair, Sarah Fagan, 463 PH                                 335-2284
  • Graduate Director, Christine Shea, 412 PH                  335-2795
  • Undergraduate Director, Emilie Destruel-Maurel, 514 PH     335-2265
  • 3388 Highway 22, Muscatine, IA 52761                 (563) 288-2888
  • FAX                                                  (563) 288-2889
  • MAIL, UNIVERSITY, MBSB                                          384-3807
  • Central Mail Svcs MBSB                                     384-3807
  • Manager, Ben Barreras                                      384-3722
  • FAX Number                                            384-3806
  • Campus Mail, Intracampus and Intercampus, MBSB        384-3800
  • Mail Metering, U.S. Mail and UPS, MBSB                384-3804
  • Bulk Mail, Customer Service, MBSB                     384-3802
  • Chair, Amy Colbert, W252 PBB                               335-0927
  • PhD Program Director, Greg Stewart, S388 PBB               335-1947
  • Undergraduate Program Director, Erin Johnson, W250 PBB     335-3378
  • MANAGEMENT SCIENCES DEPARTMENT, W252 PBB                        335-0858
  • Chair, Barrett Thomas                                      335-0938
  • MS Program Director, Samuel Burer, S346 PBB                335-0931
  • PhD Program Director, Ann Campbell, S232 PBB               335-0918
  • Undergrad Program Co-Director, Michael Colbert, S338 PBB   335-0961
  • Undergrad Program Co-Director, Jeff Ohlmann, S372 PBB      335-0837
  • null
  • MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS, (See University of Iowa Health Care
  • Marketing and Communications) 
  • Associate Vice President, Ellen V. Barron, 324 CMAB        335-7942
  • MARKETING DEPARTMENT, S252 PBB                                  335-1013
  • Chair, D. J. Nayakankuppam, 252 PBB                        335-1013
  • PhD Progam Director, William Hedgcock, W270 PBB            335-0894
  • Undergraduate Progam Director, John Murry, S360 PBB        335-0965
  • Director, Lynn Teesch                                      335-1381
  • FAX Number                                                 353-2901
  • MATHEMATICS, DEPARTMENT OF, 14 MLH                              335-0714
  • Chair, Ryan Kinser, 14A MLH                                335-0786
  • Graduate Program Director, Xiaoyi Zhang, 25E MLH           335-0785
  • Undergraduate Program Director, Yangbo Ye, 225G MLH        335-0717
  • Administrative Assistant, Margaret Driscol, 14B MLH        335-0709
  • Sec. III, Lucinda Van Ark, 14C MLH                         335-0708
  • Administrative Services Coordinator, Amy Simonson, 14 MLH  467-4736
  • Mathematics Tutorial Lab, Amanda Marr, 125 MLH             335-0810
  • MAYFLOWER HALL, M (1110 N. Dubuque)                             335-2966
  • Hall Information Desk (24 hours)                           335-2966
  • Hall Coordinator, Karlie Tran
  • Assistant Hall Coordinator, Austin Smith                   335-2967
  • Hall Ofice Administrator, Faunus Schweitzer                335-2967
  • Mayflower Market                                           353-2043
  • MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 3131 SC                                 335-5668
  • FAX Number                                                 335-5669
  • Departmental Executive Officer, 
  • Lin, Ching-Long 2406 SC                              335-5673
  • Vice President of Medical Affairs & Dean Carver College of Medicine
  • Denise Jamieson, 312 CMAB                             335-8064
  • Chief of Staff, Karen Butler, 320 CMAB                335-7855
  • Admin. Services Specialist                   301 CMAB 384-3130
  • MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS, 0035 RCP                                   467-5118
  • Supervisor, Dale Flannery                                  356-1918
  • Director, Steven Lentz                                     335-8303
  • Co-Director, Pamela Geyer                                  335-8303
  • Administrative Director, Leslie D. Harrington              335-8304
  • Administrative Secretary, Jessica Jensen                   335-8303
  • Information
  • Admissions                                            335-6703
  • FAX Number                                       335-8049
  • Medicine Administration                               335-6707
  • FAX Number                                       335-8318
  • Student Affairs and Curriculum                        335-8053
  • FAX Number                                       335-8643
  • Vice President of Medical Affairs & Dean Carver College of Medicine
  • Denise Jamieson, MD, MPH 312 CMAB                     335-8064
  • Chief of Staff, Karen Butler, 320 CMAB                335-7855
  • Admin. Svs. Specialist                   301 CMAB     384-3130
  • Executive Associate Dean, Patricia Winokur, 218 CMAB       353-3646
  • Sasha Alexander, Executive Assistant, 216 CMAB        384-4736
  • Sydnie Harris, Office of the Executive Dean, 200 CMAB 384-3101
  • Student Affairs and Curriculum, Office of (OSAC)
  • Associate Dean, Christopher S. Cooper, 1216G MERF     356-0743
  • Assistant Dean, David Asprey, 1216E MERF              335-8435
  • Asst. Dean, Des Moines Branch, Steven Craig     (515) 987-5527
  • Assistant Dean, Nancy Rosenthal, 1216 MERF            353-3933
  • Admissions
  • Director, Kathlene J. Huebner, 1213B MERF        335-9207
  • Assistant Director, Judi Lehman, 1213B MERF      335-8057
  • Asst. Director, Recruit., Amy Ahern, 1187B MERF  335-6825
  • ADM Process Coord., Carolyn Murphy, 1213 MERF    335-8052
  • Counseling
  • Director/Counselor, Eran Hanke, 1240B MERF       335-8056
  • Counselor, Doreen Thomas, 1240A MERF             335-8056
  • Sr. Staff Counselor, Doreen Thomas, 1240A MERF   335-8056
  • Curriculum,Assoc. Director, Hugh Hansen, 1216F MERF   335-7691
  • Curriculum/Community Coordinators
  • Jeff Emrich, 1130A1 MERF, Boulware Community     335-8054
  • Ellen Franklin, 1150A1 MERF, Flocks Community    335-6787
  • Carrie Bernat, 1120A1 MERF, Bean Community       335-7641
  • Laina Edwards, 1160A1 MERF, McCowen Community    335-6711
  • Clinical Skills Assessment
  • Director, Ellen Franklin, 1150A1 MERF            335-6787
  • Ambulatory Practice Module and Global Programs
  • Director, Robin Paetzold, 1187A MERF             353-5762
  • Financial Services 
  • Director, Linda G. Bissell, 1216C MERF           335-8059
  • Assistant Director, Chris Rohling, 1216B MERF    353-3092
  • Registrar
  • Registrar, Damien Ihrig, 1216D MERF              335-8046
  • Iowa Medical Student Research Program
  • Director, Robert Roghair, 1270 CBRB              335-9895
  • Admin Svs. Coord., Stephanie Whitlock, 1187 MERF 335-9449
  • Writing Program
  • Director, Jason Lewis, 1193 MERF                 335-8051
  • Continuing Medical Education (CME) 
  • Director, Susan Zollo, 124 CMAB                       335-8597
  • Acad Clin Project Mgt Spec.,Lori Bailey Raw, 100 CMAB 335-8601
  • Acad Clin Prog Mgt Associate, Molly James, 100 CMAB   384-2931
  • Compliance Coordinator, Teri Thomann, 100 CMAB        353-3023
  • Cultural Affairs and Diversity Initiatives
  • Associate Dean, Denise Martinez, 234 CMAB             384-2952
  • Program Coordinator, Janet Niebuhr, 240 CMAB          335-9696
  • Facilities Planning and Management 
  • Rebecca Waltman, Director, L191 MERF                  335-8062
  • Facility Manager, Wesley D. Sotzen, L191 MERF         335-8290
  • Facility Manager, Steven L. Schlote, L191 MERF        335-8100
  • Faculty Affairs and Development, Office of (OFAD)
  • Associate Dean, Lois Geist 230 CMAB                   335-8067
  • Assistant Dean, Mark Moser 221 CMAB                   384-1639
  • Admin. Svs. Coordinator, TBD, 200 CMAB                335-8067
  • Faculty HR Coordinator, Lori Posey, 200 CMAB          335-8067
  • Acad./Sci Editorial Manager, Paul Casella 200 CMAB    335-8067
  • Faculty Dev Program Manager, Denise Jurca 229 CMAB    335-9103
  • Health Care Information Systems
  • Desktop Support (HELP DESK)                           356-0001
  • Director, Lee T. Carmen, BT 1000 D GH                 356-4445
  • Human Resources, UI Health Care
  • Associate Vice President, Jana S. Wessels, 328 CMAB   335-8071
  • Director, Keith Clasen, 232 CMAB                      335-8994
  • Employee and Labor Relations
  • Director, Ellen Chambers, 272 CMAB               353-5783
  • Compensation and Classifcation
  • Director, Charles Bigelow, 268 CMAB              335-9784
  • Senior HR Specialist, Kyle Anson, 266 CMAB       335-8155
  • Information Technology, CCOM, 200 CMAB
  • Associate Dean, Boyd M. Knosp, 228 CMAB               335-6730
  • Admin. Svs. Coordinator Cynthia Bohling 200 CMAB 335-6730
  • Academic Desktop Support(HELP DESK)                   356-0001
  • Application Svs., Duane Staskal, Director, 130 CMAB   353-4113
  • Classroom & Meeting Technologies
  • Sr. IT Sup. Consultant, Edward Nealson L149 MERF 335-8591
  • Videoconferencing                                335-8591
  • Audiovisual Support                              335-8590
  • MERF Audiovisual Support                         335-8651
  • IT Consulting Services
  • Sr. Project Manager, Shannon Manley, 100 CMAB    384-4769
  • Lead Aplications Dev., Heather Davis, 257 MRF    384-5409
  • Web Center
  • Creative Media Manager, TBD, 142 CMAB            335-7603
  • Legal Counsel, CCOM
  • Senior Associate Counsel, Gay D. Pelzer, 120 JH       335-3025
  • Scientific Affairs and Graduate Programs
  • Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
  • Associate Dean, Daniel Tranel, 202 CMAB          335-9232
  • Clinical and Translational Science
  • Associate Dean, Patricia Winokur, 204 CMAB       384-1735
  • Admin Svs. Coordinator, Jamie Holmes 200 CMAB    353-5617
  • Scientific Affairs
  • Assistant Dean, Amy Lee, 5318 PBDB              384-1762
  • Administrator, Angie Robertson, 120 CMAB         353-3619
  • Admin. Svs. Coord., Sonya Housholder, 100 CMAB   335-8587
  • Research Core Facilities
  • Director, Robert Piper, 6-452 BSB                335-7842
  • Admin. Svs. Coord., Sonya Housholder, 100 CMAB   335-8587
  • Statewide Clinical Education Programs, Office of (OSCEP)
  • Assistant Dean and Director, Greg Nelson, 2133 ML     335-8618
  • Admin. Services Specialist, Sara Piere, 2133 ML       335-8618
  • University of Iowa Physicians (UIP)
  • Chair of UIP, Jean E. Robillard, 312 CMAB             335-8064
  • Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and Physician Leader
  • Doug Van Daele, 226 CMAB                         384-3081
  • Chief Operating Officer, UIP
  • Todd Patterson, 224 CMAB                         335-8715
  • Admin Svs. Coordinator, Diane Crossett 200 CMAB  335-9502
  • Alzheimer's Disease Research Center 
  • Head, George Richerson                           356-4296
  • Anatomy and Cell Biology, 1-402 BSB                        335-7753
  • FAX                                                   335-7198
  • Chair, John F.Engelhardt, 1-100 BSB                   335-7744
  • Departmental Administrator, Anne Suter, 1-100C BSB    335-7756
  • Deeded Body Program, Brian Chapman, B062 ML           335-7762
  • Anesthesia
  • Chair, Cynthia Wong, 6618 JCP                         356-3868
  • Animal Resources, Office of (OAR)
  • Attending Vet and Director, Paul S. Cooper, 400 ML    335-7985
  • Clinical Veterinarian, Maria Martino-Cardona          335-7985
  • Biochemistry
  • Chair, Charles M. Brenner, 4-403 BSB                  335-7934
  • Depart. Administrator, Rosemary Stratton, 4-403 BSB   335-7930
  • Biochemistry Stores, 4-321 BSB                             335-7927
  • Bioengineering Facility                                    384-8339
  • FAX                                                   384-8337
  • Maintenance, B5 GH                                    356-7491
  • Bioethics and Humanities
  • Director, Lauris C. Kaldjian, 1-112 MEB               335-6706
  • Biomedical Research Store, 238 EMRB                        335-8004
  • Director, Kevin Knudtson, 323 EMRB               335-7251
  • Biosafety Level III Laboratories
  • Director, Dana Ries                                   335-9588
  • Biosciences Program (See Grad. & Postdoctoral Studies, Office Of)
  • Cancer Center Administration, Holden Comprehensive, JPP
  • Director, George J. Weiner, 5970Z JPP                 353-8620
  • Administrator, Tina Devery  5988 JPP                  356-2367
  • Cancer Information Service, 4802 JPP                  356-3000
  • Clinical Cancer Center, John and Mary Pappajohn
  • Clinic Scheduling, 4801 JPP                           356-4200
  • Clinic Reception, 4801 JPP                            356-4422
  • Toll Free                                       (800) 237-1225
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Interim Chair, Ronald Weigel, 1509 JCP                353-7474
  • Cardiovascular Phenotype Facility
  • Robert Weiss, E317A GH                           356-0483
  • Cardiovascular Research Center, 616 MRC
  • Director, Barry London,   SE 308 GH                   356-2745
  • Co-Director, Peter Gruber, E315 A-1GH                 356-2750
  • Clinical Outreach Services: see JOINT OFFICE FOR CLINICAL 
  • Crystallography Facility, 4-611 BSB
  • Director, Lokesh Gakhar, 4-680 BSB                    335-7671
  • Cytogenetics Laboratory, W101 GH                           356-3877
  • Dermatology
  • Chair, Janet Fairley, 40040 PFP                       356-3609
  • DNA Facility (See IIHG Genomics Division)
  • Electron Spin Resonance Facility 
  • Director, Garry Buettner, 68 EMRB                     335-6749
  • Emergency Medicine Program
  • Chair, Andrew Nugent, 1008 RCP                        384-6562
  • Family Medicine
  • Chair, Paul A. James, 01286-D PFP                     384-7500
  • Flow Cytometry Facility 
  • Director, Zuhair K. Ballas, 48 EMRB                   335-8103
  • Technical Director, Justin Fishbaugh, 48 EMRB         335-8103
  • Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center (FOEDRC)
  • Director, E. Dale Abel, 4312 PBDB                     353-3050
  • Assoc. Director, Andrew Norris, 1270B CBRB            335-7383
  • Emeritus, Daryl Granner, 6318 PBDB                    335-7405
  • Director, Admin Svs. Kathleen Barbee, 4318 PBDB       384-4678
  • Free Radical and Radiation Biology Program 
  • Director, Douglas R. Spitz, B180 ML                   335-8019
  • Gene Therapy Vector Core 
  • Director, Beverly L. Davidson, 220 EMRB               353-5511
  • Genetics, 314 BB                                           335-3603
  • Director, Dan Eberl, 259 BB                           335-1323
  • Genome and Editing Core Facility
  • Director, William Paradee, B160 MTF                   335-4495
  • Graduate Medical Education Office (GME)  123 GH
  • Acad Clin Prog Mgt Crd/Mgr, Lou Halsch                384-7620
  • Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies, Office of
  • Associate Dean & Director, Daniel Tranel, B180-E ML   335-8001
  • Dir. Admissions & First Yr. Exp, Jodi Graff, 353 MRC  335-8305
  • IIHG Genomics Division, 321 EMRB                           335-7923
  • Director, Kevin L. Knudtson, 323 EMRB                 335-7251
  • DNA Sequencing, Cory Hammitt, 300H EMRB               335-6736
  • DNA Microarrays/qPCR, Gary Hauser, 329 EMRB           335-7928
  • Genome Sequencing, Einat Snir, 329 EMRB               335-6736
  • Oligonucleotide Ordering, Jan Fuller, 329 EMRB        335-7923
  • Immunology Program, 357 MRC                                335-7748
  • Director, Steven Varga                                335-7784
  • Acad Clin Prog Mgt Spec, Paulette Villhauer, 354 MRC  335-7748
  • Internal Medicine
  • Chair, Dale Abel, SE303 GH                            356-4379
  • Macular Degeneration, Carver Family Center for
  • Stephen A. Wynn Institute for Vision Research
  • Director, Edwin M. Stone, 4111 MERF                   335-8270
  • Materials Management Facility (MMF)
  • Supervisor, Robert D. Bontrager, 1-107-E MEB          353-4884
  • Medical Scientist Training Program, 2206 MERF
  • Director, Steven Lentz                                335-8303
  • Co-Director, Pamela Geyer                             335-8303
  • Administrative Director, Ashley Hood                  335-8304
  • Microbiology
  • Chair, Patrick M. Schlievert, 3-403B BSB              335-7810
  • Molecular Medicine 357 MRC                                 335-7748
  • Director, Matthew Potthoff  3322 PBDB                 384-4438
  • Program Administrator, Paulette Villhauer, 354 MRC    335-7748
  • Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
  • Chair, Kevin P. Campbell, 4269 CBRB                   335-7800
  • Neurology
  • Chair, George B. Richerson, 2151-A1 RCP               356-4296
  • Neuroscience Program, 356 MRC                              335-9968
  • Director, Daniel Tranel, 2155 RCP                     384-6050
  • Neurosurgery
  • Chair, Matthew A. Howard III, 1823 JPP                356-8468
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility 
  • Director, Liping Yu, B291 CBRB                        384-3172
  • Associate Director, C. Andrew Fowler, B291 CBRB       384-2937
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Director, Michael M. Graham, 3863JPP                  356-4302
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Chair, Kimberly Leslie, 31140-A PFP                   356-1976
  • Office of Consultation & Research in Medical Education (OCRME)
  • 1204 MEB                                              335-8901
  • FAX Number                                            335-8904
  • Director, Kristi J. Ferguson, 1204A MEB               335-8900
  • Associate Director, Susan Lenoch, 1204 MEB            335-8907
  • Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
  • Chair, Keith D. Carter, 11136F PFP                    356-2867
  • Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation 
  • Chair, Lawrence Marsh, 01071 JPP                      356-0430
  • Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 21200 PFP          356-3574
  • Chair, Bruce J. Gantz, 21158 PFP                      356-2173
  • Pathology
  • Chair, Nitin Karandikar, C673 GH                      384-9609
  • Pediatrics
  • Chair, Raphael Hirsch, 2636 JCP                       356-0469
  • Pharmacology
  • Chair, Curt Sigmund, 2-454 BSB                        335-7946
  • Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, 1-252 MEB     335-9791
  • Director, Richard K. Shields, 1-254 MEB               335-9803
  • Physician Assistant Studies and Services, 5167 WL          335-8922
  • Director, David P. Asprey, 5163 WL                    335-8920
  • Ponseti International Association, 100 CMAB                384-4747
  • Chief Medical Director, Jose Morcuende, 01023 JPP     384-8041
  • Chief of Operations, Thomas Cook, 114 CMAB            353-5127
  • Program Coordinator, Kathy Grothe, 100 CMAB           353-3926
  • Admin. Svs. Specialist, Tomeka Petersen, 100 CMAB     384-4747
  • Proteomics Facility                                        335-7956
  • Director, R. Marshall Pope, 355 EMRB                  353-5938
  • Psychiatry
  • Chair, James Potash, 2887 JPP                         356-4658
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Chair, John Buatti, 016226 PFP                        356-2699
  • Radiology, 3970 JPP                                        356-2188
  • Chair, Colin Derdeyn, 3966 JPP                        356-3372
  • Surgery, 1515 JCP                                          356-2649
  • Chair, Ronald J. Weigel, 1509 JCP                     353-7474
  • Tissue Procurement Core                                    353-3051
  • Director, C. Michael Knudson                          335-8147
  • Transgenic Animal Facility
  • Director, William Paradee, 3181 MERF                  335-4495
  • Translational Biomedicine, Graduate Program
  • Associate Director, Peggy Nopoulos                    384-9264
  • Urology, 3120 RCP                                          356-2934
  • Chair, Karl Kreder 3251 RCP                           356-4525
  • Viral Vector Core
  • 221 EMRB                                              335-6726
  • null
  • null
  • null
  • MEDIEVAL STUDIES, 115 SH                                      335-1762
  • FAX Number                                               335-3884
  • Coordinator, Michael Moore, 115 SH                      335-2095
  • FAX Number                                                 335-9006
  • Chair, Patrick M. Schlievert, 3-403B BSB                   335-7807
  • Linda Johnson, Admin. Services Coordinator,3-403B BSB 335-7807
  • Department Administrator, Barbara K. Spence, 3-403C BSB    335-7935
  • MICROSCOPY, CENTRAL RESEARCH FACILITY, 85 EMRB                  335-8142
  • FAX Number                                                 384-4469
  • Director, Randy Nessler, 85 EMRB                           335-8142
  • Office Manager, Xixin (Lucy) Liu, 85 EMRB                  335-8589
  • Web Site                                http://www.uiowa.edu/~cmrf/
  • Director, Matthew Potthoff                                 384-4438
  • Acad. Clin. Prog. Mngmt. Spc, Paulette Villhauer, 354 MRC  335-7748
  • Chair, Kevin P. Campbell, 4269B  CBRB                      335-7800
  • Departmetal Administrator, Kristin Gilcrist, 5-660 BSB     335-7869
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Mark Stamnes,6-550 BSB       335-7858
  • MUSEUM OF ART, UIMA                                             335-1727
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3677
  • Director, Sean O'Harrow                                    335-1725
  • Secretary, Betty Breazeale                                 335-1725
  • Chief Curator, Kathleen Edwards                            335-1729
  • Curator of Education, Dale William Fisher                  335-1730
  • Curator of African and Non-western Art, Cory Gundlach      335-0482
  • Assistant Curator for Legacies, Sarika Sugla               335-3979
  • Manager of Exhibitions and Collections, Jeff Martin        335-1728
  • Assistant Registrar, Katherine Wilson                      335-2545
  • Preparator, Steve Erickson                                 335-1750
  • Public Relations Coordinator, Elizabeth Wallace            353-2847
  • Associate Director of Development, Beth Nobles             335-3305
  • Tour Request Line                                          335-3232
  • FAX Number                                                 335-0653
  • Coordinator, Russell Ciochan, 114 MH                       335-2751
  • Information, School of Music Main Office, 1400 VOX         335-1603
  • Fax Number                                                 335-2637
  • Director, Tammie Walker, 1400D VOX                         335-1601
  • Administrative Assistant to Director
  • Amanda Stout, 1400L VOX                               335-1315
  • Administrative Services Coordinator 
  • Mae Crooks, 1400 VOX                                  335-1603
  • Academic Information,
  • Pauline Wieland-Plowman, 1400J VOX                    335-1604
  • Student Recruitment and Admissions Counselor,
  • Allison Bierman, 1400G VOX                            335-3394
  • Scheduling and Facilities Manager
  • Justin Goodchild, 1400K VOX                           384-1501
  • Associate Director, Instructional Support,
  • John Manning, 5406 VOX                                335-1656
  • Associate Director, Undergraduate Studies,
  • Alan Huckleberry, 4404 VOX                            335-1650
  • Associate Director, Graduate Studies,
  • David Puderbaugh, 4004 VOX                            335-1627
  • Associate Director, Strategic Initiatives, DEI and Enhancement,
  • Marian Wilson Kimber, 5466 VOX                        335-1668
  • Music Education Programs, Mary Cohen, 4300 VOX             335-3030
  • Administrator, Rosie Ver Steegh, 1400N VOX                 335-2707
  • Computer Lab, 1351 VOX                                     335-3086
  • IT Support, John Winget, 1212 VOX                          335-1869
  • Recording Studios,  M250 VOX                            
  • Recording Technicians
  • James Edel, M250E VOX                                 335-1663
  • Shu-Min Alice Chnag, M250D VOX          
  • Rita Benton Music Library, 1451A VOX
  • Head Librarian, Katie Buehner, 1451D VOX              335-3088
  • Library Assistant, Christine Bruke, 1451 VOX          335-3086
  • Library Assistant, Amy McBeth, 1451E VOX              335-1444
  • Marketing, Jen Knights, NH                                 335-3750
  • Accounting
  • Tylor Hoyle, 1400M VOX                                335-1062
  • Nick Shatkus, 1400Q VOX                               335-0939
  • Piano Technician, Jeremy Herrera, 207 VOX                  335-1640
  • Instrument Repair Technician, Chad Walker, 4460 VOX
  • University Bands, Hawkeye Marching Band
  • Administrative Coordinator, Kathy Ford, 4306 VOX      335-1635
  • Military and Veteran Student Services,3702 UCC,         319-384-2626
  • DEO, LTC Matthew Miller                                319-384-2613
  • Student Support Specialist, Chelsea Burk               319-467-1013
  • Veteran Education Transition Services, 2706 UCC        319-335-9198
  • NATIONAL ADVANCED DRIVING SIMULATOR (NADS)                      335-4683
  • FAX                                                        335-4658
  • Director, Daniel McGeeHee, 120 NADS                        335-4850
  • Director of Research, Sue Chrysler, 120 NADS               335-4306
  • Director of Operations, Omar Ahmad, 121 NADS               335-4788
  • Administration and Human Resources, Mary Bender, 124 NADS  335-4673
  • TRANSFER CENTER, 1207 WL                                   335-5564
  • Fax Number                                                 335-6068
  • Project Director, Anne Helene Skinstad, 1197 WL            353-2957
  • Program Manager, Jacki Bock, 1199 WL                       335-5564
  • Research Coordinator, Kate Thrams, 1209 WL                 335-5362
  • Research Associate, Jenny Richards, 2193 WL                384-4154
  • Behavioral Health Consultant, Sean Bear, 1211 WL           384-4164
  • Faculty Consultant, Peter E. Nathan, 1211 WL               
  • NATIONAL CENTER FOR VOICE AND SPEECH, 330 SHC                   335-6600
  • Director, Ingo Titze                                       335-6600
  • Coordinator: Stephen Warren                                335-2064
  • NATURAL HISTORY, MUSEUM OF*                                          
  • Chair and DEO, George Richerson, 2155 RCP                  356-4296
  • Administrator, Jim Sherman, 2156 RCP                       356-2551
  • Electrophysiology Labs 
  • EEG, 0150 RCP                                         356-8766
  • EMG, 0205 RCP                                         356-2695
  • Sleep Disorders, N330 CDD                             356-3813
  • Epilepsy Monitoring, W215 GH                          353-7020
  • Neuropsychology, 0120 RCP                                  356-2671
  • Outpatient Clinic, 2162-Z RCP                              356-2580
  • Scheduling Center (Patient Appointments)              356-2571
  • Chart Control                                         356-2956
  • Clinic Coordinator                                    356-8735
  • Nursing Station                                       356-2957
  • FAX number                                              335-8930
  • Chair and DEO, Ted Abel, PhD, 2-471B-1                  335-7946
  • Departmental Administrator, Lisa Ringen, 2-458 BSB      353-3131
  • Director, Daniel Tranel, 2155 RCP                          384-6050
  • NEUROSURGERY, 1800 JPP                                          356-8468
  • Chair and DEO, Matthew A. Howard III, 1823 JPP             356-8468
  • Administrator, David Dellos, 1615-A JCP                    353-8860
  • Scheduling Center (Patient Appointments)                   356-2237
  • NEWS SERVICES (see Strategic Communication), 300 PCO           
  • General University News, 300 PCO                           
  • UI Health Care Media Relations, W317 GH                    356-3945
  • General, B291 CBRB                                         335-6610
  • FAX Number                                                 335-7273
  • Director, Liping Yu, B291 CBRB                             384-3172
  • Associate Director, Andrew Fowler, B291 CBRB               384-2937
  • Director, Santhana Velupillai, W184 CB                     335-1336
  • NMR Technician, W83 CB                                     335-1332
  • NUCLEAR MEDICINE CLINIC, 3820 JPP                               356-1911
  • Chief Nursing Officer, UI Hospitals and Clinics, 
  • Kenneth Rempher, 1351 JCP                                  356-2029
  • NURSING, COLLEGE OF                                             335-7018
  • General Information                                        335-7018
  • Information - BSN Pre-licensure Programs                   335-7042
  • Information - Graduate Programs                            335-7021
  • Information - RN-BSN Program                               335-9214
  • Academic Affairs
  • Exec Assoc Dean, Anita Stineman, 243 CNB              335-8210
  • Assistant to the Assoc Dean, Lin Pierce, 241 CNB 335-7012
  • Program Coordinator, Karla Christensen, 364 CNB  335-8960
  • Educ. Support Serv. Spec., Valerie Garr, 103A CNB335-6545
  • BSN-Assoc. Dean for Undergraduate & Pre-Licensure Progams
  •  Anita Nicholson, 354 CNB                        335-7115
  • DNP - Asst. Dean for Graduate Practice Programs
  • Mary Dirks, 344 CNB                              335-7045
  • MSN: Clinical Nurse Leader- Coordinator
  • M. Lindell Joseph, 466 CNB                       335-7115
  • PhD - PhD Program Director
  • Sandy Daack-Hirsch, 452 CNB                      335-7061
  • Geraldene Felton Student Success Center
  • Admin Clin Prog Mgt Assoc., Brooke Dwars, 112 CNB335-7042
  • Admin Services Coord., Renee Lepine, 106 CNB     335-7020
  • Clinical Coordinator, Angela Worrell, 464 CNB    335-7069
  • Graduate Programs, Jennifer Clougherty, 108 CNB  335-7021
  • Program Coordinator, Mary Kosobucki, 110 CNB     467-0426
  • Pre-Licensure Program, Linda Myers, 114 CNB      335-7015
  • RN-BSN Program, Cheri Doggett, 104 CNB           335-9214
  • Admin. Services Coord., Breanna Reed, 109 CNB    467-0283
  • Nursing Clinical Education Center
  • Director, April Prunty, W415 GH                  356-1581
  • Admin. Services Manager, Wendy Voigt, W431 GH    356-3902
  • Instructional Serv. Coord., Jorge Salazar W424GH 356-1613
  • Teaching Services
  • Admin. Serv. Specialist, Molly James, 342 CNB    335-7075
  • Secretary, Kathleen Farrier, 340 CNB             335-7047
  • Admin. Serv. Coordinator, Lucas McLeran, 338 CNB 335-7030
  • IOWA ONLINE Nurse Residency Program
  • Program Manager, Nicole Weathers, CNB            384-1676
  • Admin. Services Coordinator, TBD                
  • Center for Genetics
  • Director, Janet Williams, 426 CNB                     335-7046
  • Center for Nursing Classification and Clinical Effectiveness
  • Director, Sue Moorhead, 458 CNB                       335-7110
  • Admin. Services Coordinator, Abe Noriko, 407A CNB     335-7051
  • Communications
  • Exec. Director of Communications, Alumni and Ext. Relations 
  • Scott Ketelsen, 239 CNB                               467-0352
  • Communications, Jamie Nicpon, 382 CNB                 335-9917
  • Public Relations Coordinator, Cassie Raasch, 433 CNB  335-7003
  • Marketing Specialist, Leah Grout Garris, 203 CNB      384-4701
  • Csomay Center for Gerontological Excellence
  • Director, Marianne Smith, 4116 WL                     335-7121
  • Admin. Serv. Coordinator, Eiko Oka, 4118 WL           353-5670
  • Student Office Assistant, Ryleigh Maas, 4115 WL       335-7083
  • Dean's Office
  • Dean, Julie Zerwic, 234 CNB                           335-7009
  • Director of Development, Dayna Ballantyne, LCUA       467-3727
  • Assistant to the Dean, Dawn Pressler, 232 CNB         335-7008
  • Secretary, Kimberly Geguzis, 230 CNB                  335-7296
  • FAX Number                                            335-9990
  • Faculty Services
  • Associate Dean for Faculty, Keela Herr, 306 CNB       335-7080
  • Admin. Services Specialist, Kay Geguzis, 308 CNB      335-7108
  • Secretary, Joyce Andrews, 310 CNB                     335-7067
  • Finance and Operations
  • Budget/Financial Officer, Scott Miller, 237 CNB       335-7019
  • Mgr. Acct. & Fin. Analysis, Cheri Arneson, 422 CNB    335-7011
  • Admin. Services Manager, Jill Hartz, 424 CNB          335-9654
  • Facilities, William Donahue, 132 CNB                  353-5520
  • Human Resources
  • Director, Debra McFall-Wallerich, CNB                 335-7014
  • Coordinator, Linda Weir Jacobi, CNB                   353-4806
  • Instructional Technology
  • Director, Patrick Whetstone, 380 CNB                  335-7127
  • Instructional Services Manager, Sam Mhatre, 314 CNB   335-7139
  • Nursing Research and Scholarship
  • Associate Dean, Ann Marie McCarthy, 406 CNB           335-7087
  • ONR Director, Linda Liu Hand, 408 CNB                 335-7040
  • Research Support Coord, Bethany Campbell-Tvedt,410 CNB335-7133
  • Statistician, Yelena Perkhounkova, 414 CNB            335-7078
  • Research Support Specialist, Dianne Rash, 412 CNB     335-8581
  • Data Manager, Maria Hein, 416 CNB                     335-7076
  • Technology Innovation Scientist, Todd Papke, 420 CNB  335-3046
  • SANE Program
  • Spec. Care Coord., Laura Super, 5114 WL               335-6314
  • Students, Assoc. of Undergrad Nsg Students(UIANS), 405 CNB 335-7015
  • Students, Assoc. of Grad. Nursing Students (AGNS), 405 CNB 335-7021
  • National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice
  • School of Social Work, UI Research Park
  • 100 MTP4, Room 162                                 335-4971
  • OAKDALE MEDICAL RESEARCH, MTF (University of Iowa Research Park) 
  • 2501 Crosspark Road, Suites A/B 
  • Epidemiology Research-College of Public Health
  • Christine Petersen, B166 MTF                          384-1579
  • Inflammation Program, D/E MTF                              335-4192
  • Sonya Pugh, Office Manager, D168 MTF                  335-4192
  • Occupational & Environmental Health
  • Kelly K. Baker, B105 MTF                              384-4008
  • Hans-Joachim Lehmler, B111 MTF                        335-4310
  • Ophthalmology Visual Field Reading Center
  • Chris Johnson, B150 MTF                               467-4501
  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Douglas Fredericks, B137 MTF                          335-4377
  • Iowa Cancer Consortium, A130 MTF                     
  • Kelly Wells Sittig, A132 MTF 335-8814
  • University of Iowa Research Park Admin.
  • 2500 Crosspark Road                                   335-4063
  • Stephanie Dengler, Director of Operations             384-2741
  • Diann Pavelka, Office Manager                         335-4063
  • UI Research Park FAX                             467-4550
  • OBERMANN CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDIES                         
  • Website                                   http://obermann.uiowa.edu
  • Address                                               111 Church St
  • Phone                                                  319-335-4034
  • Director
  • Teresa Mangum                                         335-4034
  • Operations Director 
  • Erin Hackathorn                                       335-4034
  • Assistant Director
  • Lauren Cox                                            335-4034
  • Website                                 https://obermann.uiowa.edu/
  • Address                                                     N103 OH
  • Phone                                                  319-335-4034
  • Director
  • Teresa Mangum                                              335-4034
  • Administrative Assistant                                   335-4034
  • FAX Number                                                 335-4696
  • OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY, 31140 PFP                            356-3605
  • Chair and DEO, Kimberly Leslie, 31140 PFP                  356-1976
  • Administrator, Dale Geerdes, 31140-B PFP                   356-7575
  • Outpatient Clinic Reception Desk, 31500 PFP                356-2631
  • Scheduling Centers (Patient Appointments)
  • Endocrinology/Infertility                             356-1767
  • Endocrinology/Infertility - Quad Cities           563-355-2244
  • Gynecology                                            356-2294
  • IVF-GIFT                                              356-8483
  • Obstetrics                                            356-2294
  • Prenatal Genetics/Amniocentesis                       356-8892
  • OCCUPATIONAL & ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, S300 CPHB                335-4415
  • FAX Number                                                 384-4138
  • Head, Peter Thorne, S341A CPHB                             335-4216
  • Assistant, Christy Bardell, S341 CPHB                      335-4414
  • Administrator, Wendy Walker, S345 CPHB                     335-4412
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, David Asa, S365 CPHB         335-4558
  • see website:  https://offcampushousing.uiowa.edu/
  • OFFICE OF ANIMAL RESOURCES                                      
  • Website                            http://animal.research.uiowa.edu
  • Address                                                   L350 PBDB
  • Phone                                                  319-335-7985
  • Director and Attending Veterinarian
  • Jim Sheets                                            335-6592
  • Associate Director
  • Maria Martino-Cardona                                 335-7992
  • Compliance Unit Business Manager 
  • Sarah Tallman                                         353-4354
  • Senior Financial Analyst
  • John Maher                                            335-7988
  • Program Coordinator
  • Alan Divishek                                         335-7989
  • Animal Shipping Coordinator
  • animal-transfer@uiowa.edu
  • Animal Husbandry Managers
  • Karmen Munson                                      
  • Katie Rurka                                           335-8009
  • Assistant Animal Husbandry Manager
  • Katrina Greenwood                                     467-3257
  • Facilities Maintenance Manager
  • Scott McKnight                                        335-6469
  • Assistant HR Director, Research Administration
  • Heather Schnoebelen                                   335-8613
  •  (MISSE)
  • Diego Rodriguez, Director of MISSE
  • (319) 335-0619, 152 IMU
  • Vacant, Coordinator, Afro-American Cultural Center
  • 52 IMU
  • Center Address: 303 Melrose Avenue
  • Center Phone Number: (319) 335-8296
  • Kayla Nguyen, Coordinator, Asian Pacific American Cultural Center
  • kayla-nguyen@uiowa.edu, (319) 467-1660, 152 IMU
  • Center Address: 223 Lucon Drive
  • Center Phone Number: (319) 335-2719
  • Shuhui Lin, Coordinator, International Student Support & Engagement
  • shuhui-lin@uiowa.edu, (319) 335-0335, 152 IMU
  • Vacant, Coordinator, Latino Native American Cultural Center
  • 152 IMU
  • Center Address:  308 Melrose Avenue
  • Center Phone Number: (319) 335-8298
  • Emma Welch, Coordinator, Pride Alliance Center
  • emma-welch@uiowa.edu, (319) 335-2305, 152 IMU
  • Center Address: 125 Grand Avenue Court
  • Center Phone Number: (319) 335-7123
  • Website                                   http://research.uiowa.edu
  • Address                                                    2660 UCC
  • Phone                                                  319-335-2119
  • Vice President for Research                             
  • Marty Scholtz                                         335-2119
  • Associate Vice Presidents for Research 
  • Kristy Nabhan-Warren                                  335-2167
  • Aliasger Salem                                        335-8810
  • Jennifer Lassner                                      335-3710
  • Associate Vice President, Executive Director for UIRF 
  • Marie Kerbeshian                                      335-4155
  • Director of Strategic Communications
  • Leslie Revaux                                         335-2131
  • Director of Operations, Senior HR Director
  • Wendy Loney                                           335-2149
  • Director of Research Integrity and Security
  • Mike Andrews                                          335-9687
  • Associate Director of Operations
  • Sarah Tallman                                         353-4354
  • Program Manager
  • Mike Weaver                                           335-2453
  • OMBUDSPERSON, 308 JB                                            335-3608
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3071
  • E-Mail                                       ombudsperson@uiowa.edu
  • Ombudsperson, Cynthia Joyce
  • Email                                  cynthia-joyce@uiowa.edu
  • Ombudsperson, Rachel Williams
  • Email                                rachel-williams@uiowa.edu
  • Associate Ombudsperson, Kristal Gibson
  • Email                                 kristal-gibson@uiowa.edu
  • Secretary II, Renee Sueppel              
  • Email                                  renee-sueppel@uiowa.edu
  • ONCOLOGY REGISTRY, 605 Melrose Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa          356-2388
  • (Campus mailings use 5970Z JPP)
  • Director, Randy Fry, C51-U GH                              356-4275
  • Fax Number                                            384-8310
  • Quality & Process Improvement Engineer, Mark Litterer, 
  • C-51-J GH                                             356-1421
  • Quality & Process Improvement Engineer, Thomas Persoon, 
  • C-51-R GH                                             384-6426
  • Quality & Process Improvement Engineer, Mark Thomason, 
  • C-51-N GH                                             384-8503
  • Quality & Process Improvement Engineer, Jeff Vande Berg, 
  • C-51-K GH                                             467-5097
  • Quality & Process Improvement Engineer, Marjorie Sue Zaeski,
  • C-51-F GH                                             356-3976
  • OPERATIONS MANUAL, UNIVERSITY                                           
  • Eileen Bartos, 105 JH                                      335-0236
  • Web Site: www.uiowa.edu/~our/opmanual
  • OPERATIVE DENTISTRY, S229 DSB                                   335-7207
  • Head, Erica Teixeira, S229A DSB                            335-7211
  • Administrative Support, Michelle Zubcic, S229 DSB     335-7207
  • Graduate Program Director:                            
  • Sandra Guzman-Armstrong, S246 DSB                335-7216
  • Appointments                                               335-7217
  • OPHTHALMOLOGY AND VISUAL SCIENCES, 11200 PFP                    356-2864
  • Clinic Information                                         356-2864
  • FAX Number                                                 356-0363
  • Administration
  • Chair and DEO, Keith Carter, 11136F PFP               356-2867
  • Administrator, Larry McGranahan, 11136C PFP           356-2866
  • HR Manager, Dawn McCalley, 11136G PFP                 356-4674
  • FAX Number (Administration)                           353-6030
  • Appointment Scheduling
  • Patient Appointments                                  356-2852
  • Surgery                                               356-2882
  • Service Units
  • Chart Control, 11130 PFP                              356-2952
  • Nurses Station, 11123A PFP                            356-2853
  • Outpatient Reception, 11200 PFP                       356-2864
  • LASIK Surgery                                         353-7625
  • UI Optical, 21000-B PFP                               384-9922
  • OPPORTUNITY AT IOWA, 24 PH                                      335-3555
  • OPTICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 114 IATL                 353-0974
  • FAX Number                                                 353-1989
  • Website                                       http://ostc.uiowa.edu
  • Director, Michael Flatte, 136 IATL                         335-0144
  • Administrator, Genette Campbell, 114 IATL                  353-0974
  • ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, S450 DSB                        335-7456
  • Head, Kirk L. Fridrich, S453 DSB/51365 PFP        335-7456/356-2318
  • Administrative Support-DSB, Brenda Colbert, S457 DSB  335-7460
  • Administrative Support-UIHC, Ann Huss, 51361 PFP      356-2449
  • Grad Program Director, Doug Kendrick, 51362 PFP       356-7339
  • Appointments                                               335-7457
  • ORAL PATHOLOGY, RADIOLOGY, AND MEDICINE, S321 DSB               335-9656
  • Head, Trishul Allareddy, S351 DSB                          384-1738
  • Administrative Support, Keeley Carter, S320 DSB       335-7357
  • Grad Program Director - Pathology                     
  • Nidhi Handoo                                     335-7360
  • Grad Program Director - Radiology
  • Trishul Allareddy                                384-1738
  • Appointments                                               335-7346
  • ORIENTATION SERVICES, 310 CALH                                  335-1497
  • Director, Tina Arthur                                      335-1495
  • Assistant Director, Cara Wiebel                            335-2398
  • Assistant Director, Brianne Schwarz                        384-4119
  • Staff, Linda Fountain                                      335-3842
  • ORTHODONTICS, S219 DSB                                          335-7538
  • Head, Lina Moreno Uribe, S226 DSB                          335-8912
  • Administrative Support, Angela Garvey, S219 DSB       335-7288
  • Grad Program Director, Kyungsup Shin, S235 DSB        335-6411
  • Appointments                                               335-7287
  • ORTHOPAEDIC BIOMECHANICS LAB, 2181 WL                           335-7529
  • ORTHOPAEDICS AND REHABILITATION, 01014 JPP                      
  • Chair and DEO, J. Lawrence Marsh, 01071 JPP                356-0430
  • Interim Administrator, John D. Swenning, 01014-A JPP       356-2383
  • Scheduling Center (Patient Appointments)                   356-2223
  • Spine Center, 0728 JPP                                     356-8400
  • Work Injury Clinic, 01094 JPP                              356-1113
  • OTOLARYNGOLOGY - HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, 21201 PFP               356-3574
  • Chair and DEO, Bruce J. Gantz, 21158 PFP                   356-2173
  • Administrator, Grant Worthington, 21152 PFP                356-2371
  • Clinic Reception Desk                                      356-3574
  • Scheduling Center (Patient Appointments)                   356-2201
  • Scheduling Center (Surgery)                                356-2204
  • UI Facial Plastic Surgery 
  • Scheduling Center                                     356-3600
  • PAPPAJOHN ENTREPRENEURIAL CENTER, S160 PBB                      335-1022
  • Executive Director, David K. Hensley                       335-0992
  • Director, Lynn Allendorf                                   335-3741
  • Jacobson Institute Director, Dawn Bowlus                   335-0985
  • PARENT & FAMILY NETWORK                                        335-3557
  • Eric Rossow, Office of the Vice President for Student Life
  • Iowa Memorial Union
  • PARKING AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT                                   
  • Parking Services
  • Information, Permits, Billing, Bus Passes, Reporting
  • WCTC Office                                      335-1475
  • Email                            parking-office@uiowa.edu
  • Fax (WCTC)                                       335-6649
  • Manager, Lori Skoff (WCTC)                            335-3824
  • Field Services, Jeff Horesowsky (WCTC)                335-1481
  • Assoc. Director, Erin Shane (WCTC)                    335-7798
  • Cambus
  • Information, Dispatcher                               335-8633
  • Email (Information)                   cambus-transit@uiowa.edu
  • Bionic Bus                                            335-7595
  • E-Mail (Bionic Bus)                       bionic-bus@uiowa.edu
  • Maintenance Facility (517 S. Madison St.)             335-5205
  • Maintenance Supervisor, Pat Smith                     335-5102
  • Operations Manager, Mia Brunelli                      335-8630
  • Manager, Brian McClatchey (WCTC Office)               335-8632
  • FAX Number                                       335-6647
  • Commuter Programs
  • Information, Ridesharing, Bicycles, Vanpooling   353-5770
  • Manager, Michelle Ribble (WCTC)                  384-4457
  • Email                         commuter-programs@uiowa.edu
  • FAX Number                                       335-6647
  • Fleet Services, 155 W. Harrison                            384-0564
  • Information                                           384-0564
  • FAX Number                                            335-5865
  • E-Mail                                fleet-services@uiowa.edu
  • Motor Vehicle Dispatcher, Blake Winder                384-0564
  • Administrative Services Coordinator, Joe Cerrone      335-5508
  • Maintenance Supervisor, Pat Smith (517 S Madison St)  335-5102
  • Service Scheduling/Parts, Allison Castro Aragon       335-5105
  • Manager, Mike Wilson (Fleet Services Office)          335-5088
  • Asst. Manager, Chris Carlile                          384-0501
  • Parking Facilities Operations
  • Information, Dispatch, Cashiering, Maintenance
  • (WCTC Office)                                    335-8312
  • Cashiered Facilities:
  • Dental Parking Lot, Cashier                      335-8316
  • Field House Parking Lot, Cashier                 353-5648
  • Hospital Parking Ramp 1, Cashier                 335-8315
  • Hospital Parking Ramp 2, Cashier                 335-8300
  • Hospital Parking Ramp 3, Cashier                 335-9703
  • Hospital Parking Ramp 4, Cashier                 353-4273
  • Family Care Center Parking, Cashier              335-8746
  • IMU Parking Ramp, Cashier                        335-1472
  • Library Parking Lot, Cashier                     384-0994
  • Lot 13, Cashier                                  353-5083
  • Lot 14, Cashier                                  353-5300
  • Newton Road Parking Ramp Cashier                 384-4573
  • North Campus Parking Ramp, Cashier               335-0271
  • Recreation Center Lot, Cashier                   384-3355
  • Manager, Jeff Rahn (WCTC Office)                      353-5774
  • FAX Number                                       335-6647
  • Parking Maintenance Manager, Ken Friedhoff            384-4130
  • Project Manager
  • Greg Schmitt                                          335-7718
  • FAX Number                                       335-6647
  • Administration
  • Director, Debby Zumbach                               335-3815
  • FAX Number                                       335-6647
  • Administrative Assistant, Carrie Brus (WCTC)          335-8663
  • FAX Number                                       335-6647
  • Senior Accountant
  • Yoko Tsoi                                        467-0817
  • FAX Number                                       335-6647
  • IT Support
  • Dagong Wang                                      384-3752
  • Communications Specialist
  • April Wells                                      353-4450
  • Event Coordinator
  • Derek Timmerman                                  335-7382
  • PARKLWN HALL, PARK (449 North Riverside Drive)                  467-3016
  • Hall Coordinatorm, Kinsey Collins
  • Passport Acceptance Office, 1111 UCC                       467-0153
  • PATHOLOGY, C660 GH                                              384-9605
  • Chair and DEO, Nitin Karandikar, C673 GH                   384-9609
  • Clinical Department Administrator, Rose Meyer, C668 GH     384-9608
  • Director, Clinical Laboratories, 
  • Matthew Krasowski, C671 GH                            384-9608
  • Administration, C660 GH                                    384-9605
  • Anatomical Pathology Reports, 5223 RCP                     356-2476
  • Technical Services, 6240 RCP                               356-3527
  • Learning Center, 147 MRC                                   335-8192
  • DeGowin Blood Donor Center, C250 GH                        356-2058
  • (University Hospitals) Integrated Financial Services 
  • Customer Service
  • (see UNIV. OF IOWA HOSPITALS AND CLINICS)             356-2211
  • PAYROLL, 120 USB (see HUMAN RESOURCES)                          335-2381
  • Information                                                335-2381
  • E-Mail                                        payroll-web@uiowa.edu
  • Director, HR Services,Terri Hein, 120 USB                  335-2374
  • Director, HR Services, Daniel Schropp, 120 USB             335-2382
  • Non-Resident Alien Taxation, Xuefen Zhen, 120 USB          353-2460
  • Non-Resident Alien Taxation, Katie Villhauer, 120 USB      335-2380
  • E-Mail                                    payroll-nra-web@uiowa.edu
  • PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY, S201 DSB/N203 CDD                          335-7479
  • Head, Karin Weber-Gasparoni, S211 DSB                      335-7486
  • Administrative Support, Trudi Westfall, S201 DSB      335-7479
  • Graduate Program Director, Heidi Steinkamp            467-0617
  • Appointments at DSB                                        335-7485
  • Appointments at CDD                                        356-1326
  • PEDIATRICS, STEAD FAMILY DEPARTMENT OF    2 JCP                 356-2296
  • Information (Nonpatient)                                   356-2296
  • FAX Number                                                 356-4855
  • Administration
  • Chair and DEO, Raphael Hirsch, 2632 JCP               356-0469
  • Administrator, Vacant
  • Practice Management & Clinical Operations, 
  • Kim Fuhrmeister, 2627 JCP                        356-1899
  • Finance, Karen Swenson, SW 164-8 GH                   384-6063
  • Grants Management, Donna Friel, SW164-7 GH            384-6329
  • Human Resources, Sue Jehle, 2733 JCP                  356-7825
  • Clinics (Appointment Scheduling)
  • Emergencies, Weekends, Holidays (Pager 3902)          356-1616
  • Allergy-Pulmonary, 2 JCP                              356-2229
  • Behavioral Health, Peds Psychology, CDD               356-2229
  • Cardiology, 2 JCP                                     356-2229
  • Child Protection                                      356-2229
  • Developmental Disabilities (see CENTER FOR
  • DISABILITIES AND DEVELOPMENT), CDD               356-6900
  • Endocrinology/Diabetes, 2 JCP                         356-2229
  • Gastroenterology, 2 JCP                               356-2229
  • General Pediatrics                                    384-7888
  • UI Health Care--Iowa River Landing           319-467-2000
  • or (toll free)                               855-467-3700
  • UICMS--North Liberty                         319-467-7888
  • UICMS--South East Iowa City                  319-467-6789
  • Genetics, 2 JCP                                       356-2229
  • Hematology-Oncology, 2 JCP                            356-2229
  • Infectious Disease, 2 JCP                             356-2229
  • Neonatal High Risk Program, 2 JCP                     356-2229
  • Nephrology/Dialysis Treatment, 2 JCP and 4 BT         356-2229
  • Neurology/Neuromuscular, 2 JCP                        356-2229
  • Psychology, 2 JCP                                     356-2229
  • Rheumatology, 2 JCP                                   356-2229
  • Service Units
  • Insurance Authorization                               384-6205
  • Pediatric Medical Records                             356-2411
  • Pediatric Scheduling                                  356-2229
  • Pediatric Specialty Clinic Nursing Station, 2 JCP     356-2876
  • Pediatric Specialty Clinic Reception, 2 JCP           384-9983
  • Fellowship Education                                  353-8105
  • Medical Student Education                             356-7824
  • Residency Education                                   356-3462
  • Pediatric Billing Office                              356-1823
  • PENTACREST MUSEUMS (UI Museum of Natural History and Old Capitol Museum)
  • Director                                                  
  • Communications Department                                  335-3591
  • Exhibits, Byron Preston                                    335-0809
  • General Information, Tours, and Events                335-0548
  • Website                                   www.uiowa.edu/oldcap
  • Associate Director,                                   384-3601
  • Education Departmen,Kathrine Moermond                 335-0546
  • General Information, Tours, and Events                335-0606
  • Website                                      www.uiowa.edu/mnh
  • Associate Director, Trina Roberts                     335-1313
  • Education Department, Sarah Horgen                    335-0606
  • Collections Manager, Cindy Opitz                      335-0481
  • PERFORMING ARTS AT IOWA                                         
  • FAX Number                                                 384-3049
  • Administrator, Rosie Ver Steegh, 1400 VOX                  335-2707
  • Production Manager, Briana Maxwell, 2326F                  335-1153
  • Dance, Department of, E114C HH                             335-2228
  • Music, School of,                                          335-1603
  • Theatre Arts, Department of, 107 TB                        335-2700
  • Senior Accountant, Tyler Hoyle, 1400ML VOX                 335-1062
  • Marketing Manager, Kayla Schindler, 1120P UCC            
  • Dance/Opera/Theatre Arts
  • Electrics Manager, Josh Nathanson, 2326G HA           335-4718
  • AV Supervisor, Rachel Duncan, 2326H HA                335-2956
  • Digital Media Specialist, Emily Berkheimer, 2326 HA   335-8312
  • Audio Engineer, Christopher Jensen, 2326H HA
  • Scenic Charge Artist, Joan Newhouse, 2326B HA         353-5023
  • Associate Company Manager, Jason Millsap, 2326 HA     467-4233
  • Props Artisan, Gina Smothers, 2326 HA                  
  • Dance/Opera
  • Designer, Margaret Wenk-Kuchlbauer, 2326C HA          335-2683
  • Technical Director, Don Schneider, 2326D HA           335-1119
  • Production Stage Manager, KatyBeth Schmid, 2326A HA   384-0517
  • Scenery Supervisor, Mike Nolte, 1336 HA               335-1679
  • Scenery Carpenter, 1336 HA
  • Costume Manager, Cindy Kubu, 2322 HA                  335-1680
  • Costume Tailor, Joyce McKinley, 2322 HA               335-1114
  • Theatre Arts
  • Production Stage Manager, Sam Paradis, 37TB           467-0531
  • Technical Director, Rob Durham, 184B TB               353-2412
  • Scenery Supervisor, Herbert Moore, 184B TB            353-2412
  • Scenery Carpenter, Eric Hansen, 184B TB 
  • Costume Manager, Emily Busha, 111 PAX                 353-2431
  • Costume Tailor, Jessica Smith 111 PAX                 467-4437
  • Director, Thomas E. Rath, SE545 GH                         356-8496
  • FAX                                                        353-7174
  • PERIODONTICS, S440 DSB                                          335-7238
  • Head, Sivaram Prakasam, S446 DSB                           335-0359
  • Administrative Support, Rob Beland  S446 DSB          467-1659
  • Grad Program Director, Sukirth Ganesan, S448 DSB      467-1475
  • Appointments                                               335-7232
  • PETERSEN HALL, P                                                353-4382
  • Hall Information Desk                                      353-4382
  • Hall Coordinator, Sarah Solberg                            353-4380
  • Assistant Hall Coordinator, Katie Westermeyer              353-4380
  • Hall Office Administrator, Kelley Clarke                   353-4380
  • PETERSEN HALL, P (304 Grand Ave)                               353-4382 
  • Hall Information Desk                                      353-4382
  • Hall Coordinator, Sarah Solberg                            353-4382
  • Assistant Hall Coordinator, Gabin Kundwa                   353-4382
  • Office Administrator, Kelley Clarke                        353-4382
  • PHARMACY, COLLEGE OF, 310 CPB                                          
  • Information - Pharm.D. Program                             335-8795
  • Information - Graduate Program                             335-8797
  • Dean's Office, 310 CPB                                     335-8794
  • Dean, Donald Letendre, 310L CPB                       335-8794
  • Executive Associate Dean, Gary Milavetz, 310E CPB     335-8877
  • Assistant to the Dean, Julia Woodiwiss, 310G CPB      384-4467
  • Assistant to Exec Ass. Dean, Lisa Havel, 310A CPB     467-0642
  • FAX number                                            353-5594
  • Building Coordinator, Brad Gilchrist, S525 PHAR       467-0055
  • Admissions
  •   Doctor of Pharmacy Program (PharmD), 231 CPB             335-8795
  • Professional Education (OPE), 231 CPB                 335-8795
  • Associate Dean, Mary Elizabeth Ray, 231-M CPB         335-8830
  • Associate Dean, Susan Vos, 231L CPB                   335-8837
  • Administrative Coordinator, John Mathias, 231 CPB     467-3277
  • Admissions Manager, Elizabeth Davis, 231G CPB         335-0570
  • Admissions Counselor, Brooke Bekeris, 231F CPB        467-0616
  • Acad Clin Prog Mgt Mgr, Patricia McCormick, 231-E CPB 335-8967
  • Academic Manager, Rita Schneider, 231H CPB            335-9112
  • Academic Advisor, Thomas Collins, 231-J CPB           467-0588
  • Instructional Serv. Specialist, Vern Duba, 353 CPB    335-8847
  • Assessment/Accreditation Mgr, Lisa Dubrava, 231K CPB  335-8695
  • Fax Number                                            335-8079
  •   Graduate Program, (PhD & MS), 374 CPB                    335-8797
  • Associate Dean, Dave Roman, 538 CPB                   335-6920
  • Graduate Program Assistant, Lois Baker 374B CPB       335-8797
  • Communications, Advocacy and Alumni Relations/External Relations
  • Director, Barbara Kelley, 310F CPB                    335-7301
  • Director, Thomas Temple, Off-Campus                   335-7301
  • Alumni Relations Specialist, Kayla Sanders, 311 CPB   335-8348
  • Admin. Services Coordinator, Holly Lauer, 310A CPB    353-5626
  • Marketing Coordinator, Michelle Moore, 310C CPB       
  • Communications Coordinator, Open
  • Finance & Budget 
  • Finance Director, Bill (William) Wise, 310H CPB       335-8779
  • Senior Accountant, Laura Felleman, S513 PHAR          335-8672
  • Grants and Contracts / Research Administration
  • Associate Dean of Research, Dave Roman, 538 CPB       335-8840
  • Research Support Manager, Philip Forbes, 374D CPB     335-8677
  • Research Support Coord., William Perry, 374C CPB      335-8844
  • Human Resources
  • Director, Brenda Dodge, 313 CPB                       335-9081
  • HR Coordinator, Julie Arnold, S521 PHAR               467-0973
  • Information Technology (Pharmacy & OneIT)
  • Pharmacy Helpdesk, 263 CPB                            335-8649
  • Director, Anthony (Tony) Clark,  263C CPB             467-1427
  • IT Support Consultant, Randy Woodruff                 467-3977
  • Education Techn Coordinator, Peter Yohe, 263D CPB     467-1622
  • Senior Systems Administrator, Justin Hess, S515 PHAR  467-0962
  • Systems Administrator, Reilly Williams, S514 PHAR     467-1839
  • Pharmacy Practice and Science (PPS) Department             335-8878
  • Department Chair, Jay Currie, 366B CPB                335-8875
  • Admin Services Specialist, Angie Tiedt, 366C CPB      467-0466
  • Admin Services Coordinator, Taylor Hansen, 366D CPB   467-0449
  • FAX number                                            353-5646
  • Pharmaceutical Science and Experimental Therapeutics (PSET) Dptmt
  • Department Chair, Jon Doorn, 536 CPB                  335-8800
  • Admin Services Specialist, Kellie Waechter, 368E CPB  335-8802
  • Fax Number                                            335-8766
  • Admin Services Coordinator, Debra Goodwin, 368D CPB   335-8796
  • FAX number                                            335-9349
  • Professional Experience Program (PEP)
  • Director, Jenny Seyfer, 375B-1 CPB                    335-8835
  • Educational Support Services Specialist, Karriann Reising
  • Assistant Director, Colleen Gross-Advani, 375C-1 CPB  335-8861
  • Admin Svcs. Coordinator, Susan Schade, 375A CPB       
  • University of Iowa Pharmaceuticals, G20 PHAR               335-8674
  • Managing Director, Dennis Erb, 310D CPB               335-8674
  • Executive Assistant, Julia Beasley, 213 PHAR          467-1617
  • FAX Number                                            335-9418
  • PHILOLOGICAL QUARTERLY, 311 EPB                                 335-0435
  • Editor, Eric Gidal, 366 EPB                                335-0433
  • Managing Editor, Vicki Crompton-Tetter, 311 EPB           335-0433
  • Subscriptions/Mailing, Vicki Crompton-Tetter, 311 EPB     335-0433
  • PHILOSOPHY, 170 EPB                                             335-0495
  • FAX Number                                                 353-2392
  • Chair, Ali Hasan, 272 EPB                                  335-1836
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Katrina Perovic 272 EPB      335-9483
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies 
  • Carrie Figdor, 260 EPB                                335-0093
  • Director of Lectures & Arrangements, David Stern, 276 EPB  335-0029
  • Faculty Assembly Representative
  • Gregory Landini, 268 EPB                              335-0024
  • Department Secretary, Kris Bevelacqua, 170 EPB             335-0178
  • Assistant to the DEO, Abby Rush, 323 A EPB                 335-0203
  • EPB Shared Service Center Departments Administrator
  • Barb Pooley, 321 EPB                                  335-2684
  • Human Resources Coordinator, Nancy McCallister, 120 SH     384-3253
  • EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS, 1-252 MEB                            335-9791
  • FAX Number                                            335-9707
  • Director, Richard K. Shields, 1-254 MEB                    335-9803
  • Faculty, Staff, Student Affairs Chair, and Academic Coordinator of 
  • Clinical Education, Byron E. Bork, 1-249 MEB          335-6857
  • Curriculum and Instruction Chair, Glen Williams,1-247 MEB  335-6985
  • Research and Development Chair, Susanne Morton,1-241 MEB   335-6842
  • Department Administrator, Thomas O'Shea, 5164 WL           353-5956
  • Program Coordinator, Carol Leigh, 1-256 MEB                335-6651
  • FAX Number                                                 335-8923
  • Chair, David P. Asprey, 5163 WL                            335-8920
  • PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY, 203 VAN                                  335-1686
  • FAX Number                                                 335-1753
  • Chair, Mary Hall Reno, 211 VAN                             335-1689
  • Assistant to the Chair, Misty Lyon, 204 VAN                335-3238
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies, Jane Nachtman, 106 VAN  335-1844
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Vincent Rodgers, 513 VAN     335-1219
  • Director of Research Operations, John Prineas, 136 IATL    335-3347
  • Departmental Administrator, Heather Mineart, 207 VAN       335-0134
  • Academic Services Coordinator, Matt Larson, 202 VAN        467-1480
  • Academic Programs Coordinator, Cyerra Hutchins, 202 VAN    467-1517
  • Facilities Coordinator, Dan Gengler, 203 VAN               467-4790
  • Grant Coordinator, Marcia Rodgers, 216 VAN                 335-2756
  • Sr. Financial Analyst, Andrea Shaevitz, 212 VAN            335-1691
  • Physics & Astronomy Machine Shop, 116 VAN                  335-1845
  • Physics & Astronomy Electronics Repair Shop, B26 VAN       335-1890
  • Physics & Astronomy Electronics Assembly Shop, 509 VAN     335-1901
  • PLACEMENT OFFICES                                                       
  • Career Center, C310 PC                                     335-1023
  • FAX Number                                            335-1029
  • Engineering Professional Development, 3307 SC              335-5763
  • FAX Number                                            384-0529
  • Law Career Services, 299 BLB                               335-9011
  • FAX Number                                            335-9019
  • MBA Career Services, 432 PC                                335-1021
  • FAX Number                                            335-3604
  • Teacher Leader Center, N140 LC                             335-5353
  • FAX Number                                            356-6083
  • PLANNING AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS, SCHOOL OF, 347 JH                  335-0032
  • POLITICAL SCIENCE, 341 SH                                       335-2358
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3400
  • DEO and Chair, Brian Lai, 343 SH                           335-2358
  • Departmental Administrator, Charles Weiland, 341 SH        335-2357
  • Director of Graduate Study, Tracy Osborn, 341 SH           335-2359
  • Director of Undergraduate Study, 
  • Nicholas Martini, 341 SH                              335-2358
  • Undergraduate Program Coordinator, 
  • Wendy Sandersfeld, 341 SH                        335-2358
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, 
  • Tara Atkinson, 341 SH                                 335-2359
  • Undergraduate Honors Director,
  • Nicholas Martini, 341 SH                              335-2358
  • PRESIDENT'S OFFICE, 101 JH                                      335-3549
  • FAX Number                                                 335-0807
  • President
  • Barbara J. Wilson                                     335-3549
  • Vice President for External Relations
  • Senior Advisor to the President
  • Peter Matthes                                    335-3714
  • Senior Presidential Writer/Editor
  • Thomas K. Dean 
  • 101 JH                                      335-1995
  •      Director of Human Resources 
  •            Sharon Beck                                     335-2430
  •      Senior Financial Analyst 
  •            Nathan Robinson                                 335-0553
  •      Associate Vice President for External Relations     
  • Senior Advisor to the President
  • Laura McLeran                                    335-0011
  • Director of Institutional Events
  • Liz McIntire                                     384-1279
  • Director of Events, President's Residence (PR)        
  • Michael Stokes                                   335-1988
  • Administrative Services Specialist/Office Manager    
  • Tracy Sondgeroth                                 335-8076
  • Administrative Serves Specialist/Outreach and Event Support
  • Melinda Zuehlke-Woodard                          335-0562
  • Administrative Services Specialist/Events and Special Projects
  • Kristin Beckman                                  335-1759
  • Administrative Services Coordinator
  • Debb Thumma                                      335-3549
  • Executive Vice President and Provost    
  • Kevin Kregel, 111 JH                            335-0256
  • Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations
  • Rod Lehnertz, 105 JH                                  335-3552
  • Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
  • Terry Johnson, 105 JH                                 335-2791
  • Associate Vice President for Human Resources                      
  • Cheryl Reardon, 121-20 USB                            335-3558
  • Director of Athletics, Gary Barta, N411 CHA                335-9435
  • Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel
  • Carroll J. Reasoner, 120 JH                           335-0054
  • Vice President for Research and Economic Development    
  • Martin Scholtz, 2660 UCC                              335-2142
  • Vice President for Student Life 
  • Sarah Hansen 249 IMU                              335-3557
  • Chief Diversity Officer
  • Liz Tovar, 116B GALC                              335-9384
  • Vice President for Medical Affairs, J. Brooks Jackson         
  • 312 CMAB                                              335-8064
  • Associate VP for Medical Affairs and CEO, UIHC
  • Bradley Haws, 1353 JCP                                384-2844
  • PREVENTIVE AND COMMUNITY DENTISTRY, N336 DSB                    335-7184
  • Head, Leonardo Marchini, N339 DSB                          467-1698
  • Administrative Support, Tina Craig, N329 DSB          335-7184
  • Grad Program Director, John J. Warren, N337 DSB       335-7205
  • PREVENTIVE INTERVENTION CENTER, E257 GH                         384-5030
  • Fax Number                                                 384-5045
  • 2403 Towncrest Drive                                       358-1440
  • Fax Number                                            358-1445
  • PRIDE ALLIANCE CENTER, 125 Grand Avenue Court                   335-7123
  • Emma Welch, Coordinator
  • Email: emma-welch@uiowa.edu
  • Phone: (319) 335-2305
  • PRINTING DEPARTMENT, MBSB                                       384-3700
  • FAX                                                        384-3707
  • Production Manager, Allen Bales                            384-3728
  • Copy Center Billing Inquiries, Carol Iles                  384-3701
  • Copy Center Services                                       
  • Copy Center #2, 162 MBSB                              335-2699
  • Copy Center #3, C102 PBB                              335-0861
  • Copy Center #10, 180 BLB                              335-9138
  • UPACS & Copyright, Ken Knopik, 183 MBSB               335-3410
  • Printing Customer Service
  • Manager, Ben Barreras                                 384-3722
  • Kim Scott                                             384-3709
  • Kim Burda, Digital Imaging                            384-3724
  • Prepress/Storefront, Chris Swart, 131A MBSB           384-3718
  • PROSTHODONTICS, S424 DSB                                        335-7258
  • Head, Dr. Aaron Cho, S413A DSB                             467-0221
  • Admin. Support, Allison Bierman, S413 DSB             335-3994
  • Grad Program Director, Tarek Kerdani, S342 DSB        335-2812
  • Appointments                                               335-7274
  • Director, R. Marshall Pope, 355 EMRB                       353-5938
  • WEBSITE: http://provost.uiowa.edu/
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3560
  • Interim Executive Vice President and Provost,
  • Kevin Kregel,111 JH                                   335-3565
  • Assistant to the Provost,
  •                Kathryn Andrews, 111 JH                     335-0189
  • Front Desk Manager 
  • Jayme Johnson Strik, 111 JH                 467-0717
  • Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education and
  • Dean, University College                              
  • Tanya Uden-Holman, 111 JH                             335-0148
  • Administrative Assistant, Angie Cochran, 111 JH  335-0148
  • Associate Provost for Graduate Education and             
  • Dean, Graduate College and Interim VP for Research
  • Associate Provost and Dean, International Programs 
  • Russ Ganim,1111 UCC                                   335-0488
  • Associate Provost for Faculty,
  • Kevin Kregel, 111 JH                                  335-0256
  • Admin Services Specialist, Kim Carter, 111 JH    335-0256
  • Associate Provost for Outreach and Engagement
  • Linda Snetselaar, 111G JH                             335-2003
  • Calendar                                    335-3565
  • Faculty Human Resource Specialist, 111 JH                 
  • Angelique Johnson, 237 JH                             335-0084
  • Associate Vice President
  • Don Szeszycki, 235 JH                                 335-1543
  • Calendar                                         335-3565
  • Interim Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Vice President
  • Melissa Shivers, 111 JH                               335-0124
  • Administrative Assistant, Kim Carter, 111 JH     335-0124
  • Senior HR Director, Amy Kirkey, 239 JH                     335-0139
  • HR Coordinator, Katie Voss. 238 JH                         335-1191
  • HR Specialist, Debbie Millsap, 238 JH                      335-1187
  • Assistant Director, Institutional Data, 
  • Deb Tiemens, 301 CALH                            335-3621
  • Manager. Business Analysis, Kris Yows, 301 CALH            335-3566
  • Budget/Financial Officer, Suzanne Stratton, 234 JH         335-3158
  • Senior Accountant, Alex Brannaman 233 JH                   355-1124
  • Senior Accountant, Cassandra Potter, 228 JH             335-3156
  • PSYCHIATRY, 2880 JPP                                            356-4658
  • Chair and DEO, James B. Potash, 2880 JPP                   356-1144
  • Child Psychiatry Outpatient Services, 1882 JPP             356-1188
  • Adult Psychiatry Outpatient Services, 1911 JPP             353-6314
  • UI Behavioral Health Clinics                               356-8822
  • Neuropsychology Services                                   353-6071
  • Inpatient Admissions/Referrals                             384-5000
  • Iowa Neuroimaging Center, W278 GH                          384-9400
  • Partial Hospital Program, 5 BT                             356-2406
  • Chemical Dependency, 5 BT                                  384-8765
  • Research Inquiries                                         353-4444
  • Administrator, Stephen Blanchard, 2880 JPP                 356-1348
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL & BRAIN SCIENCES   G60 PBSB                       335-2406
  • FAX Number                                                 335-0191
  • Chair, Mark Blumberg, G60 PBSB                             335-2405
  • Administrator, Ruthina Malone, G60E PBSB                   335-2407
  • Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Ryan Lalumiere, G60 PBSB  335-2427
  • Graduate Admissions, G60 PBSB                              335-3657
  • Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies, Paul Windschitl, 
  • G60 PBSB                                              335-2435
  • Undergraduate Academic Coordinator, 
  • Debra L. Johnson, G42 PBSB                            335-0135
  • Janeil Page-Jamison, G44 PBSB                         384-3657
  • Undergraduate Honors Director, Toby Mordkoff, G60 PBSB     384-3387
  • Carl E. Seashore Psychology Training Clinic, 7 STH         335-2467
  • Library Liaison, Kelly Hangauer, HSS LIB                   467-1488
  • FAX Number                                                 335-6145
  • Chair, Timothy Ansley, 364 LC                              335-5579
  • Admin Services Specialist, Kunjal Harwani, 361 LC          335-5579
  • Counseling Psychology                                      335-5578
  • Educational Psychology                                     335-5578
  • School Psychology                                          335-5578
  • Educational Measurement and Statistics                     335-5578
  • Couple and Family Therapy                                  335-5578
  • PUBLIC AFFAIRS, INSTITUTE OF, 100 IPA, 124 GRAND AVE CT         335-4520
  • Director, Jeffrey A Schott                                 335-7586
  • Program Assistant, Julie A Collins                         335-4520
  • PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE, INSTITUTE FOR, 5197 WL                  335-6836
  • Director, Christopher Atchison, S141 CPHB                  384-1512
  • Deputy Director, Tanya Uden-Holman, S149 CPHB              384-4070
  • Director,Training & Education, Laurie Walkner, 5197 WL     335-6836
  • Fax Number                                                 384-4123
  • Instructional Designer, Nor Hashidah Abd Hamid, 5183 WL    335-8812
  • Learning Management System Coordinator,Tim Beachy,5203 WL  335-5955
  • Marketing and Communication Coordinator, Kate Burnette,
  • 5195 WL                                               335-8451
  • Instructional Developer, Nathan Lothamer, 5180 WL          335-9880
  • Creative Media Developer, John Choate, 5201 WL             335-8708
  • Upper Midwest Preparedness and Emergency Learning Center
  • 5197 WL                                               335-6836
  • Director, Tanya Uden-Holman, S149 CPHB                     384-4070
  • Director,Training and Education, Laurie Walkner, 5197 WL   335-6836
  • Midwestern Public Health Training Center, 5197 WL          335-6836
  •   Director,Tanya Uden-Holman, S149 CPHB                    384-4070
  •   Director,Training and Education, Laurie Walkner, 5197 WL 335-6836
  • PUBLIC HEALTH STATISTICS, CENTER FOR, 2220 WL                   335-7005
  • Fax Number                                                 353-4248
  • Interim Director, Jacob Oleson, 2217A WL,                  335-7005
  • Biostatistician, Knute Carter, 2223A WL                    335-7160
  • Health Records Analyst, Karen Ullom, 2220 WL               335-6866
  • Biostatistician, Grelda Yazmin Juarez, 2222 WL             353-5971
  • Application Developer, John Witt, 2197 WL                  335-9777
  • PUBLIC HEALTH, COLLEGE OF,                                            
  • General Information                                        384-1500
  • FAX Number                                                 384-4123
  • Dean, Susan J. Curry, S153A CPHB                           384-1503
  • Assistant, Kathy Andrews, S153 CPHB                   384-4111
  • Associate Dean for Administration,
  •   Lori Cranston, S151 CPHB                                 384-1515
  • FAX Number                                            384-4123
  • Associate Dean for Education and Student Affairs,
  •   Tanya Uden-Holman, S149 CPHB                             384-4070
  • Assistant, Becky Toner, S148 CPHB                     384-1507
  • FAX Number                                            384-4123
  • Education and Student Affairs Specialist,                
  • Katie Boland, S255 CPHB                               384-1528
  • Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, 
  •   Jeffrey Dawson, S145 CPHB                                384-1510
  • Assistant, Becky Toner, S148 CPHB                     384-1507
  • FAX Number                                            384-4123
  • Associate Dean for Research, 
  •   Corinne Peek-Asa, S143 CPHB                              335-4895
  • Research Coordinator, Amanda Jorgensen, S142 CPHB     384-1505
  • FAX Number                                            384-4123
  • Associate Dean for Public Health Practice,
  •   Christopher Atchison, S141 CPHB                          384-1512
  • Assistant, Ryan Bell                                  384-1500
  • Associate Dean for MPH and Undergraduate Programs,
  •   Mary Aquilino, S147 CPHB                                 384-1513
  • Assistant, Becky Toner, S148 CPHB                     384-1507
  • Assistant Director, Lexie Just, S259 CPHB             384-1539
  • FAX Number                                            384-4123
  • Communications and External Relations Office
  •   Director, Dan McMillan, S171 CPHB                        335-6835
  • FAX Number                                            384-4123
  • Facilities Services Office
  •   Director, Kelli Grey, N175 CPHB                          384-1535
  • Assistant, Rose Haughton, N178 CPHB                   384-3855
  • FAX Number                                            384-4123
  • Finance/Accounting Office
  •   Director, Chuck A. Hession, N177 CPHB                    384-1495
  • Assistant, Janet Duncan, N180 CPHB                    384-1526
  • FAX Number                                            384-4123
  • Human Resources Office
  •   Director, Kay Y. Shie, N173 CPHB                         384-1529
  • Assistant, Janet Duncan, N180 CPHB                    384-1526
  • FAX Number                                            384-4123
  • Information Technology Services
  •   Director, Tim A. Shie, N141 CPHB                         384-3847
  • Centers
  • Public Health Practice, Institute for, 5197 WL        335-6836
  • Director, Christopher Atchison, S141 CPHB        384-1512
  • Deputy Director, Tanya Uden-Holman, S149 CPHB    384-4070
  • Director, Training & Education, Laurie Walkner,
  •     5197 WL                                      335-6836
  • Upper Midwest Preparedness and Emergency
  •    Learning Center, 5197 WL                           335-6836
  • Director, Tanya Uden-Holman,  S149 CPHB          384-4070
  • Director, Training & Education, Laurie Walkner, 
  •     5197 WL                                      335-6836
  • Midwestern Public Health Training Center, 5197 WL     335-6836
  • Director, Tanya Uden-Holman, S149 CPHB           384-4070
  • Director, Training & Education, Laurie Walkner,
  •     5197 WL                                      335-6836
  • Public Health Statistics, Center for, 2220 WL         335-7005
  • Interim Director, Jacob Oleson, 2217A WL         335-7005
  • Assistant, Karen Ullom, 2220 WL                  335-6866
  • Academic Departments
  • Biostatistics
  • Interim Head, Joseph Cavanaugh, N332A CPHB       384-1581
  • Administrator, Margaret Evans, N328 CPHB         384-4374
  • FAX Number                                       384-1591
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, Terry Kirk,
  • N334 CPHB                                   384-1541
  • Community and Behavioral Health
  • Head, Edith Parker, N432A CPHB                   384-1472
  • Assistant, Brenda Schropp, N432 CPHB             384-1470
  • FAX Number                                       384-4106
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, Torrie Malichky, 
  • N477 CPHB                                   384-1490
  • Epidemiology
  • Head, James C. Torner, S441A CPHB                384-1542
  • Assistant, Marilyn Anderson, S441 CPHB           384-4010
  • FAX Number                                       384-4155
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, Kim Williams,      
  • S408 CPHB                                   384-1544
  • Health Management and Policy
  • Head, Keith J. Mueller, N232A CPHB               384-3832
  • Assistant, Kristi Reed-Yeggy, N232 CPHB          384-3831
  • FAX Number                                       384-4371
  • Director, HMP Student Services, Jean Sheeley,
  • N218 CPHB                                   384-3827
  • Occupational & Environmental Health
  • Head, Peter Thorne, S341A CPHB                   335-4216
  • Assistant, Christy Bardell, S341 CPHB            335-4414
  • FAX Number                                       335-4138
  • Graduate Program Coordinator, David Asa,
  • S365 CPHB                                   335-4558
  • Website                                       http://ppc.uiowa.edu/
  • Address                                                    PPRB 112
  • Phone                                                  319-335-6800
  • Interim Director
  • Mark Berg                                             335-2495
  • Assistant Director
  • Julianna Lee                                          384-2852
  • PUBLIC RELATIONS STUDENT SOCIETY OF AMERICA                             
  • Rachel Young, W333 AJB                                   335-3352
  • PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, 202 PCO                                  335-0115
  • FAX Number                                                 335-0381
  • Director of Purchasing, Debby Zumbach                      335-0115
  • Director of Strategic Sourcing, Renee Funk            384-0382
  • Contacts for Major Commodity Areas and RFQ/RFP 
  • Commodity Manager, Chandra Wojno                 335-0378
  • Amanda Capanema, Sr Purchasing Agent             335-0387
  • Joshua Hannan, Purchasing Agent                  384-3342
  • Andy Lane, Purchasing Agent                      335-1207
  • Elizabeth Cawiezell, Purchasing Agent            335-0305
  • Doris Vaske, Purchaing Agent                     335-0113
  • Jennifer Jark, Sr Purchasing Agent               335-2741
  • Michelle Emmel, Supply Chain Asst                467-0358
  • Strategic Sourcing
  • Manager, Renee Funk                              335-0382
  • Greg Snipes, Purchasing Agent                    335-0403
  • Aaron Proctor, Purchasing Agent                  335-2762
  • Tammy Paulus, Supply Chain Asst                  467-0359
  • Vanessa Shelton, E346 AJB                                  335-3321
  • Fax Number                                                 335-3989
  • RADIATION ONCOLOGY, 01600 LL West Addition PFP                  356-2253
  • Information                                                356-2253
  • FAX Number                                                 356-1530
  • Head, John Buatti, 01626-A LL West Addition PFP            356-2699
  • Clinic Director, Mindi Ten Napel, 01620 LL West 
  • Addition PFP                                          353-8836
  • Director, Medical Physics, Ryan Flynn,
  • 01622 LL West Addition PFP                            384-6135
  • Radiation Oncology Technology Program
  • Interim Director, Jared Stiles, 01521 LL West 
  • Addition PFP                                          356-8286
  • Free Radical and Radiation Biology Program, B180 ML        335-8019
  • Graduate Program in Free Radical and Radiation Biology
  • Director, Doug Spitz, B180 ML                         335-8019
  • Grants Administrator, Jennifer DeWitte, B180 ML            335-8164
  • RADIATION PROTECTION OFFICE                                             
  • (see ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & SAFETY OFFICE), 100 EHS        335-8501
  • RADIATION SCIENCES BS Degree, 4030 BT                           353-8388
  • Director of Student Affairs, Jennifer Maiers          353-9110
  • Asst Director, Shelley Matzen                    384-6211
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Ultrasound) Program
  • Director, Stephanie Ellingson, C726 GH                356-4871
  • Nuclear Medicine Technology Program
  • Director, Tony Knight, 3800 JPP                       356-2954
  • Radiation Therapy Program
  • Director, Jared Stiles, 01505-1 LL PFPW               356-8286
  • Radiologic Technology CT CVI MRI Programs
  • Director, Jean Wiese, C723 GH                         356-4332
  • RADIOLOGY, 3970 JPP                                             
  • Information                                                356-2188
  • FAX Number                                                 356-2220
  • Chair and DEO, Colin Derdeyn, 3966A JPP                    356-3372
  • Administrator, Tyler Artz, 3970-C JPP                      356-3375
  • RAPE VICTIM ADVOCACY PROGRAM, 0279 LSP                          335-6001
  • FAX Number                                                 335-6057
  • Executive Director, Adam Robinson                          335-6001
  • Rape Crisis Line                               24 hour 319-335-6000
  •                          24 hour (800) 228-1625
  • Prevention/Education                                       335-6001
  • Volunteer Programs                                         335-6001
  • FAX Number                                                 384-2167
  • Director, Dennis Harper,N297 LC                            384-2127
  • Departmental Assistant, Elisabeth Hurst, N297 LC           384-2127
  • RECEIVING DEPARTMENT/FREIGHT SERVICES, MBSB                             
  • (2222 Old Highway 218 S.)                                  384-3905
  • RECREATIONAL SERVICES                                       335-9293
  • J.T. Timmons, Director
  • Brian Baxter, Senior Associate Director
  • Michelle Harder, Senior Associate Director
  • Adventure Trips                                            384-1223
  • Aquatics & IFLY Program                                    384-3439
  • Beckwith Boathouse (Rowing Program)                        384-1292
  • Business Systems                                           335-9283
  • Campus Wellness and Recreation Center                      335-9293
  • FAX Number                                            335-6655
  • Field House                                                335-9847
  • FAX Number                                            384-4492
  • Fitness & Wellness Programs                                
  • Personal Training                                     384-0985
  • Fitness East, HH                                           335-0525
  • Hawkeye Recreation Fields                                  335-9000
  • Hawkeye Softball Complex                                   335-9280
  • Hawkeye Tennis & Recreation Complex                        384-1215
  • High Adventure Challenge Course                            384-1620
  • Intramural Sports                                          335-8032
  • Membership Services                                        335-9295
  • Outdoor Rental Center                                      384-1225
  • Sports Clubs                                               467-0602
  • REGISTRAR'S OFFICE                                          
  • Email                                      registrar@uiowa.edu
  • Classroom Scheduling                                  335-1243
  • Email                        registrar-room-res@uiowa.edu
  • Degree Services                                       335-0228
  • Email             registrar-degree-applications@uiowa.edu
  • Commencement
  • Email                           UI-commencement@uiowa.edu
  • UI Service Center (Add/Drop, Withdrawals, General Information)
  • 2700 UCC                                         384-4300
  • FAX Number                                       335-1999
  • Email                                 registrar@uiowa.edu
  • Residency (Tuition purposes), 2700 UCC                335-0223
  • Email                       registrar-residency@uiowa.edu
  • Transcripts & Verifications, 2700 UCC                 335-0229
  • Email                     registrar-transcripts@uiowa.edu
  • IVETS (Iowa Veterans), 207 CH                         335-3895
  • Email                    registrar-vets-office@uiowa.edu
  • Administrative Staff
  • University Registrar, Julie Fell                      335-0217
  • Rehabilitation & Counselor Education, N338 LC              335-5275
  • FAX Number                                                 335-5291
  • Chair, Noel Estrada-Hernandez, N338B LC                    335-5285
  • Admin Services Spec, Kari Blomberg, N338 LC                335-5275
  • Counselor Education & Supervision                          335-5281
  • Couple and Family Therapy (Moved to Psychological and
  • Quantitative Foundations, 361 LC)                     335-5578
  • Human Relations Minor                                      335-5275
  • Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling                  335-6426
  • Rehabilitation Counselor Education                         335-6426
  • School Counseling                                          335-5050
  • REHABILITATION THERAPIES                                        
  • FAX Number                                                 353-7199
  • Director, Lisabeth L. Kestel, 0732 JPP                     356-8153
  • Administrative Assistant, Diane Denneny, 0734 JPP     356-1104
  • Educational Services, 1705 JPP                             356-1489
  • Music Therapy, 0733 JPP                                    356-4718
  • Occupational Therapy, 0733 JPP                             356-2663
  • Physical Therapy, 0733 JPP                                 356-2663
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation, 0733 JPP                         356-2663
  • Recreation Therapy, 0733 JPP                               356-2663
  • Smoking Cessation, 0733 JPP                                356-2663
  • Sport Rehabilitation, 2701 Prairie Meadow Dr.,
  • Iowa City, Iowa                                       384-7070
  • RELIGIOUS STUDIES, DEPARTMENT OF, 314 GILH                      335-2164
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3716
  • Interim Chair, David Cunning, 314 GILH                     335-0027
  • Departmental Administrator, Lindsay Vella, 24 PH           467-0067
  • Administrative Services Specialist, Maureen Walterhouse, 320 GILH 
  •                                        335-3715
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Jenna Supp-Montgomerie       335-2164
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies, Diana Cates             335-2164
  • Website                              http://ris.research.uiowa.edu/
  • Address                                                      112 NH
  • Phone                                                  319-384-4357
  • Director
  • Jose Jimenez                                          335-3205
  • Phone Number                                               335-3019
  • Website                                      ris.research.uiowa.edu
  • Director,Jose Jimenez                                      335-3205
  • RHETORIC DEPARTMENT OF, 170 EPB                                 335-0178
  • FAX Number                                                 353-2392
  • Interim Chair, Cinda Coggins Mosher, 174 EPB               335-3786
  • Director of Writing Center, Carol Severino, 168 EPB        335-0179
  • Assistant Director of Writing Center, Deirdre Egan, 110 EPB 
  •                                                            335-0188
  • Professional Development Program
  • Katlyn O'Shaughnessy, 166 EPB                                 
  •                                                            467-0451
  • TA Hiring Officer, Katlyn O'Shaughnessy, 558 EPB                
  •                                                            467-0451
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies,
  •      Cassandra Bausman, 555 EPB                            467-1641
  • Director of Graduate Studies, 
  •      Justin Cosner, 568 EPB                                467-0445
  • EPB Departments Administrator
  • Barb Pooley, 321 EPB                                  335-2684
  • Assistant to the Chair and TA Coordinator, Maggie Atkinson, 173 EPB
  •                                                            467-1907
  • Administrative Support and Writing Center Assistant, Kris  
  • Bevelacqua, 170 EPB                                        335-0178
  • Commuter Programs
  • WCTC Office                                                353-5770
  • FAX Number                                                 335-6649
  • RIENOW HALL, R (320 Grand Ave)                                  335-9732
  • Hall Information Desk                                      335-9732
  • Hall Coordinator, Ayana Williams                           335-9732
  • Office Administrator, Mary Fredrekson                      353-9732
  • FAX Number                                                 353-1893
  • Chief Risk Officer, Josey Bathke                           335-3425
  • Risk Administrator, Camille Cooling                        335-5357
  • Risk Administrator, Emily Robnett                          335-2089
  • RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE OF IOWA CITY                              356-3939
  • 730 Hawkins Dr., Iowa City 52246-2509      
  • Director, Kristin Roberts                                  356-4578
  • 2425 Prairie Meadow Drive, Iowa City                       384-1031
  • Director, Dale Arens, KHF                                  384-1031
  • FAX Number                                                 384-1032
  • FAX Number                                                 335-4225
  • Iowa's Center for Agricultural Safety and Health,
  • 220 IREH                                         335-4229
  • Worksafe Iowa, 243 IREH                      335-4433/335-4432
  • Environmental Health Sciences Research Ctr, S323 CPHB 335-4756
  • Healthier Workforce Center for Excellence, 118 IREH   335-4426
  • Iowa's Superfund Research Program, 219 IREH           335-4346
  • SATURDAY & EVENING CLASSES                                              
  • (see CREDIT PROGRAMS, CENTER FOR), 250 CEF                 335-2575
  • Toll-Free Number (Nationwide)                        (800) 272-6430
  • SCOPE PRODUCTIONS (Student Commission on Programming and Entertainment)
  • scope@uiowa.edu
  • SLATER HALL, S (325 Grand Ave)                                  335-9355
  • Hall Information Desk                                      335-9355
  • Hall Coordinator, Blaire Thompson                          335-9732
  • Office Administrator, Marsha Adolph                        335-9355
  • SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER, E114 BVC                     335-3742
  • Regional Director, Paul Heath, E114 BVC                    335-3742
  • SOCIAL WORK, SCHOOL OF, 308 NH                                  335-1250
  • FAX Number                                                 335-1711
  • Director, Mercedes Bern-Klug                               335-2079
  • Administrator, Charles Wieland                             335-1263
  • Program Administrator, Kate Kemp                           335-1254
  • Admissions & Programs Coordinator, Tomeka Petersen         335-1255
  • PhD Director, May Guo                                      335-0513
  • MSW Director, Julia Kleinschmidt                           335-1250
  • Undergraduate Director, Amy Butler                         335-1277
  • Director of Field Education, Keri Neblett                  335-1256
  • Director of Distance Education, Stephen Cummings           335-1331
  • Aging & Longevity Studies Program Director, 
  • Mercedes Bern-Klug                                    335-1265
  • Continuing Education in Social Work, Jefri Palermo         335-3750
  • Critical Cultural Competence Certificate Program,
  • Yolanda Spears                                        335-1570
  • Operations Coordinator, Wynne Worley                       335-1251
  • Development Coordinator, Jefri Palermo                     335-3750
  • National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice    335-4965
  • Des Moines Distance Program                           (515)235-4662
  • Quad Cities Distance Program                          (563)441-4036
  • Sioux City Distance Program                           (402)841-4919
  • Daniel Lathrop, W337 AJB                                 335-3331
  • SOCIOLOGY AND CRIMINOLOGY, 401 NH                               335-2502
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2509
  • Chair, Jennifer Glanville, 416D NH                         335-2498
  • Departmental Administrator, Sara Pettit, 401B NH           335-2709
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Freda Lynn, 400P NH          335-3745
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies for Criminology,
  • Michaela Ruppert, 400F NH                             335-2905
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies for Sociology,
  • Jennifer Haylett, 400A NH                             335-2902
  • Center for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies              335-2495
  • Director, Aniruddha Dutta, 401 JB                          335-0035
  • SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE, 111 PH                                  335-2923
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2990
  • Chair, Amber Brian, 457 PH                                 335-2231
  • Graduate Director, Christine Shea, 412 PH                  325-2795
  • Undergraduate Director, Ana Merino, 123F PH                335-2232
  • General Education Core Program in Spanish Coordinator,
  • Giovanni Zimotti, 303 PH                              467-0137
  • SPORTS CAMPS, N411 CHA                                          335-9297
  • Director, Josh Berka                                       335-9297
  • SPORTS MEDICINE CENTER, IOSMR                                   467-8306
  • Director, Ned Amendola, IOSMR                              356-4230
  • Clinic Appointments, IOSMR                                 384-7070
  • STAFF COUNCIL, 121 USB                                      335-3600
  • Email                                       staff-council@uiowa.edu
  • President, Michael Hesseltine                              467-7572
  • Vice President and President-elect, 
  • Michael Weaver                                        335-2453
  • Past President, John Laverty                               335-0097
  • Secretary, Brenda Van Dee, 200 CMAB                        384-3101
  • Budget Officer, Matt Watson, E108 GH                       356-0034
  • Office Manager, Marla Rosenblum, 121 USB                   335-3600
  • Function Representatives
  • Academic Support:
  • Carly Armour, 3015B SDS                               335-1462
  • Monica Griffin Madura, 120 SH                         335-2633
  • Cassie Walizer, 24 PH                                 335-1300
  • Administration:
  • Nancy Davin, SW44-C GH                                384-7284
  • Lindsay Elliott, E331 CB                              335-0200
  • Kathleen Ford, 4306 VOX                               335-1635
  • Kimberly Lebeck, 4105 SC                              335-5647
  • Brenda Van Dee, 159 SOBO IMU                          335-3065
  • Arts/Athletics/Student Services:
  • Angela Charsha-Harney, C201 CRWC                      384-0985
  • Business and Finance:
  • Katie Millard, W160 PBB                               335-1039
  • Ursula Mueller, 341 USB                               335-5402
  • Engineering and Architecture:
  • John Weyer, 121C MSSB                                 560-4133
  • Health Care: 
  • Christine Cole, 3000-E6 HSSB                          467-8619
  • Libby Conley, C102 GH                                 353-6928
  • Theresa Drake, 1800 JPP                               384-8589
  • Lorna Golson, 3000-C44 HSSB                           467-8649
  • Michael Hesseltine, 2100 UCC                          467-7572
  • Emily Milke, 332 S. Linn LSP                          335-6001
  • Mary Shumaker, 4501 JCP                               356-2654
  • Ashley Vanorny, 2100 UCC                              384-9966
  • Human Resources:
  • Katie Villhauer, 120-30 USB                           335-2380
  • Information Technology:
  • Jadvyga Gerasimovic, W139 GH                          384-8821
  • Gregory Hopson, 6452 JCP                              356-2056
  • Genevieve Johnson, 2800 UCC                           467-1114
  • Jessica Richardson, 2800 UCC                          384-0607
  • Marketing, Communication, and Outreach:
  • vacant
  • Merit Supervisory Exempt/Confidential (MSEC):
  • Joe Lang, 808 UCC                                     335-5022
  • Mary Starks, S623-A-1 GH                              356-3591
  • Research/Scientific Services:
  • Mihaela D. Bojin, 6D GILH                             335-2723
  • Suzanne Doershuk, 100 SHL                             384-0701
  • Karen Kluesner, W423 DSB                              335-7377
  • Tom Moninger, 85 EMRB                                 335-8142
  • Steve Paulsen, 100 EHS3                               335-9555
  • Yelena Perkhounkova, 414 CNB                          335-7078
  • Sonia Slevinski, W289 GH                              353-8529
  • University Organization Representatives
  • Athletics:
  • Kevin Zihlman, 5240 CHA                               335-9598
  • College of Business:
  • Michael Geneser, E434 PC                              335-1094
  • College of Dentistry:
  • Lisa Piper, N311 DSB                                  335-7151
  • College of Education:
  • Adam Miller, S229 LC                                  384-0984
  • College of Engineering:
  • Linda Varvel, 3016 SC                                 335-3511
  • College of Law:
  • Ted Potter, 238 BLB                                   335-9017
  • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences:
  • Heather Mineart, 203 VAN                              335-1688
  • College of Medicine, Institute for Clinical and Translational
  • Science:
  • Sally Fisher, 51210 B PFP                             384-8654
  • College of Nursing:
  • Linda Weir Jacobi, 482 CNB                            353-4806
  • College of Pharmacy:
  • Julia Woodiwiss, 118 PHAR                             384-4467
  • College of Public Health:
  • Gayle Robertson, 2608 UCC                             335-8506
  • Finance and Operations:
  • Jeri King, 210 USB                                    335-1247
  • Graduate College, Summer/Winter Session, Continuing Education:
  • Angela Ward, 250 CEF                                  335-2035
  • Health Care Administration, UIHC and Affiliates, Psychiatric
  • Hospital, Center for Disabilities and Development, Special Child
  • Health Services:
  • Matt Watson, E108 GH                                  356-0034
  • Hygienic Laboratory:
  • Amanda Carl, HLI                                      335-4248
  • Information Technology:
  • Dennis Crall, 2800 UCC                                335-5929
  • President, Provost, General Counsel, University Administration,
  • College and Relations:
  • John Laverty, C110 PC                                 335-0097
  • Research and Oakdale Campus:
  • Michael Weaver, 2660 UCC                              335-2453
  • Student Services/Student Health:
  • Tabitha Wiggins, 145 IMU                              335-3059
  • University Libraries:
  • HJ Pedelty, CIRC Svcs Lib                             335-5913
  • STANLEY HALL, STAN (10 E Davenport Street)                      335-2982
  • Hall Information Desk                                      335-2982
  • Hall Coordinator, Oto Pereia                               335-2982
  • Office Administrator, Teresa Schmidt                       335-2982
  • STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE, RESIDENT AUDITOR, 128 MH                335-0136
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3940
  • STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY                                                 
  • (see IOWA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY), TH                           335-1575
  • STATE HEALTH REGISTRY OF IOWA, 2600 UCC                         335-8609
  • Director, Kathleen M. McKeen, 2644 UCC                     335-8508
  • FAX Number                                                 335-8610
  • Website                             http://www.shl.uiowa.edu/about/
  • Address                                University Research Park-HLI
  • Phone                                                  319-335-4500
  • Director
  • Mike Pentella                                         335-4259
  • STATISTICS AND ACTUARIAL SCIENCE, 241 SH                        335-0712
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3017
  • Chair, Kung-Sik Chan, 241 SH                               335-0712
  • Department Administrator, Tamara Siegel, 241 SH            335-0706
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Aixin Tan, 241 SH            335-0821
  • Statistics Graduate Advisor, Aixin Tan, 241 SH             335-0821
  • Statistics and Data Science Undergraduate Advisor,
  •      Sanvesh Srivastava, 241 SH                           335-0824
  • Actuarial Science Graduate Advisor, 
  • N.D. Shyamalkumar, 241 SH                             335-1980
  • Actuarial Science Undergraduate Advisor, 
  • Elias Shiu, 241 SH                                    335-2580
  • Academic Service Coordinator, Margie Ebert, 241 SH         335-2082
  • Computer ITC Classroom, 41 SH                              335-2594
  • Computer LINUX Lab, 346 SH                                 335-0712
  • Statistics Tutorial Lab, Library Commons (Group Area E)
  • Director, Edwin M. Stone, 4111 MERF                        335-8270
  • STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION, 300 PCO                                384-0019
  • Assistant Vice President for External Relations, 
  • Jeneane Beck                                               384-0005
  • Admistrative Assistant, Kimberly Heffernan Moss       467-1206
  • Finance and Human Resources, Director, Pam Myers           335-0555
  • Senior Director for Marketing Communications,
  •                                                       384-3400
  • Director of Communication, Tricia Brown                    384-0009
  • Media Relations Manager, Anne Bassett                      384-0070
  • Hancher, Executive Director, Charles Swanson               335-1133
  • University Creative Services                               384-0040
  • null
  • Video Services, 300 PCO                                    335-2645
  • STUDENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE, 203 IMU                          335-1527
  • Angela Ibrahim-Olin, Associate Dean and Director, 135 IMU
  • Genea Bean, Administrative Services Coordinator
  • Abby Van Anden, Senior Assistant Director
  • Paige Townley, Student Misconduct Investigator
  • Critical Mentoring and Student Support (Critical MASS)
  • STUDENT CARE AND ASSISTANCE, 135 IMU                       335-1162
  • Anna Holbrook, Associate Director
  • Elley Mohling, Program Coordinator
  • Cody Howell, Program Coordinator
  • STUDENT DISABILITY SERVICES, 141 University Capitol Centre (UCC)335-1462
  • Michael Venzon, Director   
  • Vickie Houser, Assistant Director
  • David Rooney, Access Consultant
  • Bailey Anderson, Access Consultant
  • Abigail Beadle, Access Consultant
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3973
  • Text Telephone                                             335-1498
  • STUDENT ENGAGEMENT & CAMPUS PROGRAMS, 145 IMU              335-3059
  • Vacant, Assistant Dean & Director, 135 IMU   
  • Genea Bean, Administrative Coordinator
  • Chris Hawkins, Associate Director, Leadership & Engagement
  • Caroline Grueneis, Coordinator, Student Activities & Programming
  • Jessie Cunningham, Assistant Director, Dance Marathon Programs
  • Maddy Wilson, Coordinator, Dance Marathon Programs
  • Kelly Soukup, Coordinator, Student Engagement & Campus Programs
  • STUDENT FINANCIAL AID, OFFICE OF, 208 CALH                   335-1450
  • General Information                                        335-1450
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3060
  • Email                                       financial-aid@uiowa.edu
  • Website                               http://financialaid.uiowa.edu
  • Assistant Provost and Director, Kathy Bialk                335-3127
  • Senior Associate Director, Beth Cole                       335-3958
  • Senior Associate Director, Cynthia Seyfer                  335-1444
  • Senior Associate Director, Catherine F. Wilcox             335-3951
  • Associate Director, Sara Even                              335-3963
  • Assistant Director, Robert Upmeyer                         335-3950
  • Financial Literacy Services            financial-literacy@uiowa.edu
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress                             335-1445
  • Student Employment/Work Study                              335-1460
  • Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
  • Undergraduate Student Government, 260 SOOS            335-3860
  • Funding Questions-Student Organization Funding
  • Director of Finance, Jack Carrell
  • President, Mitch Winterlin
  • Vice President, Carly O'Brien
  • City Liaison, Noah LeFevre
  • Speaker of the Senate, Addison Eckard
  • Cabinet Director, Ijeoma Ogbonna
  • Judicial Branch
  • Student Judicial Court 
  • Student Elections Commissioner
  • Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG)
  • Graduate/Professional Student Government, 260 SOOS
  • President, Mason Koelm
  • Vice President, Adriana Kotchkoski
  • Cabinet Director, Khyathi Gadag
  • Director of Finance, Matthew Klaes
  • STUDENT HEALTH, 4189 WL                                    335-8370
  • Appointment Scheduling                                     335-8394
  • Nurseline                                                  335-9704
  • FAX Number                                                 335-7249
  • Business Office                                            335-8376
  • Administration Office                                      335-8390
  • Vacant, Psychiatrist & Director
  • Rebecca Chackalackal, MD, Chief of Staff & Medical Director
  • Todd Patterson, Interim Director
  • Julie Weber, RN Nurse Manager
  • Angela Lehman, RN, Assistant Nurse Manager
  • Elaine Davis, Business Manager
  • Jerilen Demuth, Patient Financial Services Supervisor
  • Lisa James, Assistant Director, Quality Improvement
  • and Strategic Communications
  • Brittany Stinocher, Administrative Services Specialist
  • STUDENT LEGAL SERVICES, G115 IMU                                335-3276
  • Amanda Elkins, Attorney and Director
  • Alyssa Pomponio, Attorney and Assistant Director
  • Rachel Berger, Administrative Services Coordinator
  • Teri Keifer, Administrative Services Coordinator
  • STUDENT LIFE COMMUNICATIONS (SLC), 286 IMU                   335-3117
  • Anne Matthes, Director
  • Erin Fitzgerald, Associate Director, Art and Design
  • Ben Lewis, Associate Director for Digital Media
  • Caitlin Dyer, Creative Coordinator
  • Brandon Ewoldt, Application Developer
  • Meghan Kincade, Creative Coordinator
  • Josie Neumann, Communications Specialist
  • Jose Recendez, Creative Coordinator
  • Vacant, Creative Coordinator
  • Teagan Perrin, Video/Photo Associate
  • Vice President for Student Life                            335-3557
  • Sarah Hansen, 249 IMU                              
  • Administrative Services Specialist, Debb Thumma, 249 IMU   335-3557
  • Associate Vice President and Dean of Students              335-1162
  • Angie Reams, 135 IMU                             
  • Assistant Vice President and Senior Director               335-3000
  • University Housing and Dining, Von Stange, 4141 B  
  • Executive Director for Belonging & Inclusion and           335-3557
  •      Assistant to the Vice President, Maria Bruno, 249 IMU        
  • Senior Advisor to the VP & AVP/Dean of Students            335-3557
  •      Eric Rossow, 249 IMU                              
  • Director of Projects and Partnerships                      335-3557
  •      Teri Schnelle, 249 IMU                             
  • Business Officer                                           335-3000
  •      Executive Director, Scott Seagren, 4141 B             
  • Human Resources                                            335-3557
  • Senior HR Director, Talinda Pettigrew, 249 IMU
  • Iowa Memorial Union, Associate Dean and                    335-1162
  •       Executive Director, Bill Nelson, 135 IMU    
  • Leadership & Engagement                                    335-1162
  • Assistant Dean and Director, Vacant
  • Office of Multicultural & Int'l Student Support & Engagement
  • Director, Diego Rodriguez, 152 IMU                    335-3263
  • Office of Student Accountability                           335-1527
  • Associate Dean & Director, Angela Ibrahim-Olin, 135 IMU
  • Rape Victim Advocacy Program                               335-6001
  • Director, Adam Robinson, 204 RIV8
  • Recreation Services, Director, J.T. Timmons, E230 CRWC     335-9286
  • Student Disability Service, Director, Mike Venzon, 3015 B  335-1462
  • Student Health, Interim Director, Todd Patterson, 4189 WL  335-8380
  • Student Life Communications (SLC), 249 IMU                 335-3557
  • Director, Anne Matthes
  • Student Wellness, Assistant Dean, Well-Being               335-0659
  • and Basic Needs, Tanya Villhauer, 135 IMU
  • University Counseling Service                              335-7294
  • Director, Michael A. Fletcher, 3223 WL    
  • Women's Resource and Action Center                         335-1486
  • Director, Linda Stewart Kroon, 124 BH
  • sobo@uiowa.edu
  • STUDENT WELLNESS, 4189 WL                                       335-8394
  • Appointment Scheduling                                     335-8394
  • Alcohol and Drug Support                                   335-8394
  • Fax Number                                                 335-7247
  • Trisha Welter, MPH, Associate Director
  • Campus Recreation & Wellness Center Location, 309 S Madison Street
  • STUDY ABROAD, 1111 UCC                                          335-0353
  • Sr. Associate Director, International Health, Safety, & Security
  • Autumn Tallman
  • Sr. Associate Director, Liz Wildenberg de Hernandez
  • Advisors & Program Coordinators
  • Emily Brown
  • Monica Ernberger
  • Ana Jimenez
  • Phoebe Nishimoto
  • Cory Petersen
  • Advisor, International Health and Safety, Krista Larson
  • Faculty-led Programs Coordinator, Lindsay Budde
  • Participant Services Coordinator, Teresa Kout       
  • Enrollment Coordinator, Megan Logan           
  • AND EVALUATION)                                            335-4488
  • E346 AJB                                                   335-3455
  • SUMMER SESSION                                                          
  • see Division of Continuing Education
  • SURGERY, 1563 JCP                                               356-2649
  • Chair and DEO, Ronald J. Weigel, 1509 JCP                  353-7474
  • FAX Number                                            356-8378
  • Administrator, Mark G. Moser, 1563 JCP                356-7913
  • Scheduling (Patient Appointments)                356-2902
  • Oncology Surgery Scheduling                           356-4200
  • Gastrointestinal, Colorectal, Minimally Invasive, 
  • and Bariatric Surgery Scheduling                 356-4060
  • Acute Care Surgery and Emergency General 
  • Surgery Scheduling                               356-2902
  • Thyroid/Adrenal Surgery Scheduling                    356-4200
  • Pediatric Surgery Scheduling                          356-2229
  • Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Scheduling           356-7941
  • Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery             
  • Scheduling                                       356-2902
  • Vascular Surgery Scheduling                           356-2902
  • SURPLUS STORES, BUSINESS SERVICES MBSB                          335-5001
  • FAX Number                                                 335-5482
  • Steve Stange, Manager                                      384-4045
  • SUSTAINABILTY, OFFICE OF    3 JH                                335-5516
  • Director, Stratis Giannakouros, 3 JH                       335-5516
  • Program Manager, Blake Rupe, 3 JH                          335-5121
  • Recycling Coordinator, Beth MacKenzie, 3 JH                384-3415
  • TEACHING AND LEARNING, DEPARTMENT OF, N259 LC                   335-5324
  • FAX Number                                                 335-5608
  • Chair, Lia Plakans, N259 LC                                335-5565
  • Elementary Education                                       335-5324
  • Secondary Education                                        335-5324
  • Special Education                                          335-5324
  • TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION CENTER, 109 TIC                     (319) 335-4063
  • FAX Number                                           (319) 335-4489
  • Stephanie Dengler, Director of Operations            (319) 384-2741
  • Office Manager, Diann Pavelka, 109 TIC               (319) 335-4063
  • Lee Groeschl, Assoc. Dir., Economic Dvmt.            (319) 335-4549
  • Tenant Companies, University of Iowa Research Park   (319) 335-4063
  •      ABMIGroup, LLC, Suite 111 TIC   
  •           Jeremy Bockholt, President                 (319) 435-8630
  • Brain Image Analysis, LLC, Suite 125 TIC
  • Ronald Pierson, President                  (319) 530-2698
  •      BRL HR Consulting, LLC, Suite 211 TIC
  •           Brenda LaMarche, President                 (319) 621-2312
  • Componica, Suite 101 TIC
  • Steven Mitchell, Principal                 (319) 621-6071
  •      Covida Medical, Suite 127 TIC     
  •           Jared Garfield, President                  (319) 335-2547
  • Digital Artefacts, LLC, Suite 119 TIC
  • Joan Severson, President                   (319) 335-4985
  •      ERG International, Suite 202 TIC 
  •           Jeffery Grisamore, President    
  •      Foundations in Learning, Suite 123 TIC
  •           Jason Smith, Director                      (319) 333-7788
  • InnoMatix, LLC, Suite 225 TIC                           
  • Ronald Stahlberg, President                (319) 335-4831
  •      Innovas Technologies, Suite 31 TIC              
  •           Charles Dirks, President                   (887) 897-6564
  • Ramaanchar Technologies, Inc., Suite 212 TIC
  • Raman Aravamudhan, CEO                     (319) 339-1654
  • The Thomas Group, Suite 112 TIC
  • Thomas Pickering, President                (319) 335-4677
  • Big Ten Network Production                                 335-2645
  • UITV                                                       335-6375
  • UI Placement Testing, 300 JB                               335-0356
  • Website                              https://archaeology.uiowa.edu/
  • Address                                                    700 CLSB
  • Phone                                                  319-384-0732
  • Director, State Archaeologist
  • John Doershuk                                         384-0751
  • Associate Director
  • Stephen Lensink                                       384-0738
  • Research Technology Director
  • Mary De La Garza                                      384-0731
  • Bioarchaeology Director
  • Lara Noldner                                          384-0740
  • Research Collections Director
  • Carrie Parris                                         384-0741
  • Research Director
  • Cindy Peterson                                        467-1140
  • Strategic Initiatives Director
  • Elizabeth Reetz                                       384-0561
  • Research Director
  • Bill Whittaker                                        384-0937
  • THEATRE ARTS (also see PERFORMING ARTS)                         335-2700
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3568
  • Information                                                335-2700
  • Chair, Mary Beth Easley, 107 TB                            335-2406
  • Administrator, Rosie Ver Steegh, 1400N VOX                 335-2707
  • Administrative Services Coordinator
  • Kelly Walsh, 107 TB                                   335-2700
  • Scheduling and Facilities Manager
  • Katie McClellen, 107 TB                               335-0078
  • Iowa Playwrights Workshop,    
  • Co-head, Art Borreca, 126 TB                          353-2401
  • Co-head, Lisa Schlesinger, 128 TB                     335-1751
  • Marketing Manager, Jen Knights, 1120R UCC                  335-3750
  • Production Personnel (see PERFORMING ARTS)
  • Tickets: Hancher Box Office                                335-1160
  • TIPPIE, HENRY B. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS                                    
  • Director, C. Michael Knudson                               467-5129
  • Biorepository Specialist-Coordinator, Joe Galbraith   384-4737
  • Biorepository Specialist-Rita Sigmund                 384-4753
  • Nucleic Acid Specialist, Rita Sigmund                 384-4753
  • TRANSCRIPTS (Registrar)                                         335-0229
  • Registrar's Service Center - In person                      17 CALH
  • Email                               registrar-transcripts@uiowa.edu
  • 227 SQ                                                     335-6800
  • TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS, 202 PCO                                  335-0115
  • Director, Dani Weber                                  353-2503
  • Supervisor, Brian Wildemuth                           335-0410
  • Brenda Bell, Clerk IV                            353-2580
  • Jeffrey Humpleby, Clerk IV                       335-0376
  • General Information,          Email:  treasury-operations@uiowa.edu
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3678
  • Asst VP & University Secretary, Director of Treasury Ops &  
  •    Financial Mgmt, Susan Klatt                             335-5084
  • Banking, Investments & Trust Operations                    335-2724
  • Banking Services Coordinator                               384-1468
  • TRIO Student Support Services, 24 PH                            335-1288
  • see website:  https://tutor.uiowa.edu/
  • UI HEALTHWORKS                 
  • 3 Lions Drive, North Liberty, Iowa 52317                   356-3335
  • FAX Number                                                 467-7181
  • Toll Free                                            (800) 327-5605
  • Controller, Nile Jones, 3 Lions Drive, 
  • North Liberty, Iowa 52317                             356-3335
  • Clinic Operations Manager, Tammi Goerdt,
  • 3 Lions Drive, North Liberty, Iowa 52317              356-3335
  • Medical Director, Patrick Hartley, 3 Lions Drive,
  • North Liberty, Iowa 52317                             356-3335
  • Nurse Practitioner, Tracie Abbott, 3 Lions Drive,
  • North Liberty, Iowa 52317                             356-3335
  • Staff Physician, Claudia Corwin, 3 Lions Drive,
  • North Liberty, Iowa 52317                             356-3335
  • Organizational Effectiveness, 121 USB                     335-2687
  • UI SPINE CENTER                                    
  • Mailing Address: 0728 JPP                                  356-1638
  • FAX Number                                                 356-4501
  • UI SPINE REHAB                                             356-8400
  • UI WELLNESS (See HUMAN RESOURCES, Organizational Effectiveness)
  • Information/Appointments                    353-2973
  • FAX Number                                  355-5487
  • Cashier - General Information, 2700 UCC                    335-0071
  • Student Loan Accounting - General Information, 2700 UCC    335-0071
  • FAX Number                                            353-2442
  • Assistant Director, Jonna Eiffert
  • Catering Operations Manager, Nicholas Shower
  • Catering Sales Office,                                     335-1865
  • Chelsea Reeve, Crystal Sherman, Juliann Gibson
  • Banquet Supervisors,                                       335-1865
  • Rhea Burns, Michael Dornbush, Colton Haight,
  • Krasimir Tsonev, Jordan Childs, Mikaela Lighty
  • UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, 310/311 CALH      
  • FAX                                                        335-1423
  • Main Office                                                335-1497
  • Academic Resource Center                                   353-2747
  • Academic Support & Retention
  • Directors:
  • Mirra Anson                                      335-2452
  • Kate Sojka                                       335-1733
  • Assistant Director, Danielle Martinez                 335-2667
  • Assistant Director, Stephanie Preschel                384-3622
  • Assistant Director, Lisa Kelly                        353-2747
  • Admininstrative Coordinator, Lisa Von Muenster        384-4023
  • Assessment  
  • Director, Wayne Jacobson                              335-6101
  • Assistant Director, Matt Anson                        384-4112
  • Coordinator, Javiera Romero Araya                     384-4117
  • Debate Coordinator, Paul Bellus                            335-1969
  •      Assistant Coach, Brian Rubaie                         335-1969
  • On Iowa! Program                                           335-1497
  •      Director, Kate Sojka                                  335-1733
  •      Assistant Director, Kate Garrett                      335-6091
  •      Administrative Coordinator, Lisa Von Muenster         384-4023
  • Orientation Services                                       335-1497
  • Director, Tina Arthur                                 335-1495
  • Assistant Director, Cara Wiebel                       335-2398
  • Assistant Director, Brianne Schwarz                   384-4119
  • Clerk IV, Linda Fountain                              335-3842
  • SE Iowa STEM Hub
  • Program Manager, Kristine Bullock                     335-4042
  • Constituent Relations Coordinator, David Jacoby       335-4649
  • Tutor Iowa                                                 335-2747
  • University College
  • Dean, Lon Moeller                                     335-0148
  • Associate Dean, Andrew Beckett                        335-1735
  • Coordinator, Student Success Initiatives, Angela Lamb 335-2062
  • IT Support Consultant, Suzette Blanchard              335-3039
  • UNIVERSITY COUNSELING SERVICE                                   335-7294
  • West Side Location: 3223 WL
  • East Side Location: UCC Suite 1950
  • Michael A. Fletcher, Psy. D, Director
  • Julie Corkery, Associate Director/Director of Training
  • Holly A. Davis, Associate Director/Director of Clinical Services
  • Cari Anderson, Assistant Director/Director of Dental 
  • Counseling & Support Services College of Dentistry
  • Kelly Clougher, Associate Director/Director of Outreach
  • and Embedded Programs
  • UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEE HEALTH CLINIC, 1097-1 BT                    356-3631
  • Information and Appointments                               356-3631
  • Medical Director, Patrick Hartley                          353-7072
  • Associate Medical Director, Laurence J. Fuortes            335-9819
  • UNIVERSITY HOUSING & DINING, 4141 B 335-3000
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2979
  • Assistant Vice President for Student Life & Senior
  • Director of Housing and Dining, Von Stange            335-3000
  • Administrative Services Specialist, Carol Rose            353-3000
  • Contracts & Assignments Office, B                          335-3000
  • Director of Housing Administration, Virginia Ibrahim-Olin
  • Contract & Assignments Specialists
  • Elise Johnson Crone, Breann Frederickson,
  • Eliot Hail-Langner
  • Facilities & Operations, C-NBO34                           335-3000
  • Director, Jeffrey Aaberg                           
  • Assistant Director, Custodial Services, Teri Sieve   
  • Assistant Director, Maintenance Services, Mark Schmitz
  • FAX Number                                            335-9975
  • Residence Education, 4141 B                                335-3700
  • Director, Greg Thompson                              
  • Associate Director for Operations & Staffing,         
  • Becky Wilson
  • Associate Director for Academic Initiatives,          
  • Amy Baumgartner
  • Assistant Director for Student Care & Conduct,    
  • Kevin Tong
  • Assistant Director for Residential Curriculum,           
  •           Michael Mueller
  • Assistant Director for Training, Jerome Kirby        
  • Assistant Director for Leadership, Leandra Jenkin             
  • University Dining
  • Director, Jill Irvin,                                 353-2908
  • Executive Chef, Barry Greenberg,                      353-1212
  • Assistant Director, University Catering, Jonna Eiffert
  • Assistant Director, Retail Operations, bob James      335-2908
  • Nutrition Specialist, Laura Croteau                   353-2299
  • Associated Residence Halls (ARH), 40 B                     335-3173
  • UNIVERSITY LECTURE COMMITTEE                                    335-3059
  • lecture-committee@uiowa.edu
  • UNIVERSITY NEWS SERVICES, 300 PCO                              
  • Senior Director, Jeneane Beck,300 PCO                      384-0054
  • Editors: 
  • Anne Bassett                                               384-0070
  • Hayley Bruce                                               384-0072
  • Chris Clair                                                384-0900
  • Sara Diedrich                                              384-0073
  • Lois J. Gray                                               384-0077
  • Richard Lewis                                              384-0012
  • Tom Snee                                                   384-0010
  • null
  • Admissions/Appointments                                    384-8765
  • Medical Director, Jill Liesveld                            384-9364
  • Clinical Coordinator, D. Lowell Yoder                      353-7934
  • Nurse Manager, Don Swanson                                 384-8765
  • Iowa City, Iowa 52240                                 337-8522
  • FAX Number--General                                        354-4182
  • Fax Number--Clinical DME                                   688-6985
  • FAX Number--Clinical Infusion                              337-8524
  • Director, Danette Frauenholtz, 
  • 2949 Sierra Ct. SW, Iowa City, Iowa 52240   337-8522 Ext. 2113
  • Infusion Intake                                  337-8522 Ext. 2103
  • DME Intake A-F                                   337-8522 Ext. 2109
  • DME Intake G-M                                   337-8522 Ext. 2143
  • DME Intake N-Z                                   337-8522 Ext. 2152
  • Pharmacy                                         337-8522 Ext. 2123
  • Executive Director, Terry J. Protextor, 
  • 2941 Sierra Court SW, Iowa City, Iowa 52240           337-7642
  • UNIVERSITY OF IOWA FOUNDATION, THE, LCUA                        335-3305
  • FAX Number (main line)                                     335-3310
  • President and CEO, Lynette L. Marshall                     467-3808
  • Executive VP & COO, Tiffani K. Shaw                        467-3835
  • Senior Vice President, Development, Jackie Lewis           467-3893
  • Interim Vice President, Main Campus Dev., Dave Triplett    467-3867
  • VP, Chief Investment Officer, Jim Bethea                   467-3891
  • Vice President, CFO and Treasurer, Sherri P. Furman        467-3847
  • Vice President, CIO, Chad Furlong                          467-3842
  • Vice President, Health Sciences Dev., Sheila J.F. Baldwin  467-3731
  • Vice President, Principal Gifts, Tom DePrenger             467-3869
  • Vice President, Principal Gifts, Derek Pendergast          467-3684
  • Vice President, Donor Relations, Erin Lewis                467-3419
  • Vice President, Talent Management, Becky Rafferty          467-3815
  • Associate VP, Health Sciences Dev., Kent Clark             467-3616
  • Assoc VP Athletics Dev, Asst Athletics Dir, Kevin Collins  467-3743
  • Assistant Vice President, Legal, Diane Brownlee            467-3447
  • Assistant VP, Health Sciences Dev., Mitch Beckman          467-3402
  • Assistant VP, Main Campus Dev., Jeff Liebermann            467-3475
  • Assoc VP, Kevin Collins                               467-3743
  • Dir. of Dev., Darryl Borcherding                      467-3695
  • Dir. of Dev., I-Club, Tom Moreland                    467-3850
  • Dir. of Dev., Sloane Tyler                            467-3736
  • Assoc. Dir., Premium Seating, Marlene Haman           467-3810
  • Assoc. Dir. of Events, Jayne Oswald                   467-3812
  • Asst. Dir. of Dev., Chris Hawthorne                   467-3797
  • Asst. Dir. of Dev., I-Club, Patrick Sojka             467-3643
  • Asst. Vice President, Erin Allen                      467-3852
  • Assoc. Director, Jenn Lynch                           467-3879
  • Assoc. Director, Adam Link                            467-3625
  • Assoc. Dir. Campus Philantropy, Courtney Blind        467-3471
  • Asst. Dir. Campus Philanthropy,Jen Knights            467-3863
  • Exec. Director of Development, Greg Lamb              467-3804
  • Director of Development, Jana Michael                 467-3827
  • Director of Development, Shelly Mott                  467-3668
  • Director of Development, Nancy Quellhorst             467-3409
  • Asst. Dir. of Development, Anthony Lehnertz           467-3359
  • Director of Development, Katie Geiken                 467-3807
  • Director of Development, Cally Murray                 467-3360
  • Director of Development, Cally Murray                 467-3360
  • Exec. Director of Development, Kate Metcalf           467-3445
  • Assoc. Director of Development, Matt Kuster           467-3720
  • Exec. Dir. of Dev.,                                   335-3305
  • Dir. of Development, Rod Schultz                      467-3430
  • Assoc. Dir of Dev., Ellen Badger                      467-3621
  • Exec. Director of Dev., Jane Van Voorhis              467-3765
  • Assoc. Dir. of Dev., Jared Bienemann                  467-3359
  • Assoc. Dir. of Dev., Susan Horan                      467-3407
  • Assoc. Dir. of Dev., Sara Ring                        467-3639
  • Asst. Dir. of Dev., Adam Blind                        467-3836
  • Asst. Dir. of Dev., Katie Burnett                     467-3811
  • VP, Health Sciences Dev., Sheila J.F. Baldwin         467-3893
  • Associate VP, Health Sciences Dev., Kevin Collins     467-3743
  • Associate VP, Health Sciences Dev., Kent Clark        467-3616
  • Asst. VP, Health Sci. Dev., Mitch Beckman             467-3402
  • Exec. Dir. of Dev., Holden Comprehensive Cancer Ctr   
  • Sarah Russett                                    467-3787
  • Exec. Dir. of Dev., Regional Gifts, Bridget Hoffman   467-3470
  • Exec.Dir. of Dev., UI Children's Hosp., Taryn Kuntz   467-3841
  • Exec. Dir. of Dev., (Internal Med.), Alli Ingman      467-3401
  • Director of Dev., HCCC, Jaclyn Kretzschmar            467-3795
  • Dir. of Dev., (Neuroscience), David Maxey             467-3760
  • Dir. of Dev., (Ophth), Sara Volz                      467-3761
  • Dir. of Dev., Regional Gifts, Madelynn Krall          467-3645
  • Dir. of Dev., Regional Gifts, Liz Simpson             467-3403
  • Dir. of Dev., UI Children's Hosp., Scott Hansen       467-3723
  • Dir. of Dev., Sean Matthys                            467-3649
  • Assoc. Dir. of Dev., (int. med), Aaron Olesen         467-3617
  • Assoc. Dir. of Dev., Regional Gifts, John Dwyer       467-3861
  • Assoc. Dir. of Dev., Regional Gifts, Will Postler     467-3448
  • Assoc Dir, Corp/Community Dev/UI Children's Hospital
  • Mackenzie Dwyer                                  467-3832
  • Asst. Dir. of Dev., Wynn Inst., Katie Sturgell        467-3756
  • Asst. Dir of Dev, HCCC, Katharine Marshall            467-3805
  • Asst. Dir. of Dev., (int. med), Megan Rife            467-3404
  • Asst. Dir of Dev UI Children's Hosp, Brittany Wellman 467-3492
  • Asst Dir Corp/Community Dev/UI Children's Hospital
  • Ashley Hoff                                      467-3710
  • Director of Development, Dayna Ballantyne             467-3727
  • COLLEGE OF PHARMACY                                      
  • Director of Dev., Mundi McCarty                       467-3682
  • Director of Dev.                                      335-3305
  • Assistant Director, Diane Johnson                     467-3897
  • Vice President, Erin Lewis                            467-3419
  • Exec Dir Stewardship and Events, Dana Simcox          467-3497
  • Director of Events, Dusti Cermak                      467-3729
  • Director, Stewardship Programs, Jen Wyatt             467-3697
  • Asst. Director of Dev., Devin van Holsteijn           467-3658
  • Exec. Dir. of Dev., Duff Ridgeway                     467-3486
  • Dir. of Dev., Molly O'Brien-Loussaert                 467-3618
  • Dir. of Dev., Mary Rettig                             467-3809
  • Dir. of Dev., Amy Brainard                            467-3790
  • Asst. Dir. of Dev., Sam Crow                          467-3843
  • Asst. Dir. of Dev., Jenna Hadley                      467-3655
  • Exec. Director of Dev., Susan Hagan                   467-3696
  • Dir. of Dev., Nathan Seger                            467-3698
  • Assoc. Dir. of Dev., Susan Horan                      467-3407
  • Liaison, Mary Rettig                                  467-3809
  • Asst. Dir. of Dev., Javier Perez                      467-3605
  • Director, Marianne Harney                             467-3874
  • Exec, Dir., Comm. & Marketing, Dana Larson            467-3661
  • Director, Creative Services, Seth Friedman            467-3862
  • Director, Online Communications, Karla Hurley         467-3644
  • Executive Director, Scott Johnson                     467-3887
  • Associate Director, Becky Smith                       467-3873
  • Director, Craig Mead                                  467-3627
  • Vice President, CFO and Treasurer, Sherri Furman      467-3487
  • Gift Accounting Manager, Mary Gilroy                  467-3833
  • Financial Accounting Manager, Julie Holicky           467-3831
  • VP, Chief Investment Officer, Jim Bethea              467-3891
  • Assistant VP, Legal, Diane Brownlee                   467-3447
  • Associate Counsel, Legal, Debbie Dreusicke            467-3651
  • Vice President, Becky Rafferty                        467-3815
  • Talent Management Generalist, Dana Van Abbema         467-3664
  • Talent Management Generalist, Abby Sojka              467-3665
  • Associate Director, Talent Mgmt, Tami Smith-Rohovit   467-3889
  • Asst Dir, Payroll/Benefits, Debbie Beermann           467-3837
  • Vice President and CIO, Chad Furlong                  467-3842
  • Dir., Application Dev. and Spt., Josh Gants           467-3428
  • IT Infrastructure Services Manager, Albert Jagnow     467-3472
  • Project and Analysis Svs. Mgr., Lori Lasansky         467-3864
  • Health Policy and Population Health (Des Moines)
  • Assistant Vice President for Health Policy & Population Health
  • and Chief Operating Officer,
  • Jennifer Vermeer, 100 Court Ave., Ste. 405        319-467-7092
  • Bonnie Braatz, Program Manager                    319-467-7090
  • Maggie Eischeid, Project Coordinator              319-467-7090
  • Vice President of Medical Affairs & Dean Carver College of Medicine
  • Denise Jamieson, 300 CMAB                             335-8064
  • Associate Vice President and CEO, UI Hospitals and Clinics,
  • Kimberly Hunter (Interim), 1353 JCP                   356-3155
  • Associate Vice President for Finance, and CFO, 
  • UI Hospitals and Clinics, Mark Henrichs, 318 CMAB     384-2844
  • Associate Vice President for Legal Affairs and Legal Counsel,
  • UI Hospitals and Clinics, Joseph Clamon, 1309G JCP    356-4009
  • Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communications,
  • Christine Thiriet                                     335-7942
  • Associate Vice President for Information Systems,
  • Lee T. Carmen, BT 1000 D GH                           356-4445
  • Health Policy and Population Health (Des Moines)
  • Assistant Vice President for Population Health
  • and External Affairs                       
  • Jennifer Vermeer, 300 CMAB                        319-467-7092
  • Human Resources, UI Health Care
  • Associate Vice President, Jana S. Wessels, 328 CMAB   335-8071
  • Director, Keith Clasen, 232 CMAB                      335-8994
  • Employee and Labor Relations, Human Resources
  • Director, Ellen Chambers, 272 CMAB                    353-5783
  • Human Resources Compensation
  • Director, Kyle Anson, 268 CMAB                   335-9784
  • Compensation and Classification Specialist
  • Kyle Anson, 268 CMAB                             335-8155
  • Assistant Vice President for Operational Excellence and 
  • Assistant Director, Clinical Care Services
  • Rebecca O'Rourke, 1309-F JCP                          356-2321
  • Chief Compliance Officer
  • Christine Bachrach                                    384-5897
  • Chief of Staff, VP for Medical Affairs Office
  • Karen Butler, 320 CMAB                                335-7855
  • Health Care Information Systems, Director and Associate    
  • Vice President for UI Health Care, Lee T. Carmen      356-4445
  • Senior IT Director, Joseph Wagner                     356-0044
  • Clinical Applications, Amanda Blodgett                384-6816
  • Integrated Financial Services
  • Associate Vice President for Finance and CFO
  • UI Hospitals and Clinics, Bradley Haws                384-2844
  • Revenue Management and Decision Support 
  • UI Health Care Assistant Vice President for Finance & CFO
  • Mark Henrichs                                   384-6383 
  • Assistant Vice President Revenue & Reimbursement
  • Phil Roudabush                                   353-8820
  • Revenue and Reimbursement Senior Director
  • Ann Showers                                      384-6557
  • Revenue Cycle Director
  • Megan Threlkeld                                  467-8983
  • Senior Director, Decision Support and Financial Planning
  • Jodi Felderman                                   353-6529
  • Budget, Financial Officer
  • Mary Allan                                       356-4979
  • Financial Operations and Planning
  • Assistant Vice President for Medical Affairs             
  • Jason Haddy                                      335-6632
  • Financial Strategy and Capital Management
  • Budget/Financial Officer
  • Joseph Kardos                                    467-8982
  • Senior Financial Analyst 
  • John Ingebritson                                 467-8980
  • Manager, Accounting & Financial Analyst
  • Jennifer Kaefring                                467-8981
  • Manager, Capital Accounting
  • Kyle Minehart                                    356-0335
  • Business Intelligence and Analysis
  • Michael Anderson                                 384-6556
  • Revenue Management
  • Assistant Vice President, Revenue & Reimbursement
  • Phillip Roudabush                                353-8820
  • Revenue Cycle Assoc Director
  • Mari Anne Ehler                                  384-8550
  • Revenue Cycle Manager
  • Melissa Twait                                    467-8984
  • Revenue Cycle Manager
  • Amanda Oakland                                   356-0402
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Associate Vice President, Kathy Dean                  335-7942
  • Office of Strategic Communications
  • Assistant VP External Relations, Jeneane Beck    384-0005
  • Marketing Director, Dan Fischer                  353-7194
  • Sr. Director, Marketing Communication, Ben Hill  384-3400
  • Director, Strategic Initiatives, Rick Klatt      384-0037
  • Administrative Services Director Strategic Relations
  • Brandon Johnson                                  353-5571
  • Iowa Now/Media
  • Director, Media Relations, Anne Bassett          384-0070
  • Director, Internal Communication, Tricia Brown   384-0009
  • Media Relations Manager, Hayley Bruce            384-0072
  • Director, Content Strategy, Christopher Clair    384-0900
  • Social Media Director, Michael Benning           384-0018
  • Videographers
  • Video Coordinator, Clarity Guerra                335-5741
  • Creative Media Developer, Dana Telsrow           384-0007
  • Web Strategy and Development
  • Director, Michael                           353-4531
  • Manager, Web Center, Tyler Dingman          384-1767
  • Media Relations Director & Spokesperson for UI Health Care
  • Tom Moore                                   356-3945
  • Creative Media Manager/Producer
  • Ryan Potter                                 356-1769
  • UI Health Plans
  • Health Plans Office                               319-002-0111
  • null
  • Associate Vice President, Jana Wessels, 328 CMAB           335-8071
  • Director, Human Resources, David Bergeon, C109F GH         356-3798
  • Associate Vice President, Ellen V. Barron, 324 CMAB        335-7942
  • External Relations, Asst. Vice President
  • Vacant, 4141 WL                                       335-8595
  • Marketing, W319 GH                                         356-1409
  • Marketing Director, Dan Fischer, W319 GH              353-7194
  • Marketing Director, Cheryl Hodgson, W319 GH           353-7193
  • Marketing Manager, Greg Johnson, W319 GH              384-7352
  • Marketing Manager, Valerie Larkin, W319 GH            384-9979
  • Marketing Manager, Katie Ripke, W319 GH               384-5847
  • New Media, Director, Vacant, 5143 WL                       335-8033
  • Applied Media Production Service, Director,
  • Jim Hollensbe, 5125 WL                           335-8152
  • Creative Media Group, Director,
  • LeeAnn Eddins, 5107 WL                           384-1783
  • Web (Application), Director, Rob Duff, 5119 WL        353-5621
  • Web (Content), Director, (Vacant), 5120 WL            384-1767
  • Strategic Communications, Asst. Vice President
  • Diana Lundell, W319 GH                                356-1009
  • Editorial/Writing Services, Director,                    
  • David Pedersen, W319 GH                          356-1498
  • Hospital Administration Graphics, Director,
  • Steve Larson, 1312 JCP                           356-2691
  • Internal Communications, Director,
  • Barbara Barrows, W319 GH                         384-7195
  • Media Relations, Director, Tom Moore, W319 GH         356-3945
  • For Assistance 24/7 call UI Health Access at           800-777-8442
  • Visit www.uihealthcare.org/locations for complete 
  • listing of services.
  • Iowa City:
  • UI Hospitals and Clinics--Family Medicine
  • 01153 PFP                                    319-384-7222
  • UI Health Care--Southeast Iowa City, (Family Medicine), 
  • 1130 Scott Blvd                              319-467-6789
  • Pediatric Associates of UI Children's Hospital, 
  • 605 E. Jefferson St.                         319-351-1448
  • Coralville:
  • UI Health Care--Iowa River Landing -- Pediatrics,
  • 105 East 9th St.                             319-467-2000
  • UI Health Care--Iowa River Landing -- General 
  • Internal Medicine, 105 East 9th St.          319-467-2000
  • Pediatric Associates of UI Children's Hospital,
  • 2593 Holiday Rd.                             319-339-1231
  • North Liberty:
  • UI Health Care--North Liberty (Family Medicine),
  • 3 Lions Drive                                319-467-5050
  • UI Children's Hospital , Pediatrics--North Liberty,
  • 1765 Lininger Lane                           319-467-7888
  • Muscatine:
  • UI Health Care--Muscatine (Family Medicine),
  • 3465 Mulburry Ave.                           563-263-0339
  • Riverside:
  • UI Health Care--River Crossing (Family Medicine),  
  • 3056 River Crossing Ct.                      319-467-8355
  • Sigourney:
  • UI Health Care--Sigourney (Family Medicine),
  • 1314 S. Stuart St.                           641-622-3840
  • UI QuickCare: (Walk-in medical care for minor illness/injury)
  • Coralville, 2510 Corridor Way                     319-384-8822
  • East (near Sycamore Mall) 1843 Lower Muscatine Rd 319-384-8822
  • Old Capitol Town Center, 201 S. Clinton St.       319-384-8822
  • Iowa City Mormon Trek, 767 Mormon Trek Blvd.      319-384-8822
  • North Dodge, 2557 North Dodge St. 
  • (Opens Spring 2015)                          319-384-8822
  • North Liberty, 720 Pasha Parkway                  319-384-8822
  • Executive Medical Director Off-Site Ambulatory
  • Care Programs, Rami Boutros, 1309-B JCP                    356-1375
  • Administrator/Director Clinical Functions,
  • Steve Woodward                                   467-2412
  • Nursing Director, Bonnie Wagner                       467-2413
  • UI Heart and Vascular Center Clinic                        356-4346
  • UI Heart and Vascular Center Administration                356-3192
  • Fax Number, Administration                                 467-5185
  • FAX Number, Clinic                                         353-7331
  • Interim Administrative Director, Cathy Pierce, C43-T GH    384-9222
  • UNIVERSITY OF IOWA HOSPITALS AND CLINICS                        356-1616
  • Information Desk, Main Lobby, RCP                          356-2456
  • Associate Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, UI
  • Hospitals and Clinics, Kenneth P. Kates, 1353 JCP     356-3155
  • Co-Chief Operating Officer, Sabi Singh, 1337C JCP          353-7202
  • Co-Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director, 
  • UI Children's Hospital, Scott Turner, 1337D JCP       384-5597
  • Senior Associate Director, John H. Staley, 1309A JCP       356-2681
  • Associate Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial 
  • Officer, UI Hospitals and Clinics, Kenneth L. Fisher, 
  • 318 CMAB                                              384-2844
  • Chief Nursing Officer, UI Hospitals and Clinics,
  •  Kenneth Rempher, 1351 JCP                            356-2029
  • Chief Medical Officer, Theresa Brennan, 1352 JCP           467-5700
  • Chief Quality Officer, Michael Edmond, C512 GH             353-8352
  • Associate Vice President for Legal Affairs and 
  • Legal Counsel, UI Hospitals and Clinics,
  • Joseph Clamon, 1350 JCP                               356-4009
  • Executive Medical Director Off-Site Ambulatory Care
  • Programs, Rami Boutros, 1309E JCP                     356-1375
  • Associate Director, Laurie Smith, 1309F JCP                467-5392
  • Associate Director, John Stark, 1309C JCP                  384-7182
  • Associate Director and Chief Pharmacy Officer,
  • Michael Brownlee, CC101 GH                            356-2577
  • Senior Assistant Director, Amy O'Deen, 1309G JCP           356-2799
  • Assistant General Counsel, Elizabeth P. Mitchell, 1345 JCP 467-5657
  • Assistant Director, Rebecca O'Rourke, 1309K JCP            356-2321
  • Assistant Director, Jenn Thompson, 1309B JCP               353-7040
  • Associate Vice President for Information Systems and
  • Chief Information Officer, UI Hospitals and Clinics,
  • Lee Carmen, BT1000D GH                                356-4445
  • Assistant Vice President for Compliance, Accreditation, 
  • and UI Privacy Officer, Deborah Thoman, 1346 JCP      384-5897
  • Medical Chief of Staff, Victoria Sharp, C506-B GH          356-7735
  • Administrative Chief of Staff (Interim), 
  • Garen Carpenter, 1353B JCP                            384-9871
  • Acute Care Surgery and Emergency General Surgery Service
  • Director, Kent Choi, 0091-H RCP                       356-7892
  • Admissions and Transfer Center, Nurse Manager, 
  • Lacey Harlan-Ralls, C225 GH                           467-5513
  • Ambulatory Nursing 
  • Director, Clinical Functions,
  • Cindy J. Dawson, E407-1A GH                           384-9896
  • Ambulatory Surgery Center, (Interim) Medical Director, 
  • Melinda Seering, 41671 PFP                            384-8466
  • Associate Director, Sheri Swenning, 41676 PFP         467-5560
  • Anesthesia, 6532 JCP                                       356-2633
  • Chair and DEO, Michael Todd, 6618 JCP                 356-3868
  • Administrator, Deborah Chudzik, 6616 JCP              384-8367
  • Burn Surgery Service, Director, 
  • Thomas Granchi, 8322 JCP                              353-8435
  • Capital Management, SB6 HPR3                               356-2330
  • Executive Director, George Mejias                     356-7544
  • Administrative Assistant, Kathy Terrell               353-7761
  • FAX                                                   353-7855
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery, 
  • Chair and DEO, Peter J. Gruber, SE 514 GH             356-1133
  • Center for Disabilities and Development, CDD               353-6456
  • Administrator, Elayne O. Sexsmith, 221 CDD            356-0768
  • Central Sterilizing Service, 0800 JCP                      467-2000
  • CHAMPS (Cardiovascular Health, Assessment, Management,
  • and Prevention Services), 6006 RCP or 
  • 1100 UI Health Care--Iowa River Landing               467-2039
  • Program Director, Christine Clair, 6006 RCP      356-8899
  • Medical Director, Ramzi El Accaoui, E314-2 GH    356-0494
  • Coordinator, James Johnson, 6006 RCP             356-4652
  • Chemical Dependency Center, 5 BT                           384-8765
  • Child Health Specialty Clinics, 247 CDD                    356-1184
  • Director, Debra Waldron, 247 CDD                      467-5009
  • Child Life Services, T100 GH                               356-4469
  • Clinical Documentation Improvement, C523-2 GH              384-8206
  • Director, Mary Kay Brooks, C523-2 GH                  384-8206
  • Clinical Quality, Safety & Performance           
  • Improvement (CQSPI)                                   356-4311
  • Chief Quality Officer, Michael Edmond, C512-A GH      353-8352
  • Quality & Operational Improvement Manager, 
  • Beth Hanna, C515 GH                                   353-7463
  • Clinical Staff Office                                      384-9294
  • Director, Cynthia Geyer, C123 GH                      384-9292
  • FAX                                                   384-9293
  • Compliance Helpline                                        384-8190
  • Continuum of Care Management, C41-Z GH                     
  • Director, Peggy O'Neill, C427 GH                      356-3786
  • Care Coordinator/Navigators                           353-8998
  • Integrated Call Center, 3075 SRF                      353-8403
  • Fax Number                                       384-8138
  • UI Health Access (for consumer calls)            384-8442
  • UI Consult (for physician calls)                 384-8008
  • Utilization Management/Inpatient Precertification     353-8998
  • Fax Number                                       353-6548
  • Customer Service, Patient Financial Services, 1215 RCP     356-2211
  • DeGowin Blood Donor Center, C250 GH                        356-2058
  • Dermatology, Chair and DEO, Janet Fairley, 40040 PFP       356-3609
  • FAX Number                                            356-8317
  • Cosmetic Procedure Inquiries                          384-6831
  • Emergency Medicine, Chair and DEO, Andrew Nugent, 1008 RCP 353-7946
  • Emergency Department                                       356-2233
  • Engineering Services, Director, Robert M Miller, C116 GH   356-2009
  • Graphics, B1-D GH                                     353-6402
  • Grounds, 0018-B-2 BT                                  335-7898
  • Maintenance and Engineering, C116-A GH                356-2711
  • Medical Instruments, 0035 RCP                         467-5118
  • Service Center                       (Internal Phone) Dial 159
  • Environmental Services                                     356-2277
  • Director, Martin E. Shafer, C157 GH                   356-2277
  • Family Medicine, Chair and DEO, Paul James, 01286-D PFP    384-7500
  • Administrator,  John A. Williams, 01290-B PFP         384-7800
  • Finance
  • Financial Operations -- See Integrated Financial Services
  • Patient Financial Services -- See Integrated Financial
  • Services
  • Revenue and Decision Support -- See Integrated Financial
  • Services
  • Food and Nutrition Services, Director, 
  • Joan Dolezal, W146 GH                                 356-2692
  • Fourth Floor Salon, E424 GH                                356-1996
  • Gastrointestinal, Colorectal, Minimally Invasive, 
  • and Bariatric Surgery Service                         
  • Director, John W. Cromwell, 4601 JCP                  384-7359
  • Graduate Medical Education, C-123 GH                       356-2256
  • Director, Mark Wilson                                 356-2256
  • Cindy Geyer                                           356-2256
  • Health Care Information Systems                            356-2432
  • Director, Lee Carmen, BT 1000 GH                      356-4445
  • Chief Medical Information Officer,
  • Douglas Van Daele, 21165 PFP                     353-8162
  • Administrative Applications, Director, 
  • Joseph Wagner, S363 CDD                          356-0044
  • Clinical Applications, Director,
  • Kristy Walker, 1317 BT                           356-0009
  • Technical Operations, Director, Pat Duffy, 1000 BT    356-1991
  • Help Desk                                             356-0001
  • Telecom Repair/Assistance                             356-3522
  • Health Information Management                              356-1740
  • Director, Tammi Craft, 2040 SRF                       356-3200
  • Helen Rossi Guest House                                    384-9240
  • Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center Administration,
  • 5970 JPP                                              353-8620
  • Director, George J. Weiner, 5970Z JPP                 353-8620
  • Administrator, Christopher K. Laubenthal, 5988 JPP    356-2367
  • Cancer Information Service, Pomerantz Family 
  • Pavilion (PFP), Level 1                          356-3000
  • Toll Free                                  (800) 237-1225
  • Hospital Dentistry, Chair and DEO, Kirk Fridrich, 
  • 51365 PFP                                             356-1981
  • Administrator, Marty Fields, 51361 PFP                356-2449
  • Appointments                                          356-2205
  • Human Resources, 268 CMAB                                  
  • Associate Vice President for Human Resources,
  • Jana Wessels, 268 CMAB                           335-8071
  • Information Desk                                           356-2456
  • Integrated Call Center, 3075 SRF                           353-8403
  • Director, Peggy O'Neill, C427 GH                      356-3786
  • FAX Number                                            384-8138
  • Integrated Financial Services, Associate Vice President and
  • CFO, UI Hospitals and Clinics, Ken Fisher, 318 CMAB        384-2844
  • Revenue and Decision Support, Assistant Vice President,
  • Finance and Assistant CFO, Mark Henrichs, 1309-J JCP  384-6383
  • Decision Support, Senior Administrative 
  • Associate, Jodi Felderman, W139-N GH        353-6529
  • Revenue and Reimbursement, Senior Administrative  
  • Associate, Mike Henley, W139-H GH           384-6557
  • Patient Financial Services, Director,
  • Philip Roudabush, 2100 UCC                  384-2334
  • Payor Relations, Senior Administrative Associate, 
  • Megan Threlkeld, 2100 UCC                   384-0839
  • Account Receivables Management, Senior Administrative
  • Associate, Heather McCarter, 2111 UCC       384-2337
  • Patient Access Management, Senior Administrative
  • Associate, Sherri Pitkin, 2100 UCC          384-2323
  • Revenue Cycle Program Management, Senior 
  • Administrative Associate, Mari Anne 
  • Ehler, 2100 UCC                             384-2347
  • Coding Integrity Management, Senior Administrative
  • Associate, Nicole Bell, 2100 UCC            384-2368
  • Financial Operations, Assistant Vice President,
  • Finance and Assistant CFO, Mark Hingtgen, 220 CMAB    335-6632
  • Budget, Senior Administrative Associate, 
  • JoEllen Browning, W139-F GH                 356-3463
  • Financial Strategy, Senior Administrative
  • Associate, Jason Haddy, 228 CMAB            335-6701
  • Business Intelligence, Senior Administrative
  • Associate, Joe Kardos, 332 CMAB             353-3282
  • Accounting, Senior Administrative Associate
  • Dan Moen, W139-B GH                         356-0336
  • Patient Financial Services Customer Service      356-2211
  • Internal Medicine, Interim Chair and DEO, 
  • Gary E. Rosenthal, SE 308 GH                          356-2745
  • Clinical Department Administrator, 
  • Chris Laubenthal, SE 318 GH                           467-5155
  • Interpreters                                               356-7540
  • Java House, Main Entrance Lobby                            353-6599
  • John and Mary Pappajohn Clinical Cancer Center
  • Clinic Scheduling, Pomerantz Family Pavilion (PFP), 
  • Level 1                                               356-4200
  • Clinic Reception, Pomerantz Family Pavilion (PFP), 
  • Level 1                                               356-4422
  • Joint Office for Clinical Outreach Services, C506 GH
  • Director, Herbert A. Berger, C506 GH                  356-8318
  • Clinical Outreach Services, Suite 400,      
  • Liberty Square                                   356-1533
  • Administrator, Jill Kordick, Suite 400,  
  • Liberty Square                              356-4385
  • Nurse Manager, Julie Williams, Suite 400,
  • Liberty Square                              353-7191
  • Joint Office for Compliance, C431 GH                       384-8282
  • Compliance/Privacy Officer, Debbie Thoman, 1346 JCP   384-5897
  • Compliance Helpline                                   384-8190
  • Linen Room, 0043 RCP                                       356-2398
  • Mail Room, 1002-2 SRF                                      356-2415
  • Material Services, 0310 JCP                                353-6415
  • Media Relations, W319 GH                                   356-2731
  • Medical Instruments, 0035 RCP                              467-5118
  • Medical Museum, Director, Adrienne Drapkin, 8023 JCP       353-6417
  • Collections Coordinator, Marsha Howe, 8023 JCP        356-8713
  • Neurology, 2162-Z RCP                                        
  • Chair and DEO, George Richerson, 2155 RCP             356-4296
  • Outpatient Clinic, 2162-Z RCP                         356-2580
  • Neurosurgery, Chair and DEO, Matthew A. Howard III,
  • 1800 JPP                                              356-8468
  • NOON NEWS, W320 GH                                         384-9171
  • Nursing Services and Patient Care, T100 GH
  • Kenneth J. Rempher, 1351 JCP                          356-2029
  • Chief Nursing Officer, UI Hospitals and Clinics, 
  • Central Nursing Office, T100 GH                       356-2267
  • Nursing Clinical Education Center, 4 West GH          356-4304
  • Nursing Finance, T100 GH                              384-6300
  • Nursing Informatics, T100 GH                          384-6607
  • Nursing Human Resources, C53 GH                       356-2268
  • Nursing Recruitment, T100 GH                          356-2285
  • Nursing Payroll, T100 GH                              356-2066
  • Nursing Quality, T100 GH                              384-5272
  • Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice, 
  • T100 GH                                          384-9098
  • Nursing Throughput and Patient Flow, C41-S GH         356-7555
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology, 31140 PFP                       356-3605
  • Chair and DEO, Kimberly Leslie, 31140-A PFP           356-1976
  • Office of The Patient Experience, CC102 GH                 356-1802
  • Ami Gaarde, Director, CC102-D-1 GH                    384-6599
  • Operations Excellence, C51-N GH
  • Director, Randy Fry, C-51-U GH                        356-4275
  • Fax Number                                            384-8310
  • Quality & Process Improvement Engineer, Lynnette Kenne,
  • C-51-L GH                                        467-5096
  • Quality & Process Improvement Engineer, Mark Litterer,
  • C-51-J GH                                        356-1421
  • Quality & Process Improvement Engineer, Thomas Persoon, 
  • C-51-R GH                                        384-6426
  • Quality & Process Improvement Engineer, Mark Thomason, 
  • C51-N GH                                         384-8503
  • Quality & Process Improvement Engineer, Jeff Vande Berg, 
  • C-51-K GH                                        467-5097
  • Quality & Process Improvement Engineer, Marjorie Sue 
  • Zaeski, C51-F GH                                 356-3976
  • Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, 11200 PFP               356-2864
  • Chair and DEO, Keith D. Carter, 11136F PFP            356-2867
  • Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, 
  • Chair and DEO, J. Lawrence Marsh, 01071 JPP           356-2383
  • Interim Administrator, John D. Swenning, 01014 JPPLL  356-2383
  • Spine Center, 0728 JPP                                356-8400
  • Work Injury Clinic, 01094 JPPLL                       356-1113
  • Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery, 21201 PFP           356-3574
  • Chair and DEO, Bruce J. Gantz, 21158 PFP              356-2173
  • Pathology, C660 GH                                         384-9605
  • Chair and DEO, Nitin Karandikar, C673 GH              384-9609
  • Patient Financial Services, 2304 UCC                       356-2211
  • Director, Philip E. Roudabush                         384-2334
  • Customer Service, 1215 RCP                            356-2211
  • Patient Information                                        356-2456
  • Patients' Library, Director, Mindy Egeland, 8016 JCP       356-2468
  • Payroll, Manager, Tara G. Black, C110-C GH                 353-6396
  • Pediatric Surgery Service,                                 
  • Director, Joel Shilyansky, 2967 JPP                   356-1766
  • Pediatrics, 2JCP                                           356-2296
  • Chair and DEO, Raphael Hirsch, 2632 JCP               356-0469
  • Pharmaceutical Care, Chief Pharmacy Officer, 
  • Michael J. Brownlee, CC101 GH                         356-2577
  • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Service,
  • Director, W. Thomas Lawrence, 1530 JCP                356-7941
  • Processed Stores, 0312 JCP                                 356-1784
  • Procurement Services, 
  • Director, Frank Eischens, 3077B SRF                   356-2659
  • Project Art, Director, Adrienne Drapkin, 8023 JCP          353-6417
  • Collections Coordinator, Marsha Howe, 8023 JCP        356-8713
  • Performing Arts Coordinator, Mark Bernat, 8023 JCP    384-8068
  • Psychiatry, Chair and DEO, James B. Potash, 2880 JPP       356-1144
  • Child Psychiatry Outpatient Services, 1882 JPP        356-1188
  • Adult Psychiatry Outpatient Services, 1911 JPP        353-6314
  • UI Behavioral Health Clinic                           356-8822
  • Neuropsychology Services, 2929 JPP                    353-6071
  • Inpatient Admissions/Referrals                        384-5000
  • Iowa Neuroimaging Center, W278 GH                     384-9400
  • Partial Hospital Program, 5 BT                        356-2406
  • Chemical Dependency, 5 BT                             384-8765
  • Research Inquiries                                    353-4444
  • Administrator, Stephen Blanchard, 2880 JPP            356-1348
  • Radiation Oncology, 01600 LL West Addition PFP             356-2253
  • Chair and DEO, John Buatti, 01626-A LL West 
  • Addition PFP                                          356-2699
  • Radiology, 3970 JPP                                        356-2188
  • Interim Chair and DEO, Joan Maley, 3966A JPP          356-3372
  • Registration                                               356-3511
  • Rehabilitation Therapies, Director, 
  • Lisabeth L. Kestel, 0732 JPP                          356-8153
  • Respiratory Care, C736 GH                                  
  • Patient Services Information, C729 GH                 356-3474
  • Director, Twila Martin, C732 GH                       356-4004
  • Manager, Clinical Services, Lu Wilford                356-3645
  • Manager, HMS and Pulmonary Diagnostics, Sue Hanken    356-7108
  • Manager, Technical Operations, Becky Skinner          356-0835
  • Rooftop Cafe/Refreshment Carts, 8025 JCP                   356-2515
  • Safety and Security
  • Emergency                                         Dial ... 195
  • Operations Center (24/7), 0085 RCP                    356-2658
  • Director, Charles Kupka, 0081 RCP                     356-0839
  • Shipping and Receiving, 1002 SRF                           356-2389
  • Social Service, C124 GH                                    356-2207
  • Director, Joshua Brewster                             356-3416
  • Spine Center, 0728 JPP                                     356-7037
  • Spiritual Services, C124 GH                                356-2523
  • Associate Director, Noelle Andrew                     356-0470
  • Sports Medicine, IOSMR                                     467-8306
  • Director, Ned Amendola, IOSMR                         356-4230
  • Clinic Appointments, IOSMR                            384-7070
  • Strategic Planning and Business Development
  • Assistant Vice President, Christine Miller, 322 CMAB  384-4503
  • Strategic Planning & Business Development, C138-B GH  384-4503
  • Corporate Relations/Executive Health, C138-B GH       356-2828
  • Physician Relations, C138-B GH                        384-6103
  • UI Health Plans Customer Care Services, C135 GH       353-7531
  • Work Related Health Care Services, C138-B GH          353-7533
  • Surgery, 1563 JCP                                          356-2649
  • Chair and DEO, Ronald J. Weigel, 1509 JCP             353-7474
  • Surgical Oncology and Endocrine Surgery Service  
  • Director, James R. Howe V, 4644 JCP                   356-1727
  • Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery Service, 
  • Director, Alan I. Reed, SE 427 GH                     384-9410
  • Trauma Surgery Service, 
  • Director, Dionne Skeete, 0091-J RCP                   356-7892
  • UI Behavioral Health                                       384-8999
  • Outpatient Appointments                               
  • Adult                                            353-6314
  • Child                                            356-1188
  • Inpatient Admissions/Referrals, 1700 JPP              353-6952
  • Partial Hospital Program, 5 BT                        356-2406
  • UI Children's Hospital (Patient Appointments)              384-5437
  • Medical Head, UI Stead Family Department of 
  • Pediatrics, Raphael Hirsch                       356-0469
  • Toll-free                                       (888) 573-5437
  • UI Health Access (for consumer calls)                      384-8442
  • UI Health Care Marketing and Communications
  • Associate Vice President, Ellen V. Barron, 324 CMAB   335-7942
  • External Relations, Asst. Vice President,
  • Vacant, 4141 WL	                                 335-8595
  • Marketing, W319 GH	                              356-1409
  • Marketing Director, Dan Fischer, W319 GH         353-7194
  • Marketing Director, Cheryl Hodgson, W319 GH      353-7193
  • Marketing Manager, Greg Johnson, W319 GH         384-7352
  • Marketing Manager, Valerie Larkin, W319 GH       384-9979
  • Marketing Manager, Katie Ripke, W319 GH          384-5847
  • New Media, Director, Steve Maravetz, 5143 WL          335-8033
  • Applied Media Production Service, Manager, 
  • Jim Hollensbe, 5125 WL                      335-8152
  • Creative Media Group, Manager,  
  • LeeAnn Eddins, 5107 WL                      384-1783
  • Web (Applications), Manager, Rob Duff, 5119 WL   353-5621
  • Web (Content), Manager, (Vacant)
  • 5120 WL                                     384-1767
  • Strategic Communications, Asst. Vice President, 
  • Diana Lundell, W319 GH                           356-1009
  • Editorial/Writing Services, Manager, 
  • David Pedersen, w319 GH                     356-1498
  • Hospital Administration Graphics, Manager,
  • Steve Larson, 1312 JCP                      356-2691
  • Internal Communications, Manager, 
  • Barbara Barrows, W319 GH                    384-7195
  • Media Relations, Manager, Tom Moore, W319 GH     356-3945
  • UI Health Care Primary Care                                384-8442
  • UI Health Plans Customer Care Services, C135 GH            353-7531
  • UI Heart and Vascular Center
  • UI Heart and Vascular Center Clinic                   356-4346
  • UI Heart and Vascular Center Administration           356-3192
  • Interim Administrative Director, 
  • Cathy Pierce, C43-T GH                           384-9222
  • UI Optical, 21000-B PFP                                    384-9922
  • UI Women's Health, Level 3, PFP                            356-2294
  • UIHC Child Care and Early Education Center, 109 WL         335-9666
  • UI Hospitals and Clinics--Iowa River Landing (IRL), 
  • 105 East 9th Street, Coralville, Iowa                      467-2000
  • Executive Medical Director Off-Site Ambulatory Care
  • Programs, Rami Boutros, 1309-B JCP                    356-1375
  • Administrator/Director Clinical Functions,
  • Steve Woodward                              467-2412
  • Nursing Director, Bonnie Wagner                  467-2413
  • Urology, 3120 RCP                                          356-2934
  • Chair and DEO, Karl Kreder, 3251 RCP                  353-8771
  • Value Analysis Program, Alisa Schantz, 3077-A SRF          356-8013
  • Vascular Surgery Service, 
  • Director, W. John Sharp, 1521 JCP                     356-8242
  • Volunteer Services, 8025 JCP                               356-2515
  • Director, Jean Reed, 8025 JCP                         356-1241
  • Fourth Floor Salon, E424 GH                           356-1996
  • Java House, Main Entrance Lobby                       353-6599
  • Java House, Fountain Entrance Lobby                   384-8900
  • Java House, West Addition PFP                         356-1817
  • Rooftop Cafe/Refreshment Carts, 8025 JCP              356-2515
  • Wild Rose Books, Main Entrance Lobby                  384-5151
  • Wild Rose Gifts, Main Entrance Lobby                  356-1999
  • Wild Rose Books, Main Entrance Lobby                       384-5151
  • Wild Rose Gifts, Main Entrance Lobby                       356-1999
  • UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PHYSICIANS                                          
  • Chair of UIP, Debra Schwinn, 212 CMAB                      384-4547
  • Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and Physician Leader
  • Douglas Van Daele, 226 CMAB                           384-3081
  • COO, Todd Patterson, 224 CMAB                              335-8715
  • UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PRESS, KH (119 W. Park Road)                 335-2000
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2055
  • Director, Jim McCoy                                        335-2013
  • Assistant to the Director, Faye Schillig                   335-3424
  • Amy Richard, Rights/Permissions Manager                    335-2008
  • Managing Editor, Charlotte Wright                          335-2011
  • Acquisitions Editor, Elisabeth Chretien                    335-2015
  • Assoc Dir, Design/Production Manager, Karen Copp           335-2014
  • Acquisitions Editor, Catherine Cocks                       384-1910
  • Marketing Director, Allison Thomas Means                   335-3440
  • Website                            https://uirf.research.uiowa.edu/
  • Address                                                    2660 UCC
  • Phone                                                  319-335-4546
  • Executive Director
  • Marie Kerbeshian                                      335-4155
  • Senior Associate Director
  • Mihaela Bojin                                         335-2723
  • Manager of Intellectual Property and Registered Notary
  • Tyann Porepp                                          384-2718
  • Assistant Director, Finance and Operations
  • Jolene Griffith                                       384-0886
  • UNIVERSITY OF IOWA RESEARCH PARK                                
  • University of Iowa Research Park Admin.
  • 2500 Crosspark Road                                   335-4063
  • Stephanie Dengler, Director of Operations, E152 BVC   384-2741
  • Diann Pavelka, Office Manager, E156 BVC               335-4063
  • UI Research Park FAX                             467-4550
  • Monte Schooley, Oakdale Operations-FM Area 2          335-4050
  • FM Area 2 FAX Number                             335-4840
  • Agricultural Health Study, W230 BVC                        335-4118
  • BioVentures Center, 2500 Crosspark Road, E156 BVC          335-4063
  • Bone Healing Research Laboratoy, ORB                       335-4377
  • Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing, C100 MTF        335-4900
  • Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination
  • (CHEEC), W140 BVC                                     335-4550
  • Center for the Book, Papermaking Facility, Bldg. 243       335-4410
  • Papermaking Facility Fax                              335-4712
  • Environmental Health and Safety, Waste Operations 
  • Oakdale Environmental Management Facility - OEMF      335-4625
  • Iowa Cancer Consortium, MPT4, RM. 124                      384-1741
  • Iowa Geological Survey, Oakdale Facility                   335-4022
  • IIHR--Hydroscience and Engineering, SHL                    335-5237
  • West Annex, HOA1                                      335-4032
  • East Annex, HOA2                                      335-4183
  • Inflammation Program, D168 MTF                             335-4192
  • Iowa Consortium for Substance Abuse Research
  • and Evaluation, MTP 1 2662 Crosspark Rd.              335-4488
  • FAX Number                                            335-4484
  • Iowa Registry for Congenital and Inherited Disorders
  • W260 BVC                                              335-4107
  • Labor Center, W130 BVC                                     335-4144
  • FAX number                                            335-4464
  • Laundry                                                    335-4940
  • National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS)                 
  • 2401 Oakdale Blvd.                                    335-4683
  • National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice
  • MTP 1 2662 Crosspark Rd.                              335-4965
  • Oakdale Medical Research, MTF                              335-4074
  • Oakdale Power Plant                                        335-4028
  • University of Iowa SE Iowa STEM Hub                        335-4042
  •      Kristine Bullock, Director, W211 BVCW
  • Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa     319-887-3947
  • Jon Weih, Director, W211 BVC                   
  • Rural and Environmental Health, Institute for, IREH        335-4415
  • Reproductive Molecular Epidemiology Research and Education
  • Program, W245 BVC                                     335-4090
  • Technology Innovation Center, 109 TIC                      335-4063
  • Small Business Development Center, E134 BVC                335-3742
  • State Hygienic Laboratory, HLI                             335-4500
  • University of Iowa Pharmaceuticals, 1 PRL                  335-4096
  • UNIVERSITY OF IOWA RETIREES ASSOCIATION, 606 JB                 351-4753
  • President, Kenneth Starck                 kenneth-starck@uiowa.edu
  • UPWARD BOUND, 22 PH                                             335-6708
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING, SCHOOL OF, 347 JH                  335-0032
  • Director, Charles Connerly, 343 JH                         335-0039
  • Admin Services Coordinator, Pamela Butler, 347 JH          335-0033
  • Graduate Assistants, 327 JH                                335-0044
  • UROLOGY, 3120 RCP                                               356-2934
  • Head, Karl Kreder, 3251 RCP                                353-8771
  • Administrator, Elizabeth Jaggers, 3126-A RCP               356-2079
  • Fax                                                        356-3900
  • Scheduling Center (Patient Appointments)                   356-2421
  • Commuter Programs
  • WCTC Office                                                353-5770
  • FAX Number                                                 335-6649
  • Business Director, Dana Ramundt S230 PBB                   335-1015
  • Faculty Director, Thomas Berry-Stoelzle, S230A PBB         335-0854
  • Video Services)                                            335-5898
  • VISITORS CENTER (ADMISSIONS), C110 Pomerantz Center             335-1566
  • FAX Number                                                 335-3637
  • VOLUNTEER SERVICES                        
  • Information                                                356-2515
  • Director, Jean Reed, 8025 JCP                              356-1241
  • Fourth Floor Salon, E424 GH                                356-1996
  • Java House, Main Entrance Lobby                            353-6599
  • Java House, Fountain Entrance Lobby                        384-8900
  • Java House, West Addition PFP                              356-1817
  • Rooftop Cafe/Refreshment Carts, 8025 JCP                   356-2515
  • Wild Rose Books, Main Entrance Lobby                       384-5151
  • Wild Rose Gifts, Main Entrance Lobby                       356-1999
  • WALT WHITMAN QUARTERLY REVIEW, 369 EPB,                       335-0592
  • Editor, Ed Folsom, 373 EPB                               335-0450
  • Managing Editor, Stefan Schoeberlein, 369 EPB            335-0592
  • Subscriptions/Mailing, Stevan Schoeberlein, 369 EPB      335-0592
  • WINTER SESSION                                                          
  • see Division of Continuing Education
  • WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (WiSE), 1402 SC                335-3530
  • Director for On-Campus Programs, Linda Varvel              335-3511
  • Director, Linda Stewart Kroon
  • WOMEN'S STUDIES (See Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies, 
  • 210 JB                                                     335-0322
  • WORKSAFE IOWA, IREH                                             335-4433
  • Director, Peter Thorne, S341A CPHB                         335-4216
  • Industrial Hygienist, Stephanie Leonard, 243 IREH          335-4432
  • Consultation Services                                      335-4433
  • FAX Number                                                 335-2990
  • Director, Jill Beckman, 111 PH                             335-2271
  • Administrator, Sarah Horgen, 111 PH                        335-2707
  • American Sign Language
  • Arabic (See French and Italian)
  • Center for Language and Culture Learning
  • Chinese (See Asian and Slavic)
  • Comparative Literature
  • Directed Independent Language Learning (DILL)
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi (see Asian and Slavic)
  • Italian
  •      International Studies 
  • Advisor, Meredith Mahy Gall                      467-0037
  • Japanese (see Asian and Slavic)
  • Korean (see Asian and Slavic)
  •      Latin American Studies 
  • Linguistics
  • Portuguese
  • Russian (see Asian and Slavic)
  • Sanskrit (see Asian and Slavic)
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • Spanish
  • Swahili (See French and Italian)
  • Translation 111 PH                                    335-2923
  • FAX                                              335-2990
  • Director of Translation Programs, Aron Aji, 453 PH 
  •                                                  335-2248
  • Undergraduate Director, Adrienne ROse, 521 PH    467-0213
  • WRITERS' WORKSHOP, 102 DH                                       335-0416
  • Director, Lan Samantha Chang, 102 DH                       335-0416
  • Dept. Administrator, Sasha Khmelnik, 102 DH                335-0425
  • WSUI-IOWA PUBLIC RADIO, INC. (www.iowapublicradio.org)
  • Iowa City office: 710 CLSB                                 335-5730